
This one is going to be short and sweet since today was rather busy and somewhat stressful in spite of being a national holiday. We've had a four-day weekend due to Easter. Last week begun April, which is commonly seen as springtime here. This springtime turned out to be cold and it's been snowing some too. Right, that's enough about the weather.

Wednesday we went to see Furious 7 (2015) as it opened here in Finland. It was a blast. Not as great as the previous ones, but a fine farewell to Paul Walker as Brian O'Conner. I did cry in the end. As in the trailer I mentioned a couple of months back there are flying cars in the movie. Cars can't fly, or can they? I know some people see these movies as the lowliest thing there can be shown in a movie theatre. When I saw the first of the series the first time this was my thought too. Later, as I've grown up, I've come to understand how not everything has to be serious and artsy to be good.

After some contemplating I decided to continue with publishing the monthly calendars. For the April printable calendar I changed the format a bit and dropped off the quotes. I mean, web and quotes, so boring. Now there's also separate colour and black and white versions for you to choose. Lots of people are panicking about the changes Google is making to its algorithm. I wrote a calm piece about what Google's emphasis for mobile-friendliness means for you and your website.

This four-day weekend I stumbled upon some stuff about the importance of blog post length in gaining shares and in search engine rankings. This prompted me to blog about which is better, long or short content. Additionally I made this writing a bit longer than my usual stuff to test this myself. The subject is hot and many have wrote about it, but I tried to add a little bit something new to it. So far the responses have been great.

I'm trying to give Triberr a second chance, even though our ride together has been rough. For this I've got into the whole business of creating tribes, starting with a nice little Homemade Marketing. Check it out, if you use Triberr.

A quick heads up! I have already spoken with a bunch of bloggers who have agreed to answer a couple of questions for a new weekly series of Blogger highlight. I'll send the questions for them in a day or two, and begin publishing the answers as soon as possible. It will be this or next week, hopefully. By joining the email list you can easily keep up on the new series. You can also connect at Facebook or follow at Twitter. I of course post on all the different places very different things, in addition to the blog updates. That means things won't get boring. For example the emails contain completely exclusive content, not published anywhere else. See you around!

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This post was first published on Made In Helmikuu blog. Read and post comments.
© 2010-2015 Mervi Eskelinen. Some rights reserved.

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