
100 Content Curation Terms

Words matter when it comes to content marketing, especially for content curation.

Therefore a comprehensive content curation glossary is critical to learn the words of the trade.

100 Content curation terms

To help you get your content curation on track to succeed, here’s the ultimate content curation glossary (consisting of 100 content curation related terms.)

Aggregate is the collection information on a specific topic and groups them by category. There is no additional commentary or related information added.

Aggregation is an initial step towards content curation a process that involves collecting and grouping web content. It is the selection of the most relevant information on a particular subject in one place. Search engine results are a good example of this.

Articles are pieces of content that are published either on your own media platform or a third party platform.

Audience describes the people who seek and read your information.

Audio is a piece of sound content. It can be the spoken word, music or other sounds.

Blog is a venue for publishing content on a regular basis that includes text, images, video, audio, presentations and PDFs. At its core, a blog is a CMS. It may be associated with an individual or a business.

Book is an extended piece of content covering multiple chapters. It can have one or more authors. Curated publications include works by a set of different writers compiled by an editor.

Brands are short identifiable marketing messages that create emotional bonds with consumers using combination of tangible and intangible factors.

Budget is the money and resources allocated to a business, department or project. It’s usually set for a period of time, generally one year.

Buyer journey is another word for purchase process. It examines the main states of the buying cycle from product need to purchase.

Call-To-Action (aka CTA) is a hook embedded in your marketing that is contextually relevant to entice prospects to take the next step in your process.

Case study provides an example of how your product or service worked for another customer or organization. Customers tend to be unwilling to share specific results.

Categorization describes the assignment of content based on specific features or characteristics. These categories can be placed into hierarchies.

Chart is a visual way of presenting data. They’re useful to give life to numeric information.

Channel identifies the platform where specific content is available to users. Channels may be online or offline.

Chronology is curated content organized based on the timing of events or publication.

Chief content officer  (aka CCO) is a c-level position. This senior executive is responsible for the organization’s content and content strategy to ensure that it is aligned with the business’s goal and delivers appropriate results. This includes content both inside and outside of the organization.

Classification is the tracking all of your organization’s content assets. It includes offline content. This is an important step in a content audit as well as digital asset management.

Co-create is the act of developing fresh content with other people. In terms of content curation, this often refers to round-up posts.

Community-created content (aka User Generated Content or UGC) is information developed by customers and the public. One of the most common forms is ratings and reviews.

Commentary is the addition of other points of view to enhance the audience’s experience.

Conference is a live event where a variety of speakers present information as a talk or panel to the audiences. They may last more than one day.

Content asset is a discrete piece of content created to achieve a specific purpose. It encompasses the breadth of content formats, both online and offline.

Content audit is the process of gathering, classifying and cataloging all of an organization’s information and marketing documents. The objective is to better utilize assets that already exist and to improve or discard content that’s no longer useable.

Content brief is a document developed for content creators before work is started. It lays out the content plans including the goals, audience, purpose and format.

Content consumability is the ability for your target audience to quickly grasp the meaning of your information. It relates to formatting your content for ease of use.

Content context is defined by the placement of a specific piece of content. It includes the platform, the brand and the device used. The curator’s information selection, formatting and title contribute to the context.

Content creation is the process of developing a piece of information or marketing. It may encompass a wide range of skills such as writing, graphics, video, audio, and technology.

Content curation is the process of choosing the most relevant information to meet your readers’ needs on a specific topic like a good editor or museum curator. Content curation requires more than just the selection of information. It’s the assembling, categorizing, commenting and presenting the best content available.

Content curation software is technology that aids the content curation process.

Content curator is the person in charge of the content curation process within an organization. The job description includes collecting, cataloging and reformatting information to maximize asset useage.

Content distribution is the delivery of information to one or more owned, social media or third party platforms.

Content filtering sorts information based on keywords, sources, dates or any other properties to locate the most relevant content.

Content management system (aka CMS) is a fancy name for the software enables individuals or a business to create, edit, publish and modify online information from a central interface.

