Google Chrome, from Google, is an open source Desktop Web Browser for Google Chrome OS; Windows 7 and 8 [1|2]; Ubuntu Linux [4]; and Macintosh [4|5].
The integrated Omnixbox, consists of a combined search and address bar. [12]
Integrated PDF Viewer
Chrome sports an integrated PDF Viewer for viewing and printing PDF documents. [23]
Integrated Flash Support
Chrome also offers integrated support for Adobe Flash-powered sites, like 2Advanced, SARS eFiling and Studio137. [11]
Integrated Google Synchronization
Users with a Google Account [ex: Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Contacts, Blogger, or Picasa] can sync their Google Chrome settings, including installed Apps and App Settings [16], Extensions and Extension Settings [16], Autofill Data and Profiles [16], and Bookmarks [16] – by enabling Google Sync under “Settings” > “Sign in”.
Intall-able Plugin Extensions
Google Chrome is also compatible with a wide variety of third-party plugin extensions, including the +1 Button ✪, AddThis, Blogger ✪, Blogger Dynamic Views, Checker Plus ✪, Dropbox, Facebook ✪, Facebook for Chrome, Facepad, Gmail ✪, Google+ ✪, Google Calendar ✪, Google Drive ✪, Google Reader ✪, Google Reader Checker, My Alerts, Notifications ✪, Open Drive, Picasa Web Albums ✪, Prey ✪, Print Friendly, Rapportive, Search by Image ✪, SearchPreview ✪, StumbleUpon ✪, TuneIn, WordPress, WordPress Comment Notifier, and YouTube.
Intall-able Themes
Google Chrome has literally 100s of themes available from either the official Google Chrome Extensions Gallery or the unofficial Chrome Themes.
My personal favorites include Ambiance, Smoothie (AERO) and Windows 7/Vista Basic.
Google Chrome developers often include what is known as “hidden switches” enabling new features to be included in future releases. To enable these, simply append the following to your Google Chrome Desktop Shortcut.
On Windows 7, single-right-click the Google Chrome Shortcut on your Desktop, selecting “Properties” and adding any of the following to the “Target” field:
➢ To enable installable web apps, add –enable-apps
➢ To enable the new tabbed options page, add –enable-tabbed-options
➢ To enable the new remoting feature –enable-remoting
➢ To enable Aero Peek, add –enable-aero-peek-tabs [13]
➢ To expand omnibox results to 10, add –omnibox-popup-count=10
Install-able Apps
Google Chrome are available in 3 “flavors”: Stable, Beta and Developer. It is up to you to decide which you will install. Personally, I prefer the Developer edition.
➢ The Google Android App is available free-of-charge from the Google Play Store.
➢ The Linux App is available for the Stable, Beta and Developer edition.
➢ The Mac App is available for the Stable edition. [4|5]
➢ The Microsoft Windows App is available for the Stable, Beta and Developer editions. PortableApps also released two portable ‘flavors’, one Stable and one Developer.
How-To Disable Chrome’s Integrated PDF Viewer
1. While in Chrome, navigate to chrome://plugins/ [23]
2. Locate the “Chrome PDF Viewer” and single-left-click on “Disable” [23]
✪ Recommended Personal Favorites
1. Google Chrome (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia; 13 June 2010)
2. Official Google Chrome Blog (Google Chrome Blog; 13 June 2010)
3. Google Chrome Extensions (13 June 2010)
4. A new Chrome stable release: Welcome, Mac and Linux! (Google Chrome Blog; 13 June 2010)
5. Google Chrome for Mac: Ready, beta, now stable! (Official Google Mac Blog; 13 June 2010)
6. Official Google Chrome YouTube Channel (YouTube; 13 June 2010)
7. Whitson Gordon. How to Enable Extension Syncing in Chrome (AKA: The Holy Grail of Browser Sync Is Here) (Lifehacker; 20 June 2010)
8. Seth Rosenblatt. How To: Change Chrome’s channel (CNET; 9 July 2010)
9. ChromeSpot (22 July 2010)
10. The Google Chrome Section at Lifehacker (Lifehacker; 22 July 2010)
11. Flash Integration For Chrome Confirmed (Chrome OS Site; 30 March 2010)
12. Ben Goodger. Get to know the Omnibox (Google Chrome Blog; 4 June 2009)
13. Enable Aero Tabs in Google Chrome (Zijric; 18 June 2010)
14. Pallab De. Google Chrome Gets Speech Recognition and Labs (Techie Buzz; 29 August 2010)
15. Derek Richardson. It’s All Shiny (SA Computer Magazine; November 2008) p.22
16. Edgar Cervantes. What info is Google Sync exactly saving? (Chrome Spot; 20 February 2013) ✔
17. Dustin Betonio. 30 Useful Chrome Extensions and Web Apps for Bloggers and Web Designers and Developers (Tripwire Magazine; 25 February 2011)
18. Jeremy Scott. 3 Chrome Extensions To Improve Your YouTube Experience (ReelSEO; 22 February 2011)
19. Sebastian Anthony. 10+ Chrome extensions and Web apps for new users (Download Squad; 22 February 2011)
20. Zainab. Ghost Incognito For Chrome Automates Private Browsing (Addictive Tips; 22 November 2011) ✔
21. David. Top 10 Google Chrome Extensions (TechGeec; 15 November 2010)
22. Edgar Cervantes. Chrome Beta for Android updated: data compression and password/autofill sync (Chrome Spot; 6 March 2013) ✔
23. How to disable built-in PDF Viewer in Chrome & choose a different Reader (The Windows Club; 8 March 2013) ✔
24. JJ. 7 Useful Chrome About Pages You Didn’t Know Exist (Make Tech Easier; 17 September 2011)
For more information on Google Chrome, please visit the official Google Chrome website, Google Chrome, and Google Chrome Releases blogs, Chrome Web Store, Google Code Chromium Project, and Facebook pages; the unofficial Chrome Extensions, Chrome Hacks, Chrome Spot, Google Chrome Facebook Page, and OMG Chrome; the unofficial Google Chrome Archives at FileHippo, Geek, gHacks, GigaOM, and Super User; or simply run a SOHO Search.
30.03.2010 / 04.06.2010 / 13.06.2010 / 18.06.2010 / 29.08.2010 / 01.09.2010 / 23.10.2010 / 30.10.2010 / 06.01.2011 / 25-26.02.2011 / 23.05.2011 / 21.06.2011 / 15.01.2012 / 26-27.01.2012 / 03.02.2012 / 25.03.2012 / 23.10.2012 / 26.02.2013 / 04-05.03.2013 / 07.03.2013 / 13.03.2013 / 05.04.2013 / 07.08.2014 / 15.01.2015 / 12.02.2015 / 19.05.2015