Are you planning to start your diamond business? Make sure to deal with a reputed diamonds dealer. How to find out whether the dealer is reputed or not? Buying a diamond seems to be scary these days as not all types and information given on them is not accurate.
While making these deals, always insist to see the original diamond certificates as this helps to check as which laboratory did the grading. The quality of the certificate goes a long way to deal with some of the most reputed dealers at best diamond prices UK.
A diamond certificate or grading reports is as good as any laboratory who issued it. Make sure that the certificate comes from a reputed, independent and recognized laboratory. The certificates from respectable labs like HRD diamonds, GIA, AGS or DCLA are necessary to make comparison in the best way.
These laboratories issue grading reports of the highest international standards by following strict procedures with the help of most advanced equipment and affiliations that meet the requirements for recognition of international trade organizations.
The buyer must ensure to verify the credentials of a diamond grading laboratory and the diamond dealer. If anytime the seller tells that buying a certified diamond is unnecessary or increases the cost then be extra cautious and shop from somewhere elsewhere. Although, the diamond prices UK are not the same as given on certificate or grading reports.
A certificate documents on the quality and description of the diamond with information of shape, carat weight,clarity,color grade,measurements,proportions,fluorescence and finish grade but not in the diamond value. It proves to be useful when issued by a reputed laboratory like hrd diamonds which holds no financial interest .If you are not aware of the different institutions that offers a grading report then feel free to inquire about the credentials of the institution who did the grading.
Consider the 4C’s of diamond to make the best deals and earn profits by selling them as even a customer evaluates the quality of diamond on these aspects.
The 4 C’s includes the Carat, Cut, Clarity and Color. The term carat is simple as it is the diamond weight. One carat equals to 200 milligrams and an accurate scale is required to measure the weight.
Cut means the shape and finish of the diamond and how well the angles and other measurements combine to build a fiery and beautiful sparkle diamond. Most of the females like princess cut diamonds.
Color here refers to the quantity of color present in a single piece. Although, most of the diamonds have a mild tinge of yellow color in it which is difficult to spot by anybody. The grading of color is done from D to Z with D grade made without any color.
Clarity is a proportion of as how many inclusions or blemished are present in a single diamond. The grading system used for clarity from highest level to lowest is IF, FL, VVS1, VVS2, VS1, VS2, SI1, SI2, I1, I2. All these type of grading are present on a certificate which is issued by a laboratory responsible for inspecting the diamond with the help of special equipment.
However, all grading certificates can’t be equal as some of the labs are lenient while grading. All these aspects are must to consider as the diamond prices UK are decided on the basis of these 4C’s.
Diamonds dealer
Gia diamonds
Hrd Diamonds
Princess cut diamond