Do you suffer from migraines or headaches? I know from experience that they ARE the WORST! I’ve been using an essential oil blend for a couple years now and love how well they work.
So today I’ve asked Kate, from Kate’s Bodywork and Fitness to share some information on essential oils for headache relief.
It may start as an annoying, dull ache. An ache that gradually becomes a pounding drum inside your head.
It could start as a sharp, blinding pain. Strange bright lights appear in your vision and you really feel sick to your stomach. You need a dark, quiet room ASAP before the world becomes unbearable.
If you have ever had a headache, you may have experienced these symptoms. Sometimes, the headache dissipates on its own. Other times, only an ice pack and a few Advil will help you. Some of us experience headaches every one in a while. Others deal with this painful burden almost every day.
Headaches can be triggered by so many things, it is oftentimes difficult to pin point the cause. Hormones, food allergies, stress, environmental toxins, muscle pain and strain – any of these could be the culprit. Migraines and chronic headaches are an unfortunate reality for many people.
As a massage therapist, I treat many clients who suffer from chronic migraines and headaches. I often hear that over-the-counter medications and even prescription medications do nothing to alleviate or stop the onslaught. Doctors cannot always diagnose the cause, and as a result, medications do not always do their jobs.
Over-the-counter medications such as Advil, Tylenol, Excedrin can have side effects, especially with long-term use. Liver damage has been linked to the overuse of ibuprofen. And prescription medications often carry more side effects – drowsiness for an example. The medications are simply a band-aid. They do not address the problem, nor do they do anything but temporarily alleviate the pain.
I have suffered from headaches over the years – and they have run the gamut of severity and causes. I am not happy to admit that I was an habitual Advil user – sometimes going through a bottle in a month. After a while, that began to take a toll on my stomach and I suffered digestive problems. As a hazard of my career, I often suffer from neck pain due to tight and overused muscles in my neck and shoulders. Personal stress that plagued me a few years ago didn’t do me any favors either!
Then I discovered doTerra’s essential oils.
My first experience with doTerra came at a time when I was having neck pain at work and was suffering from a pretty bad headache. Another therapist in my office (to whom I am eternally grateful!!) offered to apply an essential oil blend to my neck. Seconds after my first experience with Deep Blue, I was hooked. The pain diminished immediately and within hours it was completely gone.
Thus began my journey with doTerra and the end of my relationship with Advil! I began to research other oils that could be useful in preventing and treating my headaches, as well as those of my clients. I soon discovered the wonders of the Past Tense blend.
This proprietary blend contains the oils Wintergreen, Lavender, Peppermint, Frankincense, Cilantro, Roman Chamomile, Majoram, Basil and Rosemary. These oils have been specifically blended to relieve the pain and tension associated with headaches. It comes in a unique roller ball bottle for easy application right where it hurts – the temples, the forehead, back of your neck, and the reflex areas of your hands and feet that correspond to the head and neck.
Use Caution – dilute if you have very sensitive skin or experience any burning after application.
I experienced instant relief with Past Tense. I did have some minor burning when I first applied the oil, but with a little fractionated coconut oil, the burning ceased and eventually went away all together. I would absolutely lost without my Past Tense! It has been a true life saver and I no longer suffer from any digestive issues. I can say I very rarely need to turn to Advil – the safe and natural essential oil alternative is much more effective for me.
Single note essential oils for headache relief:
Ylang Ylang
These oils are known for their relaxing properties as well as their ability to lower blood pressure, another major cause of headache pain.
The next time headache pain grips you like a vice, reach for your bottle of essential oils instead of a pill bottle. You will feel better faster with less harmful side effects! And the aroma will make you feel great too!
As always, please contact me with any questions you may have!
How’s that for some awesome information? Like I said above I use essential oils for headache relief and they are amazing! I will personally vouch for the PastTense blend. I notice the best results when I apply it every 15 minutes for about an hour.
The post Essential Oils for Headache Relief appeared first on A Proverbs 31 Wife.