Content marketing provides prospects, customers and the public with useful information to support purchase decisions, enhance product usage and entertain them while achieving organizational goals without being overtly promotional. It incorporates the organization’s core brand elements. It can use a variety of media formats such as text, video, photographs, audio, presentations, ebooks and infographics to tell your brand or company’s story on different devices.

Content marketing strategy is a plan for creating, optimizing and distributing an organization’s information. To execute an effective content strategy both resources and budget are required.

Content optimization transforms information to maximize its ability to reach its intended audience. It leverages a variety of different skills including editorial, creative, search and technology.

Content format describes how the information is presented. Among the options are text, images, video, audio, presentations or live.

Content types are a way of categorizing your content. There are 5 basic formats every customer seeks. They are product information, answers to customer questions, product how-tos, styling and ratings and reviews.

Context is the environment in which information is presented. Content curators enhance the usability of existing information in terms of how and where they present the content.

Copyright is a means of safeguard intellectual property.

Corporate communications are the information that a company generates to its various audiences including employees, customers, investors, the press, the government and the public.

Crowd-sourced content is information that has been developed by a number of other people, including influencers, customers or the public.

Digital asset management (DAM) is a system of categorizing your content through the use of metadata to ensure that you’re able to find, retrieve and use it in the future. Cataloging your content is a critical function of a content curator.

Distribution is the delivery of content across owned, social media, and third party platforms online as well as offline.

Duplicate content is publishing the exact same content that appears elsewhere on the Internet. Google punishes publishers for duplicate content.

Dynamic content shows different messages to visitors based on information you already know about the visitor.

e-book is an online version of a book. It can be read on a computer, ereader, smartphone or tablet. It may or may not exist in published format.

Editorial calendar helps manage the content creation and curation process. It incorporates every step of the process.

Email is a communications channel that enables a variety of formats including  promotional (to drive sales), behavioral or triggered (to engage customers based on their actions) and newsletters (to communicate with customers).

Engagement enables visitors to interact with an organization. Includes social sharing, registration, contacting firm and purchase.

Epic content refers to major pieces of content that help position an organization and make it stand out. They can be original or curated. It derives its name from Joe Pulizzi’s book, Epic Content.

Evergreen content is information that never expires. It may be topical or seasonal in nature. Think in terms of FAQs and Basic 101 information on your field.

Feed is a way of distributing your information via technology. An RSS feed is a specific instance of a feed.

Hashtags are a method ofclassifying or selecting information on social media.#CMWorld is an example of a hashtag.

Images include photographs, drawings, infographics and other non-photographic visuals.

Influencer is an individual who inspires others  to take action. They may be experts or stars.

Infographic is visual content designed to represent data or information. The aim is to present complex information quickly and clearly.

Intellectual property is alegal term that is often used in reference to content.

Interviews are a conversation with a person of interest. Interviews can be live or recorded via text, audio or video. Depending on how they’re handled they can be a form of curated content.

Key Performance Indicators (aka KPI)s are important metrics for measuring your business’s performance.

Keyword are phrases used to describe your information or niche. They are particularly important for search optimization.

Lead generation is the process of acquiring prospects, generally applied to B2B marketing.

Licensed content (aka syndicated content) provides information to other media entities or websites. This augments reach for the organization providing the information and deeper content for the entity displaying the content. Often there’s a fee involved.

Lists are a way to organize information in a numeric order Generally the most important information is presented first. With regard to curation, it can incorporate input from a group of people.

Live events can take a variety of formats. They may be one speaker or can be an entire conference. They often curate a number of different presenters on a specific topic.

Maintain refers to keeping your contentup-to-date so that it doesn’t loose its relevance to your key audience. This may be part of an on-going process or may be handled on a regular schedule.

Marketing persona is a representation of your target audience. It should be created based on a qualitative and quantitative understanding of your market.

Metadata is information that describes your content. It encompasses the title, description, tag, caption and media.

