
Since I moved into the new house and went away I have been playing catch up!

First I had to play catch up with my family on holidays and then it was catch up at work when I got back.

This weekend was catch up at our new home which needed a ton of reorganization and order and still needs a ton more.  At least I now have internet access again! 

September is like a time of the year for remodeling yourself.  It’s a renewing time.  Almost as intense as January, September is a time when people return to fitness and recommit to working on themselves…

And who likes themselves the way they are?

That’s nearly impossible in a day and age that we just don’t seem good enough for anyone.  We are bombarded with images that we just cannot maintain or live up to.  We constantly fall short and fail no matter how hard we try.  Everyone eventually gives up and settles for things just the way they are.

I hear people say they just need to accept that they are fat.  They just need to accept their relationships, their jobs, their habits, their thoughts, their words their actions.  It’s all just the way they are.

I say that is Bull Shi%!

If you want to change something about yourself I want to remind you that you can!  Inside each and everyone of us is a massive amount of internal power.  If you can learn how to harness it and use it in your life then there is nothing that you can’t overcome!

You can create a new You!

Things don’t have to stay just the way they are or have been.

Step One:

Recommit yourself to your health and wellness goals.  This time make it a lifetime commitment.  That means that even if you take a week or two off in the future for a holiday it’s ok.  Once you return from your holidays you will return to your goal.  Really… It’s likely that if you really want this goal to be a reality that you will very shortly even begin to exercise while on holidays.  Once you have really internalized this goal you will realize that you love fitness.  Your happiness does not come from gluttony and lethargy!  Happiness is looking and feeling your best and that includes exercise and healthy nutrition.  How can you be your best when your biology is not?  You can’t!  To display the best version of you to the world will require the right physiology going on inside.  The truth about this world is it is a world of cause and effect.  What’s going on outside is always a reflection of what is going on inside.  Step One in creating a new you must include recommitting yourself to striving to make your physiology function optimally!  Personal optimal nutrition and exercise is different for everyone however there are some whopping generalizations I can make.  We need to eat well 80% of the time.  I always encourage people to look at it over the 7 day week.  Let’s strive for at least 4 perfect days.  I know that if you can make the right food and exercises choices 4 days a week that at the end of the year you will have been totally right more days than you have been wrong.  In the long run that creates success!

Step Two:

Write down some goals on paper for yourself.  Don’t go into it this time without getting serious.  I think that people get so disappointed that they haven’t been able to keep it up in the past that they just quit and don’t want to try again.  They think if they don’t make a goal it’s better cause then if they don’t succeed they won’t be disappointed.  Guess what…  That doesn’t work either.  To conquer this you are going to have to accept some ups and downs.  You are going to have to go through some tough times and some set backs.  The pursuit of your best you will lead you to evaluate just about everything that you are doing and saying.  It will expose all your dirty little secrets.  It will also present all your terrific commodities!  Without a written clearly defined goal for multiple sectors of your life you are going to be sailing without a compass.  It’s likely that you might not know how you are going to get to your final destination but you must at least point the ship in the right direction.  Knowing what you like about your life and where you know you want to get to is an essential step.  Maybe the goals aren’t weight loss.  Maybe the goals could be more focused around the feeling you want to have when you get up in the morning and start into your day.  Maybe the goal is just about how much energy you want to have to share with your sibling, your partner, your parent, your friends, your employer or your kids.  Feelings can be great goals!

Step Three:

Create a schedule.  Take a look at your week.  When can you carve out time that you can set in stone?  When can you commit to accomplishing some tasks that are essential to your success?  You will need a grocery shopping day.  You may need to dedicate a couple of opportunities to cook.  Maybe you prepare meals fresh each day or maybe two or three times each week you prepare something that can be left in the fridge.  Maybe you need to discuss your goals with your partner, your spouse or your roommate.   Maybe you can support each other in creating the best version of yourselves together.  I can’t be the best me without the support of Dora and my kids.  I recognize and reciprocate.  Dora needs to have times when she can get her runs and her workouts in.  She has to have scheduled times that she can see her clients, she can get her meals, she can get to the grocery store, and I need to support her when and where I can.  The schedule has to work for everyone for this to be a long term success!  Do you need to get to bed a little earlier so you can wake up for 1 or 2 early mornings each week?  Do you need to do one late night and a weekend to get your minimum 4 workouts a week?  When are you going to get that laundry done so you’ll have clothes to exercise in?  I know you make it to work everyday.  I know you don’t miss brushing your teeth.  I know you don’t miss your favorite TV show.  Why would you miss your workout or your breakfast?  Is it not that important to you?  Don’t tell me you don’t have time….  Time is the only thing you have!

