
A video clip shows numerous Obama supporters in California signing a petition to repeal the bill of rights in another shocking reminder of how many Americans will mindlessly give up their liberties in the name of supporting the President.

Social commentator Mark Dice invited citizens to sign the petition to “support Obama repealing the bill of rights, taking things further than the Patriot Act” and replacing it with “new NDAA-type legislation.”

Dice labeled the Constitution “old fashioned” and “ancient” in “today’s new world order” as Americans willingly put pen to paper.

“He’s done everything he can to repeal the bill of rights but we’re just showing the citizenry is right behind him repealing the bill of rights,” Dice stressed as signatories nodded in agreement.

People signing the petition still failed to react when Dice repeated that they had “just helped repeal the bill of rights.”

The video proves that many Americans will agree to virtually anything if it is qualified with the question, “Will you help us support Obama?”

Read more (InfoWars)



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