
The release of the report, originally scheduled for release in October, 2012, has stalled. Katina Makris, CCH, CIH is a Lyme survivor, a classical Homeopath and is the author of “Out Of The Woods, Healing Lyme Disease, Body Mind & Spirit”

The Massachusetts Lyme Disease Commission was created by the Massachusetts State Legislature in April of 2011. The Lyme Disease Commission's charge was to develop a report to help combat Lyme Disease, including options in regards to screening programs, the improvement of preventative measures and to explore the value of public health screening measures. The release of the report has been delayed as the result of numerous technical issues. Makris believes it is imperative that Massachusetts and other affected states take action as soon as possible.

“The Lyme disease situation in Massachusetts is yet another red ‘dashboard’ light screaming for action alert regarding this exploding infectious illness. Many medical authorities consider Lyme disease to be the polio of the twenty first century, as it has now surpassed HIV in how quickly it is spreading” says Katina Makris, Lyme survivor and author of “Out of The Woods; Healing Lyme Disease, Body, Mind & Spirit”.

Massachusetts  is a severely affected state, but so are over a couple dozen more. Lyme disease is showing up all over the US actually, with migratory birds transporting Lyme infected ticks everywhere; Florida, Louisiana, Texas and Montana included.

“Massachusetts advocates are urging for the correct measures, which all states should adopt - school prevention steps, doctor diagnostic training and funds for Lyme Disease treatment research,” Makris agrees.

The lyme causing spirochete bacteria, borrelia burgdorferi is a cousin to syphilis, burrowing from bloodstream, to tissues and joints, to spinal fluid and the brain. “We know the ugly affects of advanced syphilis. Lyme is very similar.”

As Dr. Leo Shea III, International Lyme and Infectious Disease Society president states, “we watched too many thousands die when the medical community did not take HIV seriously. We cannot afford to lose another generation to Lyme disease.”

“The sooner Massachusetts and other states adopt Lyme disease awareness, prevention, diagnostic and adequate early treatment protocols, the better chance we have to arrest the epidemic.”

With tens of thousands of cases of Lyme contracted annually and thousands more undiagnosed or mistreated, Lyme disease is leaving masses of people in progressive states of illness, collapse and financial ruin.  Assorted conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, migraines, Fibromyalgia, even Parkinson's could be misdiagnosed Lyme.

Makris is no stranger to Lyme, being a survivor of the disease. Her book, “Out Of The Woods”, is the captivating story of her carefully cultivated life unraveling from an misdiagnosed case of Lyme disease. At the peak of her career, with a young family happily ensconced in rural New England, a mysterious ‘flu’ ransacked Katina’s life and future with unsuspecting consequences. Her ten-year journey, two completely bedridden, out of darkness into the light of living is one of profound lessons and unexpected discoveries.

A healing passage of transformative personal change and ultimately one of unheralded spiritual awakening, “Out of The Woods” stretches across the borders of any one illness to all whom are grappling with the uncertainties and seismic quakes of chronic illness. Tending to the emotional and spiritual wounds of Lyme disease is just as critical as killing the bacterial invasion. “Out of The Woods” offers guidance and suggestions of how to heal at these levels, as not everyone knows how to mend a broken spirit. It is an inspirational healing story of rebirth and the power of hope.

Katina I. Makris is available for media interviews and can be reached using the information below or by email at katina.makris@comcast.net. “Out Of The Woods” is available at her website, Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Indie Bound. More information is available at her website at http://www.OutOfTheWoodsBook.com.

About Katina Makris:

Katina I. Makris, CCH, CIH has worked in natural health care for since 1983, with a busy Homeopathic private practice, as well as being a popular newspaper health columnist. She sat on on the board of The Council for Homeopathic Certification for seven years. Katina has taught homeopathic and now Lyme disease classes. She is also a Certified Intuitive Healer, focusing her current work on healing the spirit as well as the body.

Katina is on a nationwide book tour with “Out of the Woods”, promoting Lyme disease awareness and inspirational guidance on recovery. She is appreciated for her wealth of experience and dynamic communication skills.


Katina Makris CCH, CIH

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