
A bunch of brand new titles have been confirmed over at Track of Words, all credit for this discovery goes to him.


Originally Posted by Kingsblade by Andy Clark

Imperial Knight Titans clash as an internecine war ravages the Knights of Adrastapol.

The Knight Houses of Adrastapol are both noble and righteous, and when the Imperial world of Donatos falls to the heresy of the Word Bearers, they are foremost in the vanguard to retake it. Led by High King Tolwyn Draconis, the Knights are peerless in battle and strike deep into the enemy’s ranks. But the war soon turns when a terrible tragedy strikes, casting the Imperial campaign into anarchy. As desperation grows, unblooded Knights Errant Danial and Luk must quickly learn the ways of war to prevent an unholy ritual, or Donatos will be lost and all the noble Houses of Adrastapol with it.

A new Knights novel from a new author. Liking the sound of it. Paperback release is August 2017 so an earlier hardback release is likely.


Originally Posted by Black Legion by Aaron Dembski-Bowden

Abaddon returns from exile and raises the dreaded Black Legion.

The Sons of Horus may be no more, but rising from their ashes come the Black Legion. Returning after his long self-imposed exile, Abaddon offers the disparate Chaos Space Marine warbands within the Eye of Terror a simple choice – join him or die. As his newborn war host emerges from the Eye of Terror to ravage the galaxy, none can stand in Abaddon’s path, not even the Black Templars Chapter – sworn to stand guard at the storm’s edge – nor the Emperor’s Champion himself.

OH HELLS YEAH!!! Due in August 2017, please Slaanesh let there be another First Edition version as awesome as Talon's was.


Originally Posted by Garro: Weapon of Faith by James Swallow

Battle-Captain Garro, a legendary hero of the Horus Heresy, finally emerges from the shadows.

Clad all in grey, an errant warrior of the Legiones Astartes kneels before the Regent of Terra and accepts a solemn new duty – Battle-Captain Nathaniel Garro, once commander of the Eisenstein, is now Agentia Primus of Malcador the Sigillite. From the desolation of Isstvan to the halls of the Imperial Palace itself, he stands ready to strike back at the traitorous allies of the Warmaster. But Garro is walking a path of his own, one that may lead him to question his true place in the Imperium – and what if he, too, should falter? This book contains James Swallow’s complete saga of Nathaniel Garro in the Horus Heresy – it contains the original series of audio dramas, expanded with additional scenes to better represent the author’s original vision, along with the the novella Vow of Faith.

Garro, looking like a complete boss as always. And this novel collects every one of his adventures, but with additional scenes that link the audios and novellas together to create an overall narrative. A must-buy for me as Garro is one of the best parts of the Heresy for me and i'm dying to see where his story goes. Expect this early in 2017, a sign that the recent Heresy release trend will continue into next year maybe??


Originally Posted by Scythes of the Emperor by LJ Goulding

A doomed Space Marine Chapter confronts the alien tyranids in a devastating battle for survival.

Following the loss of their home world Sotha to the tyranid Hive Fleet Kraken, the Scythes of the Emperor begin a new kind of war against the alien menace. Facing further humiliation and defeat after regrouping at the Giant’s Coffin on Miral Prime, recently appointed Chapter Master Thracian must find a way exploit his warriors’ need for vengeance if their Space Marine Chapter is to have any hope of survival… This collection spans the greatest period of upheaval in the Scythes of the Emperor’s history, and includes the novel Slaughter at Giant’s Coffin along with five additional short stories.

YAAAY FINALLY! I've been waiting for the Scythes to get a proper novel ever since I first read their lore. And not only are they getting that but the novel will also contain five extra short stories by Goulding as well. Please don't let that mean that the novel is shorter than normal and they had to pad it out. Expected in paperback by August 2017, so a hardback release will likely be earlier in the year.


Originally Posted by Glory Imperialis by Richard Williams, Andy Hoare and Mark Clapham

Omnibus edition of three classic Astra Militarum novels: Imperial Glory, Commissar and Iron Guard.

They are the Shield of Humanity, the Hammer of the Emper – in the entire known galaxy there is no force as numerous and determined in the defence of mankind as the Astra Militarum. Be it the war-hardened veterans of the Brimlock Eleventh, sent to rid a world of feral greenskins in the hopes of colonization; the dogged and resolute infantry of the Mordian Iron Guard, battling dread xenos to secure a mining world; or the steel-hearted Commissar Flint, leading a regiment of the Vostroyan Firstborn to quell a rebel uprising, the men and women of the Imperial Guard strive tirelessly to enact the will of Terra and defeat the enemies of man.

Not interested in this one but that's because I already own the second and third novels in it, both were great though and I would advise any IG fans to get ahold of them if you don't already have them.


Originally Posted by Perturabo: The Hammer of Olympia by Guy Haley

Perturabo, primarch of the Iron Hands, is forced to crush his own home world rather than see it fall to rebellion.

Born to a life of political conflict, Perturabo was always considered a child prodigy among the people of Olympia – indeed, his philosophical and scientific works were beyond compare. But then, after his rediscovery by the Emperor and decades of thankless military campaigning on the Great Crusade, the primarch begins to resent his Legion’s place in the Imperium. When word reaches him of turmoil on his adoptive home world, he orders the Iron Warriors to abandon their campaign against the alien hrud and crush this emerging rebellion by any means necessary…

The third Primarchs novel. I'm still waiting to get the first in hardback at BLL so the new releases in the series, while cool, aren't really doing it for me since I haven't decided if I like the series yet. But Perturabo is one of my favourite Primarchs after his incredible portrayal in Angel Exterminatus so i'm curious about this one. Hardback release is scheduled for July 2017 so the Limited will probably be around March-April.


Originally Posted by The Horusian Wars: Resurrection by John French

Inquisitor Covenant and his warband go on the hunt for a traitor within their holy order.

War rages in the Caradryad Sector. Worlds are falling to madness and rebellion, and the great war machine of the Imperium is moving to counter the threat. Amongst its agents is Inquisitor Covenant. Puritan, psyker, expert swordsman, he reserves an especial hatred for those of his order who would seek to harness the power of Ruin as a weapon. Summoned to an inquisitorial conclave, Covenant believes he has uncovered such a misguided agent and prepares to denounce the heretic Talicto before his fellows. But when the gathering is attacked and many left dead in its wake, Covenant vows to hunt down Talicto and discover the truth behind the mysterious cult apparently at the heart of the massacre. In the murky plot into which he is drawn, Covenant knows only one thing for certain: trust no one.

OH. MY. GOD!! A new Inquisition series. By John French. Words are insufficient to describe my happiness!!

That's it for new releases, however some normal and omnibus editions due out next year have also been confirmed:


Originally Posted by Track of Words

-Space Marine Legends: Azrael by Gav Thorpe – standard hardback (May 2017).

-Ahriman: The Omnibus by John French (May 2017 in paperback).

-Legacy of the Wulfen – David Annandale and Robbie McNiven (June 2017 in paperback – collects together Curse of the Wulfen and Legacy of Russ).

-Space Marine Legends: Lemartes by David Annandale – standard hardback (June 2017).

-The hilariously titled Untitled tie-in novel (April 2017 in paperback – watch out for a new boxed game/edition of 40k in 2017 perhaps?).

-Forges of Mars omnibus by Graham McNeill (March 2017 in paperback).

-Space Marine Legends: Shrike by George Mann – standard hardback (March 2017).

-Space Marine Legends: Cassius by Ben Counter – standard hardback (February 2017).

-The Macharian Crusade omnibus by William King (February 2017 in paperback).

Exciting stuff, 2017 already seems off to a good start for Black Library.


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