
I previously wrote a DITL post featuring a day that I go to work. But, since I work part-time I thought I would share what a Tuesday or Thursday look like since I don’t go in to teach preschool on those days.

7am (or so) – Mr. Piñata and I don’t set our alarms on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so Little Piñata is what wakes us up these mornings. Thankfully, even if he wakes up around 6:30am, he will usually play quietly in his crib until we get him. But, when he starts talking or even crying loudly we’ll both wake up and know it’s time to start the day. Mr. Piñata gets ready while I tend to get Little P out of his crib and bring him into bed with me. I like this to be quiet snuggle time, but that’s rarely the case. :-) It’s usually me trying to have a sweet snuggle time while Little P is trying to jump on the bed and/or have a tickle fight.

7:30am – By this time I’ve hopefully gotten out of bed and started Little Piñata’s breakfast. While his oatmeal is cooking I change him and get him dressed for the day.

7:40am – Breakfast time for Little P – He usually has oatmeal and fruit. Does anyone else find it difficult to make yourself breakfast? I just don’t care much for cereal or oatmeal to start my day, and I rarely put forth the effort to make something more substantial, like eggs or bacon. So, usually I eat a piece of leftover fruit from Little P’s breakfast and grab a handful or two of nuts.

8am – While Little Piñata has Independent Play time in his room (with a gate on the door) I get ready for the day. Ideally this would mean getting in my work out clothes for a run outside, but since this has been the dreariest winter in my memory, that hasn’t happened in quite some time. Usually, I just wash my face, get dressed and put my hair in a ponytail so that I’ll be dressed for our errands.

Continue Reading: Day in the Life of a Part-Time WOHM (On “days off”)

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