
There is really no way to prevent wrinkles–only slow them down. They are an inevitable part of the normal aging process. Reducing wrinkles is big business today with people getting plastic surgery and Botox injections but you don’t have to go through this discomfort and expense. There are natural ways that you can slow down the onset of wrinkles.

What are Wrinkles?

Wrinkles are the result of the depletion of the upper skin layer known as the epidermis. This layer protects another layer known as the dermis underneath it. It protects the dermis from pathogens, ultra-violet (UV) rays, and harsh chemical compounds. The epidermis slowly wears away as we get older. Genetics play a part in the wear rate of the epidermis as well.

The result of this depletion of the epidermis is that the skin cells at the dermis level begin to shrink and lose their elasticity. The result is wrinkling.

Another contributor to wrinkles is the breakdown of collagen as time passes. Collagen is a protein that is a component to the connective tissue in the dermis and other parts of the body. It is because of this connective tissue that the dermis gets its resilience, strength, and texture.

Other Causes of Wrinkles

There are other causes of the breakdown of collagen in the skin thus causing wrinkles. These other causes include:

• UV damage

• Lifestyle choices

• Poor diet

• Improper cleansing

UV damage is the result of over-exposure to the sun. Tanning beds also emit extreme UV rays. UV rays damage the collagen fibers that form the connective tissue of the dermis. They also degrade the quality of collagen and when the skin tries to repair itself it does not come back the same way. Take notice of people who are out in the sun frequently. Their skin looks leathery, dry, and wrinkled.

Lifestyle choices that cause wrinkles include smoking, drinking too much alcohol, sleeping on the side or stomach, and constantly making facial expressions such as squinting or frowning.

Smoking causes damage by causing the blood vessels in the epidermis to narrow thus restricting oxygen and nutrients. Consequently, the quality of collagen gets affected.

Excessive consumption of alcohol causes damage to the skin because of the toxins it introduces to the collagen fibers. Additionally, it causes leakage in the tiny blood vessels known as the capillaries which can fill the dermis with water and cause swelling and sagging.

Natural Remedies for Wrinkle Reduction

A study was published in New Science Magazine that was conducted by Dr. John Casey of Unilever Laboratories in the United Kingdom. Unilever is an international company that makes cosmetics, food, and household products. The purpose of this study was to test a new capsule that has natural ingredients combined to slow down the onset of wrinkles.

The findings of the Casey study were simple. After 14 weeks of testing participants on the capsule, there was a 10% reduction on average in the depth of crow’s feet at the corner of the eyes. Those who responded best to the capsule had as much as a 30% reduction in depth. On the other hand, those who took the placebo showed no significant change in their crow’s feet. Crow’s feet are wrinkles that form at the outer corner of the eyes and are usually the result of years of squinting.

So what is in Casey’s capsule? The capsule contains the following natural ingredients:

• Isoflavones from soya

• Omega 3 fatty acids

• Vitamins E and C

• Lycopene from tomatoes

All of these natural ingredients trigger the skin to produce collagen. Omega-3 comes mainly from fatty fish sources such as tuna, mackerel, salmon, anchovies, and sardines.

Vitamins E and C come from many food sources. Vitamin E can be derived from food sources such as sunflower seeds, bell peppers, spinach, almonds, and asparagus. It can also be taken in supplement form. Vitamin C comes from a variety of fruit and vegetable sources.

Here’s another study that shows the strength of natural remedies in the prevention of wrinkles. This particular study was published in the British Journal of Dermatology and it compares a natural cosmetic regimen with a prescription topical therapy known as Tretinoin. The cosmetic regimen showed favorable and comparable after 24 weeks compared to Tretinoin.

What was the main ingredient of the cosmetic regimen? It was Niacinamide, otherwise known as vitamin B3. Good sources of vitamin B3 are tuna, halibut, salmon, chicken, and turkey.

As you can see, by adding these to your diet, you can help promote collagen and thus reduce skin wrinkles.

Other Ways to Prevent Wrinkles

Looking at the causes of wrinkles, one can derive the action to take in slowing their onset. However, there are some other measures you can take to slow down the onset of wrinkles and these include:

• Exercise

• Keeping hydrated

• Getting enough sleep

• Learning relaxation techniques

• Weight control

Exercise provides a couple of benefits in that it gets oxygen to all parts of your body to include skin cells. It also helps with weight control. When a person is overweight, there is sagging in the skin which can eventually cause wrinkles.

The benefits of keeping hydrated cannot be underestimated. However it is not just about keeping the skin moist. Water also helps to flush out toxins from the body that damage collagen fibers.

Getting enough sleep is important because it is during this period that the body works to repair and replenish skin cells. You should try to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night.

Learning relaxation techniques keeps you from stressing your facial muscles which causes permanent wrinkles over time. Meditation, yoga, and deep breathing exercises are some examples of relaxation techniques. Basically, any way that you can find to reduce stress and anxiety will help you prevent tensing your facial muscles.

Wrinkles are an inevitable part of aging but there are things you can do to slow down their onset. Try making the diet and lifestyle changes just discussed and start your battle against wrinkles today!.

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