You can try taking Valerian root which is what valium is derived from. It has a relaxing sensation on the body. Also try some fresh ginger for nausea.
Homemade cough syrup recipe. The ingredients are a combination of spices and nutrients with no unpleasant medicinal side effects — no drowsiness, no dry mucous membranes, no cautions about using machinery or driving.
The recipe is from Herbally Yours by Penny C. Royal, 3rd Edition, June 1982. It seems to work for all kinds of coughs but especially for that dry hacky cough that keeps you awake and hangs on long after the cold is over. It is possible that this recipe had origins in India.
It soothes an irritated throat and relieves chest congestion and phlegm. The bad news: it tastes terrible — it really does — but if you have a persistant cough, it's worth a try.
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1 Tablespoon honey
1 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar
2 Tablespoons water
Mix and take 1-3 teaspoons.
Beneficial effects of the individual ingredients:
Ginger (zingiber officinale) has long been used and recommended for arthritis and bursitis, because it is a natural anti-inflammatory. According to Home Herbal, by Penelope Ody, D.K. Publishing, June 1995, ginger is a natural antihistamine. It has also been used for for motion sickness and nausea, and in addition, it's known for relieving chest congestion.
Cayenne (capsaicin) reduces pain, according to Herbs for Health and Healing, by Kathi Keville, Rodale Press, Emmaus, PA, 1996. The same substance that makes cayenne peppers hot relieves the pain by suppressing a chemical that carries the pain message from nerves in the affected area to the brain. According to Home Herbal, by P. Ody, cayenne is warming and stimulating, it is a good cold remedy and eases chills and will even ease the lingering pain from shingles.
Honey, according to Home Herbal by P. Ody, will draw pus and poisons out of wounds and it is useful for relief from colds.
This is NOT recommended for children though.
On One Hand: There is evidence to support some effectiveness.
According to the website Health Benefits in their article, “10 Health Benefits of Cinnamon” a study at Copenhagen University did find cinnamon was effective with helping the symptoms of arthritis when mixed with honey. The study revealed reductions in pain in some patients after one week of trying the mixture.
On the Other: There are possible negative side effects.
One of the flavorings in cinnamon, coumarin is a recognized carcinogen, according to the website New Scientist. The extent of the danger isn’t entirely known, but anyone concerned should try cinnamon extracts that are free of this flavoring.
Bottom Line
Cinnamon is natural and cannot hurt you in small quantities. Using it will may help the symptoms of arthritis, along with rest, limited exercise and mobility. If someone is using cinnamon or any natural remedy, she should inform her doctor, who may be able to offer advice or additional medication that will help.
Health Diaries: 10 Health Benefits of Cinnamon
New Scientist: Cinnamon Saftey
Mayo Clinic: Arthritis Do’s and Don’ts
F = {x| x is a natural number, 2 < x < 200} 7. A set G is a subset of a set H if every element of G is also in H. This is written: G ⊆H 8. The set of Whole Numbers is the set {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, . . .} Note
Hardegree, The Natural Numbers page 4 of 36 36 In other words, the number 0 is identified with the set of all empty sets, the number 1 is identified with
A natural number is, by de nition, an element of !. This construction of ! makes rigorous the intuitive description of the natural numbers as f0;1;2;3;::g, where the ellipsis represent the so on ad in nitum normally used to describe the
Quotient natural number qwith the property that either: (a) k= mq, and we say that mdivides k(or mis a factor of k), or else there is a remainder natural number r<msuch that: (b) k= mq+r. Proof: First of all, if m= 1 then mdivides every number (k= 1 × k) so
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