Are you loving your life?
Are you learning?
Did you know there are only two things in the world that will keep you motivated for your entire life? Yes. I swear it’s true… No matter who you are. No matter what you do. No matter your age or your sex. There are still only two things that will always motivate you.
Even on your death bed there will be two things that you will still be motivated to do.
Loving and learning are the only two lifetime motivations that persist until the end of your physical time here on earth. You will always want to give and to receive love. It’s in your DNA. I like to say it is your nature. It is at your center. It’s apart of what you are at your source.
Learning is the other thing that will always motivate you. You will always be intrigued by something new. Something you don’t understand. Something you want to understand.
If you want to stay motivated and moving towards your goals you simply need to organize your life that you can consistently increase your ability and capacity to love and to learn. If you can arrange your life that way you will always be motivated to take the next forward step.
If you are not motivated it’s likely that you need some new information. You have a wrong idea. You have a wrong thought in your head that has you doing things incorrectly. I’ve been a personal trainer for 25 years now! In my 25 years of personal training I have learned so much about exercise, nutrition and motivation it amazing. I have probably forgotten more than I can remember in all those years.
In the last 6 months though I have been studying and digging and uncovering the secrets of the most successful trainers in the world. I have been reading and searching the internet to understand better and apply more the most authentic, practical and useful information in my life, with my wife, my family, my clients and my friends.
Over the last 6 months I have been exposed over and over to this concept that I have heard before…
Only this time… After 25 years and after all the programs and nutrition plans and ideas I have practiced and tried and heard this time I had a paradigm shift. A deeper understanding of what’s really going wrong.
I get it!!!
A deeper understanding of what is really wrong with my industry. There has been a major flaw in the interpretation and understanding of some very major rules about nutrition. It’s this fatal thought flaw that has so many people unable to maintain their weight. It’s this dirty little secret that has everyone confused. It’s this wrong idea that has stolen your motivation and made achieving your sexiest self an idea of the past!
I am going to share this dirty little secret with you all.
I am going to shed light on all the confusion regarding your exercise and nutrition program. I am going to do this in a free seminar. This free seminar will be coming up at the end of the month. I will be confirming the location, the date, and the time very shortly. I am going to make a video recording of the seminar and that video will be available to everyone that is going to be in my upcoming cleanse transformation.
Did you hear about my upcoming 10 day all natural 100% totally organic group transformation cleanse. This is my new number one recommendation for getting started with a new healthy lifestyle. It will get all the toxic substance and material out of your body. The cleanse will balance all your intestinal flora. If you have digestive issues that don’t seem to make sense to you or anyone else then this is exactly what you need to do. You won’t believe the difference in your appetite, in your energy and in your mental clarity once you bring your colon into balance and order again. The group cleanse is set to start June 22 the first day of summer. Everybody in the group cleanse will receive all the powders, pills and vitamins to support themselves for the 10 days. Expect to lose between 5-15 pounds in the 10 day period.
Everyone in the cleanse will have 14 days free access to my group training program. Everyone in my cleanse group will have get a copy of my new lifestyle nutrition plan in video format in case you cannot attend my seminar at the end of this month. Everyone in the group will be enlightened on my new dirty little secret and how they can properly apply it in their lives to make burning fat for the rest of their life a true reality! Everyone in the cleanse group will get free access to my first outdoor summer fat-burning and mindset coaching program!
Get your body into balance, detoxify, workout and learn how to eat to keep this weight off for the rest of your life. If you are interested in joining the cleanse group please message me. I have one cleanse kit left!
This week my group training schedule will be changing for the summer. Starting effect this Monday there will be no group session on Wednesday morning at 6am. There will be no group session on Wednesday at noon. There will be no group training session on Thursday night at 630pm. This week Thursday morning at 6am will be our last indoor group training session until September.
Starting next Thursday June 25th we will be taking our group training outdoors to the beach! We will be including some early morning intervals to maximize our fat burning. We will incorporate some aerobic burst training, some flexibility and some meditation to finish off. Everyone currently enrolled in our bootcamp or group training program will have free access to these classes. Anyone who is already a personal training client that wants to add some additional fat-burning workouts to their week is welcome to attend. Any Hi-End member that wants some mindset coaching, flexibility and meditation is welcome to attend this 4 week summer outdoor program. Thursday mornings at 630 am at the Burlington Beach.
If you are not a current client or member of Hi-End Fitness but would like to try out this 4 week outdoor fat-burning, flexibility and success mindset coaching program just reply to this email. The cost for non-members will be $59 for this summer outdoor program. Everyone in my summer program will of course be invited to attend my free seminar at the end of this month where I am going to expose and explain how this dirty little secret started. Why it started and why this incorrect thought has continued to create so much confusion and paradox in the fitness industry!
Want to come to my free seminar?
Do you think my upcoming 10-day group transformation cleanse is for you?
Would you like to attend or be apart of my upcoming summer fat-burning at the beach program? Join me first thing in the morning when the sun starts to come up. Let’s do some fat-burning and goal conquering together!
If you need some more information or details please reply to this email.
Take a look at Sonia Digiandamineco in the picture below! Sonia has just lost 21 pounds in the last 9 weeks. She shared with me how happy she was to be moving towards her goal. She shared with me how low energy and upset she was about her weight and how much better she feels now taking steps in the right direction. Sonia told me that she is excited to have some more time to commit to herself this summer. I am really proud of you Sonia! I know how challenging it is to change your life and your habits. Especially when you already have a very full schedule. Congratulations Sonia. I look forward to supporting you further with your goals.
P.S. I am working on a little favor I’m going to ask of you this week. Been doing a lot of extra work on it in my spare time. Soon as I’m finished I’ll ask you to help me a little with it.
The post I figured it out… appeared first on HiEnd Fitness Personal Training Bootcamps Yoga Spin Classes.