
A Hebrew Nation News Special Report by Daniel Holdings

Daniel Holdings is the author of the best selling novel, “Three Days in the Belly of the Beast”. In this fictional novel, one of the characters works for a Physics research facility that does sub-atomic particle research. In the course of firing off a high energy particle beam, this causes an earthquake. How prophetic was this fictional novel in painting a picture of a future reality?  There has  been a connection made between the CERN experiment and the devastating earthquake that hit Nepal this week. At the exact moment that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC)  ramped up power for a new series of tests, the 7.9 Nepal earthquake that has killed thousands – struck. Daniel also hosts the radio show,  “Prepare the Way” .

Buried far beneath the rolling, tranquil sea of farmland that sits in the shadow of the majestic Jura Mountains on the Franco-Swiss border, just outside of Geneva, an angry, coiled Leviathan prepares to strike.

This unassuming, picturesque backdrop is home to the world’s largest machine – The Large Hadron Collider, or LHC for short. Run by CERN, The European Organization for Nuclear Research, the LHC is the world’s biggest and strongest particle accelerator or atom smasher. Buried nearly 600 ft. down, with a circumference of almost 17 miles, its tunnel contains a beam tube that utilizes superconducting magnets that are cooled in a closed liquid-helium circuit to -271°, colder than the ex-planet Pluto on the outer reaches of our solar system.

With billions of dollars invested by over 100 different countries and an army-ant workforce of over 10,000 scientists, one might wonder: What kind of endeavor could bring such a corporative consensus of people and nations from all around the world? Perhaps a more important question would be: What do they hope to find?

During the course of the LHC’s last series of experiments, which ended with the particle accelerator’s shutdown for retooling in February of 2013, the CERN team was on the hunt for the elusive Higgs Bosen, or “The God Particle”, which the Standard Model of physics postulated existed and was responsible for giving everything mass. In other words, they believed that the God Particle was the glue that held everything together.

Stated goals for this round of doubled-powered experiments say that these physicists are looking for “Dark Matter,” that ubiquitous, yet unseen, element which is thought by physicists to make up the majority of everything in our “known” universe. These brilliant minds have thrown their time, effort and money into this project for the purpose of finding this dark matter and perhaps recreating, on a laboratory scale of course, the Big Bang. Still other kiddy reports have come out as some involved in the project have voiced hopes to find “parallel universes” and “extra-dimensions”.

Yet, if one digs deep enough, here is where the starry-eyed façade ends and the disturbing undertones begin.

One need not look any further than the statue outside the LHC’s headquarters to discern of potential ulterior motives. This out-of-place mascot should be a warning to all mankind.

The Hindu god Shiva, dancing within its circle of death, rests ominously in front of the main entrance to the CERN facility. Shiva is “The Destroyer of Worlds” whose mythos says that she/he obliterates worlds to remake them in – its own image.

So why would a group of the planet’s most brilliant minds place The Destroyer of Worlds at the doorway to the most costly, most advanced and most daring experiment on earth?

To answer that question, we must understand that the talk of extra-dimensions and parallel universes is not just science fiction to these scientists. They are, in-fact, caught up in a scientific religion of their own making, where the only thing that limits them is their own imaginations.

The preeminent, contemporary physicist of our time, Stephen Hawking, during the previous experiments at the LHC, tried to alleviate the world’s fears of LHC scientists tearing a hole in the fabric of time and space. However, with this go around – in which the LHC’s power has been doubled to 13 TeV (Trillion Electron Volts), Dr. Hawking is even alarmed. In March of this year, he issued a dire warning stating that the project placed the safety of our planet in jeopardy.

In February of this year, CERN physicist Dr. Amit Goswami stunned the world by admitting that his colleagues at CERN had no idea what they were doing and that everyone needed to take a hard look at the consequences of their actions.

Nonetheless, despite the nominal outcry from the scientific community, the LHC began power testing in April of this year – the results, some would say, are foreboding.

On April 11th a Youtube video put out by BPEarthWatch makes a direct correlation between the run up of power at the LHC and the buffeting of the earth’s magnetosphere. The video clearly shows that for the duration of the power run-up, the unseen protective shield around our planet wobbled back and forth at the very same time that the experiment was conducted.

In addition, there has also been a connection made between the experiment and the devastating earthquake that hit Nepal this week. At the exact moment that the LHC ramped up power for a new series of tests, the earthquake that has killed thousands – struck.

Some might consider these things aberrations or altogether unrelated. However, it is interesting that M Theory (physics) postulates that there are at least eleven different dimensions. These scientists hope to find “other dimensions” and interact with them. In order to do so, they must “break” the barriers that Yahweh, in His wisdom, has placed between our dimensions and the adjoining ones.

As such, these scientists can only hope to be successful by, in-fact, tearing a hole in the fabric of time and space. In other words – Could it be that they are trying to pierce the veil between our seen world, and the worlds outside of our visual senses? That sounds like a supernatural quest, indeed.

It is no wonder that the god Shiva stands at the door waiting. Perhaps these big-brained scientists are after more than a simple physics experiment. Perhaps they are, as inspired by their mascot, looking to remake the world in their own image.

Leviathan awaits…..

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