







iwantthepony replied to your post “I just…feel like I’m very officially…”

Yep, and your fic rec post has taken on a life of its own! Also, you inadvertently became my official fic guru. (Probably unintentionally. Sorry about that, nothing you can do now!)

Oh, it definitely has. It has 82 notes! Slightly overwhelming! But I’m glad - it’s helped me discover the tumblrs of some of my fave fanfic writers who I previously didn’t know if they had tumblr or not. (Still wondering if tore-my-yellow-dress has tumblr though………haven’t found her yet as far as I know.)

And I’m TOTALLY okay being your fic rec guru! I’m not even lying, if I had included every single Lizzington fic that I’ve read and enjoyed, it probably would have been at least twice as long (probably even longer tbh). ;)

I love how friendly fic authors in this fandom are! I totally want to know if you find tore-my-yellow-dress.

Yeah, now when you post things about fic (like the one about Stargazer today) I want to comment just to ask, “Okay…is that one on the list??” because I will never have the time to get through all the fics you’ve already rec’d, so of course I need to also bookmark every new one you find. Lol.

Ha I’ll let you know. I’ve been hoping to find her for awhile! And yes, everyone is so wonderful. People little comments motivate me so much!

Baaahahaha oops, I’m sorry. ;) Stargazer wasn’t on the list because I hadn’t read it yet. Someone reblogged my rec list and suggested it and it had been on my to-read list for awhile, so I finally read it today and it is LOVELY! So yeah, definitely add that one to your to-read list. Omg.

believetheblonde​, you are being paged Livy! Come down and take a bow ;)))) Yes, her fics are just SO beautifully written, we are so lucky to have here in the ship. I don’t know if either of you do Alicia/Will from The Good Wife but her fics about them are definitely worth a read as well. Very good!

ooh, Stargazer is great! I’m totally hooked! I love AU that aren’t quite so conspiracy laden and dower as canon has become. I also love fics where Liz is shown to be fascinated by Red instead of it being all about Red’s interest alone. Really enchanted by the direction it’s going

And iwantthepony​, forgive me for being forward but I wonder if you’ve seen my fic “What Kind Of Day Has It Been?” it’s only getting on it’s feet, just 2 chapters so far, but it’s an angsty/contentious fic that’s trying to pay a quiet homage to the old-guard CJ/Toby authors and a sorkin-esque spirit… or at least I’m trying lol! not to sound too pretentious! just thinking that since you’re a fellow West Wing fan you’d know better than most if it’s working or not ;) No pressure at all though!


You’re not being forward at all–I’ve seen your TBL commentary around and am always impressed by what you have to say, hello! I shipped Alicia/Will SO HARD that I stopped watching when the terrible thing happened in S5 and boycotted it for awhile. (I felt like the showrunners continued to tease futures during the hiatus that they knew weren’t going to happen, just to keep the plot twist well secret, and it was cruel of them.) So I’ll look into that; I’ve actually never read any fic for TGW but I can imagine how heartbreakingly good her take on them would be.

I haven’t read your fic yet but I had put it on my list because the title and CJ/Toby-based notes got my attention. (Josh/Donna are my endless canon OTP but CJ/Toby is the ship I will go down with thank you very much.)  I love the idea of a S2 without all the Tom ridiculousness and a Liz who learns and grows. Moving it to the top of my list. :D

The terrible thing in The Good Wife was just…….ugh. I mean, it was so well done, but DAMN. So I can imagine that tore-my-yellow-dress has some incredible angsty fics about that.

Guys, Josh/Donna is everything. I don’t think I’ve seen every episode of The West Wing, but I’ve watched quite a bit of it. I was never involved in the fandom though, and I’m pretty sure I had no idea that CJ/Toby was a ship…. Mind blown. Omg.

And ditto: a S2 without Tom and with a strong, independent, evolving Liz would have been truly wonderful. *sigh*

Exactly! The ENTIRE TIME I was watching that part of The Good Wife, I genuinely believed it to be a dream sequence or something, and I kept waiting for the reveal that it wasn’t happening. When the credits rolled I was still waiting. And then I looked online and was so confused because I was clinging to comments from the PTBs about how they were looking forward to bringing Alicia & Will back together after demolishing them so much…and then there was crying. And some impressive fangirl rage. I swore off the show until after the NEXT season ended, I was so mad. Which means I can actually watch it now, lol…but I was so addicted to it as a show, I loved the issues it tackled, I look forward to seeing what fic for it is like.

