
By Matt Heinz, President of Heinz Marketing

“How I Work” is one of my favorite recurring features in Inc Magazine as well as via Lifehacker’s This Is How I Work Series, and recently several sales experts (including  Anthony Iannarino, Dave Brock and Trish Bertuzzi) participated as well.

Periodically moving forward we will feature a new B2B sales, marketing or business leader here answering what have become the standard “How I Work” questions.  You can catch up on everyone we’ve featured thus far in the “How I Work” series here.

This week I’m excited to feature Jack Kosakowski, Global head of B2B social strategy for Creation Agency.  Jack has been a social selling evangelist and influencer for years, “walking the walk” as a top-performing sales professional at Act-On Software before stepping out (and up!) into a leadership position at a UK-based agency.

Jack has mastered the art of multi-channel social media to promote his best practices and ideas, and in the process has made himself a household name in the B2B sales community.  Jack suffice it to say gets stuff done.  Here in his own words is how he does it.

Location: Scottsdale, AZ

Current computers:  Dell Inspirion (Turns it to a tablet… Eat that Apple!)

Current mobile devices: LG Android

What apps/software/tools can’t you live without? Crowdfire, Pic/Play/Post, Buffer, and LinkedIn Navigator

What’s your workspace like? Messy with two 32 inch monitors!

What’s your best time-saving shortcut or lifehack?  Become obsessed with learning from the ones who are where you want to be.   The only way to streamline time is to use others pasts experience to your advantage!

What everyday thing are you better at than anybody else? Tweeting! Other than Gabe Villamizar… He’s a close second.

What’s your favorite to-do list manager?I hate to do lists… I’m more of a “Uh oh… I have to-do list” type of guy.

What do you listen to while at work? I’m a podcast junkie… Huge fan of Andy Paul’s podcast called “Sales Accelerate.”  It’s incredible content for anyone in sales!

What are you currently reading?  I’m not much of book reader… I did read one full book this year and I’d highly recommend it for anyone that doesn’t “get” social.  It’s the book “Not Taught” by Jim Keenan.  It’s so good that my 54 year old mom started blogging after she read it.

What’s your sleep routine like? I hate sleep!  5 hours and I’m good.  Sleep is boring.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? If you are in sales the only way you will ever be successful is to live in the shoes of your buyer.  I sold marketing automation software and a CMO told me I was a heck of  a salesman but didn’t know anything about his day.  From that day forward is when I began using social… Solely for the reason that I wanted to feel the pain he felt… That way I could have a conversation that would help us both win.  From that day forward I’ve never looked back and it was the advice that changed my career!

Anything else you want to add? If you aren’t visible and valuable on social than you are invisible… Nobody can buy from the person they don’t know exists.

Fill in the Blank: I’d love to see BLANK answer these questions.   I’d love to see Gabe Villamizar answer these questions!

The post “How I Work”: Jack Kosakowski, Head Of Social Sales Disruption for Creation Agency appeared first on Heinz Marketing.

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