8 Actionable Mobile Marketing Tips [Research]
“This is the year of mobile” has been a perennial online joke. While US smartphone ownership crossed the 50% mark in 2012 according to Nielsen, it’s taken about a year for marketers and businesses to see an explosion in mobile usage.
Before you rush to make your marketing “mobile only,” look at the current mobile landscape. For most businesses, increased mobile use doesn’t translate to mobile-only since 40% of your prospect base is still using PCs (Some of which is multi-platform use.)
Mobile devices: Smartphones, phablets and tablets
Mobile comprises 60% of Internet-connected devices. That mobile devices come in three different sizes has important implications for both consumers and marketers.
Smartphones – Their usage continues to grow. It’s the always in reach device used alone or concurrently with another device. Teens think of their smartphones differently, “My smartphone is always there for me.”
Tablets – Tablet sales continute to grow at the expense of PCs shipments. Tablets serve a range of uses. For many, they’re a portable alternative to a computer, with an ability to communicate (email), read books and take photos. They’re the new television companion.
Phablets – These fill the need for a device between a smartphone and a tablet in size. Phablets provide bigger screens for older eyes and big fingers.
Where does the day go? Smartphones consume 1 hour/day
Mobile has changed how we consume information and communicate.
1 hour/day is spent on a smartphone. Talk and text together account for 46% of the time. Add social media which is a form of communication to a broad audience (16%) and email (9%).
1/2 hour per day is spent on a tablet. It’s the at home connected device of choice.
Mobile shops
20% of e-commerce comes from mobile. Before you get too excited, understand that a good proportion of these purchases may shift from another channel, rather than being incremental sales.
8 Actionable mobile marketing tips
The explosion in mobile use means that you need to reassess how you reach and engage your target audience. You must ensure that your business is visible where and when prospects seek you. Think in terms of quick hits, long term investments and taking care of heavy users. Use your internal data to help guide where you should invest your resources for mobile. Here are 8 actionable mobile marketing tips to help you.
Quick mobile hits.
Leverage the power of mobile-based social media. By focusing on social networks with strong mobile presence, you can take advantage of their mobile platforms. BUT bear in mind that using these platforms sets expectations for how people engage with their mobile devices.
Make your email mobile-friendly. This means ensure your email is easy to retrieve, renders properly and is simple to respond to, on a mobile device.
Monitor what’s being said about your firm on Yelp (and other review sites where relevant). Listen to what customers are saying about you. Customers trust review sites more than they trust your site.
Longer term mobile investments
Create a mobile website and optimize it for your audience’s prime on-the-go needs. If your existing website is relatively simple, adding responsive design features may be a less-expensive alternative. But, don’t forget to put phone numbers, addresses and other commonly sought after information where users can easily find them.
Build a mobile app. Smartphones and tablets have a vocabulary of gestures which users expect and respond more positively to. Building a Mobile app is the only way to fully leverage each device’s inner language. Be aware that designing, developing and deploying a mobile app takes considerable lead time and resources.
Taking care of users
Add mobile search to your search budget. Bear in mind that mobile search is a separate buy. Focus on the words people need to find your business while using their mobile devices at retail locations.
Support your Facebook marketing with mobile ads. One out of five minutes spent on Facebook is on a mobile device. Use these ads to supplement your social media investment.
Build your mobile house file. Get permission to contact prospects and customers via txt. Bear in mind that not everyone has an unlimited text messaging plan.
One thing that’s certainly not a joke is that mobile usage will be bigger and even more vital next year and the year after that. What is your business doing to meet the mobile marketing challenges that lie ahead?
Happy Marketing,
Heidi Cohen
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Photo Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/johngreenaway/3356358479/
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