Metric is a method of tracking your content marketing’s effectiveness. Metrics should relate back to your business goals and include sales and expenses. To help you, here are 53 key content marketing metrics.

Mobile app provides targeted information or productivity service using a smartphone, tablet or other device. It can be free or paid.

Microsite isa discrete site that consists of one or more stand-alone pages. Microsites may have their own URL or be part of a larger website.

Organize is to put existing information into an order. With regard to content curation or aggregation, it is a way to provide added value to someone else’s information.

Original content is new information that you and/or your organization have created or commissioned to have created solely for your use.

Other People’s Content (aka OPC) is information that was developed by others including influencers and customers. It may be excerpts of third party content. You must follow the stated guidelines before using someone else’s information.

Persona (See Marketing Persona) is another way of referring to a marketing persona.

Podcast is a channel for branded audio content. From a marketing perspective, podcasts give your brand a human voice enabling you to talk to an audience of one.

Presentation refers to a talk given to a live or virtual audience. This form of content tends to be highly visual and have limited text. It’s often created in a software such as PowerPoint and can be distributed via Slideshare.

Promotion. Is an outright marketing message aimed at driving sales or closing a deal. Often they’re often place through out the year. They should be separate from your content.

Promotional calendar is a company’s plan for different sales and marketing messages. It’s developed around customers’ needs for specific products and holidays.

Purchase process (aka purchase funnel or buyer journey) Is how prospects move from product needs through engagement to purchase to post-purchase support to being a fan.

Responsive design is a website layout that adjusts to the size of the device used. It’s best to consider device usage before creating your content.

Reuse is the ability republish or promote your existing content. Ideally, it’s useful to change your content’s presentation to attract more readers.

Roundup posts collect input from a variety of resources. They can be useful since the people involved often participate in sharing the resulting content.

Search (aka SEO) is the ability to find a specific piece of content or article through the use of a search engine. To improve your content’s ability to appear on a search results page, you must use appropriate key words.

Seasonal content is information created for a specific time of the year or event that occurs on a regular basis. While its use in the first year may be limited, it’s still valuable to your audience in subsequent years.

Social content involves your community (including your customers, influencers, social media followers and the public) to create content.

Social Media encompasses and is enabled by a variety of different technologies enabling users to communicate in all directions at any time. It allows interactions and/or communications to occur in real-time or asynchronously over time.

Syndication takes a piece of content and distributing it on several different channels.

Tagging is the use of relevant keywords in Web content to facilitate finding and identifying Web content via internal as well as external search engines.

Titles are content headlines that work to pull potential readers into the meat of the information.

Thought-Leadership content is any content that is designed to demonstrate and share an individual or company’s expertise in a specific area.

Third party media is a publishing platform owned by other people or organizations. It generally refers to true media entities.

User generated content (aka UGC) is the dessert of the content curation meal. Like dessert, curating user-generated content is the topping on the meal; it involves your prospects, customers, fans and the public along with their implicit endorsement.

Versioning (if appropriate) enables users and other content creators to tell the latest iteration of content. It’s particularly useful for product instructions, terms of use and other financial and legal information.

Video is a form of content that presents visual and audio information at the same time. Its use is growing through lower cost means of capturing it such as smartphones.

Visual content is information that uses image to attract attention. It encompasses a variety of formats including photographs, cartoons/comics, illustrations, infographics, video, charts and presentations.

Visual notetaking combines the use images and text to capture information from live events.

Website is a business’s home base on the Internet. It can just be a one page description or a complete catalog of your products.

White Paper is a text document. It’s often given away to attract B2B prospects. This information tends to be relatively dense. It can include interviews or text curated from a group of experts or influencers.

While this list aims to be comprehensive, content curation as a critical element of a content marketing plan continues to evolve.

Are there any other content curation terms you feel should be added to this list? If so, please include them in the comment section below.

Happy Marketing,

Heidi Cohen, Chief Content Officer – Actionable Marketing Guide

Heidi Cohen is the President of Riverside Marketing Strategies.
You can find Heidi on Google+, Facebook and Twitter.

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