
Michael Planchart, aka The EHR Guy has unveiled this year’s #HIT100 list that recognizes the leading thought leaders supporting the #HITsm and #HealthIT social media communities by contributing insightful tweets, articles, books, blogging, etc.

Previous top 5 influencers include @HealthcareWen, @ahier, @MandiBPro, @Brad_Justus, @ePatientDave, and others.

Here is the official #HIT100 for 2016:

1. Mandi Bishop @MandiBPro

2. Christoph Trappe @CTrappe

3. William G. Esslinger, Jr. @billesslinger

4. John Nosta @JohnNosta

5. Linda Stotsky @EMRanswers

6. Mario Hyland @interopguy

7. John Lynn @techguy

8. Colin Hung @Colin_Hung

9. Nick Adkins @nickisnpdx

10. Bill Bunting @WTBunting

11. Brad Justus @Brad_Justus

12. Nick Van Terheyden @drnic1

13. Andy DeLao @CancerGeek

14. Max Stroud @Mmaxwellstroud

15. Charles Webster @wareflo

16. JennDenard @JennDennard

17. Wen Dombrowski @healthcareWen

18. Rasu Shrestha @RasuShrestha

19. Steve Sisko @shimcode

20. Bernadette Keefe @nxtstop1

21. Mylea Charvat @MyleaCharvat

22. Regina Holliday @ReginaHolliday

23. Richard Corbridge @R1chardatron

24. Brian Ahier @ahier

25. Dan Dunlop @dandunlop

26. Matthew Fisher @Matt_R_Fisher

27. James Legan @jimmie_vanagon

28. Joe Lavelle @Resultant

29. Gregg Masters @2healthguru

30. Michael Planchart @theEHRGuy

31. Sarah Bennight @sarahbennight

32. Keith Boone @motorcycle_guy

33. Jared Johnson @jaredpiano

34. David Chou @dchou1107

35. Dave Chase @chasedave

36. Chad Johnson @OchoTex

37. Nrip Nihalani @nrip

38. Shereese Maynard @ShereesePubHlth

39. Sean Erreger @StuckonSW

40. Jon McBride @jamcbride

41. Janice McCallum @janicemccallum

42. Lynn Vos @LynnVos

43. Geeta Nayyar @gnayyar

44. Eric Topol @EricTopol

45. Elin Silveous @ElinSilveous

46. Dan Munro @DanMunro

47. Joseph Babaian @JoeBabaian

48. Jane Sarasohn-Kahn @healthythinker

49. Mark Watts @markwattscra

50. Debbie Esslinger @DebbieEsslinger

51. Shahid Shah @ShahidNShah

52. VideoDoc @VideoDocEU

53. Ryan Witt @WittRZ

54. Don Lee @dflee30

55. Ryan Lucas @dz45tr

56. Dave deBronkart @ePatientDave

57. Gia Sison @giasison

58. Marie Ennis-O’Connor @JBBC

59. Lygeia Ricciardi @Lygeia

60. John Sharp @JohnSharp

61. Karen DeSalvo @KBDeSalvo

62. David Harlow @healthblawg

63. Melissa McCool @melissaxxmccool

64. Naomi Fried @NaomiFried

65. Erin Wold @ErinEWold

66. Tamara StClaire @drstclaire

67. Liam Farrell @drlfarrell

68. DIrk Stanley @dirkstanley

69. Susannah Fox @SusannahFox

70. Iris Thiele Isip Tan @endocrine_witch

71. Janet Kennedy @GetSocialHealth

72. Shafiq Rab @CIOSHAFIQ

73. Christina Farr @chrissyfarr

74. Sherry Reynolds @Cascadia

75. Andy Slavitt @ASlavitt

76. Casey Quinlan @MightyCasey

77. James Edwards @jameyedwards

78. Jim Rawson @Jim_Rawson_MD

79. Leonard Kish @leonardkish

80. Kate Huvane Gamble @khgamble

81. Health Standards @HealthStandards

82. Tony Heffernan @BeeForBattens

83. Cari McLean @carimclean

84. Brian Eastwood @Brian_Eastwood

85. Christina Lizaso @btrfly12

86. Corinne Stroum @healthcora

87. Michael Joseph @HealthData4All

88. Galen Healthcare @GalenHealthcare

89. Stacy Goebel @stacygoebel

90. Michelle Kearns @ShinyShella

91. Matthew Loxton @mloxton

92. Rafael Grossman @ZGJR

93. Jon Mertz @jonmertz

94. Samir Qamar @Samir_Qamar

95. Sue Schade @sgschade

96. Matt Katz @subatomicdoc

97. Tom Sullivan @SullyHIT

98. Denise Silber @health20Paris

99. Colleen Young @colleen_young

100. Graham Grieve @GrahamGrieve 

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