Highland Park Cross Country {FullSizeRender.jpg} Boys team 1st place at Loppet Invite!
Nice skiing at the Loppet Invite - Varsity boys win with a strong team effort. Top ten finishers include:
Harry - 2nd in classic 5K
Erin/Anna E 2nd in sprint relay
KJ and Joey 3rd in the sprint relay
Molly 4th in skate 5K
Ben EM and Henry 7/8 in classic 5K
Erica 8th in classic 5K
Skinnyski coverage with results and photos here.
Nordic Ski - Weekly Practice Schedule keep an eye on this. Lots going on and it could change.
Marine O'Brien Ski Race - this is a fun citizen's race. Think about registering and racing.
Click on me for the Winter Running Club Practices this weekend
Loppet Invite - heads up on the waxing. The race director proclaimed today that LF waxes are ok. I don't think this is a big deal. If you already waxed with non-fluoro waxes you are in good shape with the really cold snow.
Hyland 5K Classic - results Team Results Boys Girls
Photos - thanks to Jon Sage-Martinson
Loppet Invite - schedule has changed slightly (classic moved up)
Loppet Invite - Saturday, January 7
Race Lineup Race Details
Bus leaves school at 7:00 am
Visit Henry Snider's CaringBridge site here
Wax Truce - read and follow. Note: glide waxing this week is easy. Teal.
Technique Video thanks to Gordy Meyers
Technique Video - thanks to Berit Nelson
Nordic Ski - Weekly Practice Schedule
Socks are in. Bring 8 dollars to Gabe if you ordered them ages ago.
Battle Creek 5K Skate Race: Team Results Boys Girls