Step Four:

Make time for some quiet contemplation.  You must create some alone time to become successful.  Success in anything requires time.  It requires time to do the work and complete that tasks.  It also requires this essential quiet time.  A time for evaluation and reflection.  A time for visualization.  A time for mental rehearsal.  Some time for affirmation.  Making your goals is like choosing a direction to point your ship as you leave on your voyage.  Quiet time is like making sure your ship is going the right direction on a daily or at the very least weekly basis.  I think quiet time daily would be the best way to make sure you are constantly on the right track.  If that is really not possible for you then maybe you can find 2 or 3 mornings that you can start your day with some alone time.  Maybe your quiet time is later at night when everyone falls asleep.  Maybe it’s in the middle of the day when everyone is at work or at school.  Taking some time alone is essential to clearly define your goals.  To clarify what you really want.  Initially you may just have an inkling of where you want to end up.  As you continue your journey your vision will crystalize.  When you can clearly see and feel what it is that you want.  When you know it inside of you.  When does it happen?  It happens when 51% of you is pointed in the right direction.  Your quiet time is when you get to know yourself.  It is the time when you clarify your goals.  It’s the time when you make your adjustments and steer your ship.

Step Five:

Get out of your way!  There are going to be set backs.  There are going to be things that happen that are not according to plan.  There are going to be things that happen that were not supposed to happen.  The truth is that it may not have been in your plan but it was in the plan for you!  In the end you will have needed all of those things to happen to you…  Each one of them created or presented a problem or exposed a thought or idea that had to be changed or considered.  It’s all a part of the grand scheme of things!  You must learn how to “reframe” your circumstances.  The “problems”  the “situations”  the “circumstances” that are going on in your life are not negative.  They are neither negative or positive.  They are merely situations and circumstances.  You are the only one that gives your situation a negative label.  Learn how to take the largest set backs and turn them into your biggest triumphs.  The only reason something that big could happen to you is to make room for something even bigger in your world!  :)  There is always some down time when you’ve been struck by one of life’s challenges.  There is always some time required for readjustment.  There is often some essential time of sorrow or loss.  Remember that what is going on outside in your world is always a reflection of what is going on inside.  The sooner you can move past looking at what you just lost and start looking at what you have just found the sooner you will be living the life you were intended to!  Ups and downs are the nature of the world and the nature of your success.  You could not even appreciate your success without them.

Would you like to discuss some alternative ways to start living your best life again?  I would love to help you get back on track.  I have multiple avenues to support your  quest!

A one month trial membership at my club is only $39.99.  That will give you 24 hr access to the club.  That will give you access to 4 classes a week to work with myself and my team of trainers.  Try us out for a minimal expense and see if you would like to continue.  2 month, 4 month and 6 month memberships are also available.  Buy and entire year membership for $199.  Do that and get my guaranteed renewal for $10/month for as long as you wish to remain a member!

21 days Rapid Fat-loss.  This is my newest support program!  :)  This is the way to get in to meet me to get my latest nutrition advice.  This is the way to get my new meal plan.  This is the way for me to get to know you and your goals so I can support you.  This is the way for me to hold you accountable.  To weigh you and measure you so I can keep track of what is going on.  My new Rapid Fat-loss program is a great way to try out my class schedule.  It will give you unlimited access to my entire class schedule which runs 7 days a week multiple times each day.  Right now you can get Rapid Fat-loss for $79.  This summer special will end next Friday night!

Personal training is what I have always done.  It’s been 25 years now…  I really don’t think there is a better way to change your life than to hire a professional coach to work with one on one.  If you really want to change you life and know from experience that you can’t do it on your own then maybe personal training is right for you.  Working in group classes are awesome cause you develop friendships and groups create competition… But if you are one of those people who start and stop with fitness all the time then maybe personal training is better for you.   If you have been really inactive for a number of years or have never really tried fitness before then personal training is the best way to develop.  If you have a very precise schedule or really want to develop some good habits then personal training is the best way.  Most people show up for scheduled appointments.  Having a scheduled workout time with me or one of my team members is a wonderful way to get or stay on track!  Do you have a work health benefits package for physiotherapy or chiropractic?  If you do then I can access those dollars to help get you into your best shape!  Just ask me how?  Want to work with just me or my wife Dora personally.  We would love to support you but we do charge a premium.

Maybe you just want to train at home or in your own gym but you want some guidance and motivation to keep going!  I can help you with your program with your nutrition and help to keep you on track too!  $200 to get you started and $100/month to keep going as long as you want!

Not sure what avenue is best for you?  Maybe we should discuss alternatives to make sure you are on the right track.  Send me an e-transfer for $50.  I will arrange a consult time to meet with you.  We can discuss your personal situation.  The $50 can go towards any program that you would like to pursue at the club.  Worst case scenario you walk away re-motivated to pursue something else!  I love what I do!  It’s my moral obligation to support you in any way that I can.

Happy back to school time!

I hope I’ll see you soon.



The post 5 steps to a new you… appeared first on Hi End Fitness - Personal Training | Bootcamps | Yoga | Spin Classes.

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