^Sorry, that turned this into a rant…but I am still not over it. I bet it’s still a great show but I will never be over it.

I AM SO HAPPY THAT YOU LOVE JOSH/DONNA TOO, YOU HAVE NO IDEA. I love them so much. There are no words.

CJ and Toby are the best! Part of it is because Richard Schiff/Allison Janney is one of my only real life OTPs. If you want to see a ramble about how they’re clearly in love with each other plus photographic evidence, I did that last year on Livejournal. And you should read it anyway because:

1) before that, I discuss why the CJ/Toby ship is excellent…and now, a year later, it sounds SO MUCH like my favorite things about Lizzington. I have a type, clearly.

2) My graphic skills have thankfully improved since I made it in 2009, but you may appreciate my header over there anyway. :)  I did a “30 Days of TWW” meme before I really stopped visiting LJ at all, so there’s a ton of TWW rambles and graphics there under that tag, too, if anyone is stalking this conversation and wants something to read.

I’ve never really been involved with a fandom before, I don’t think. I mostly just talk to the people I already know about the stuff I love until they lose interest or love it too, lol…this is the first one where I’ve really engaged with other people. (I made graphics on LJ but rarely found people to actually chat at and my conversational attention span is terrible, anyhow, but so far tumblr seems to help keep me from disappearing.)

Alright, this has become much more of a multifandom chat than was originally intended. I love everything about that. Anyone want to toss Taylor Swift or Gilmore Girls in and take it completely off the rails?

I was actually much more committed to Alicia/Kalinda the first few years and I fell out with it when it was clear they were never going to patch things up. redlipstickandserendipity, did you ship or were you just a Kalinda fan? She was so wonderful at first when they were giving her a bigger role! She was the one i really identified with, tbh. I came back just in time basically in time for that election night kiss and something about how they were with each other really swayed me. I went back and rewatched with a much more open mind about Will/Alicia and really got into it. It was like a promise, that election night scene. And then Season 5…. happened.

your CJ/Toby/Richard/Allison post is totally killing me oh my god! CJ/Toby is my forever love. Other people have MSR and such but for me it’s them. It was such an accident for me, too. I think I went looking for Josh/Donna fic, I love them too, but I stumbled across Retina Burn by August and Pene and i kind of went “what, really? them??” and then i read it and was gone on them forever ;___;. I also had the horrendous luck to start watching the syndication between S4 and S5, so the first eps i watched live were post sorkin and SO uneven. But still, I had a few years of ACTUAL HOPE FOR CANON HAPPINESS FOR THEM OH MY GOD. But no. I mean, not that I think CJ anyway is unhappy post canon, but otoh, some of those choices don’t make sense with my understanding of her (even in the post sorking years). Ugh, this is getting to be quite a tangent, sorry!

Richard and Allison are why i have trust issues about James and Megan and Red and Liz lol! I think about the “we like to act like were in a french movie” all the time… Actors with great chemistry make plans for their characters and put in subtext and fans catch on and say YES THIS! and the writers are like ‘we’ll throw you a bone or two but no lol.” I wouldn’t trade CJ/Toby for anything though, so I’m sure lizzington will be the same for me even if it turns out to be the actor’s plan rather than the PTBs.

I really didn’t participate in fandom via livejournal or yahoogroups either. I felt like it would be intruding in all these established social groups so i just kind of watched it happen. Tumblr, for all it’s foibles and it’s over-public nature (god what i wouldn’t give for friendslocked ship comms some days!) feels much more inclusive. not so much BNFs and their acolytes but everyone talking together and I love that.

I hope you keep engaging on here… I find your insights really great and selfishly, i’m so enjoying there’s a few of us now in lizzington ship who get the tww refs i keep finding myself making ;). I find the company and the chatting is really the rewarding part for me. Even though TBL is probably the trashiest show i watch its the fandom i love most because of all the great people here making it interesting.

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