
About a year and a half ago I listened to my very first podcast ever. I was on a long walk around my parents’ new neighborhood during the week I was in town for my sister’s wedding; it was May in Austin and I needed a distraction from how hot it was outside. Honestly I don’t recall which podcast it was, but after W accidentally broke the radio in my car (sidenote: don’t let kids put pennies in a CD player) they became a mainstay for me.

I listen to quite a few, but I thought it would be really fun to share what I love about the main ones I enjoy! Plus I have some great recommendations from friends that were super happy to share what they love listening to at the bottom of the post. I hope y’all enjoy!

The Happy Hour with Jamie Ivey. I have been eating this up for the past couple of weeks. It’s basically just conversations between Jamie and some of her friends, which are some of the women I look up to the most in this whole blogging/writing world. Plus she’s in Austin, which means she wins for just being in Texas. YAY. I have been so inspired and so encouraged by both Jamie and her guests, and I love listening to it on long walks (it’s a longer podcast but always worth it).

Marriage is Funny. Can I be honest? I wasn’t sure what to expect when I first started listening to Gerard and Jessie’s podcast, but I absolutely adore it. It is hilarious, endearing, thought-provoking, sweet, and just plain awesome. I feel like I’m best friends with them (they have not a clue who I am) and feel really thankful for all the work they put into their podcast! This is a great one to listen (and laugh!) to with your significant other.

The Lively Show. Truth: I don’t always adore this podcast, mainly because sometimes there are guests that just don’t really speak to me. BUT Jess does an absolutely stellar job putting together a show that is professional, intentional, and great for creative business people. You’re sure to find some amazing stuff on here to make your business and life better.

The Simple Show. Tish’s old podcast, The Art of Simple (I think?), was one of the first podcasts I ever listened to. I love that her show centers on simple living in all areas, and she just so happens to interview some really amazing people too. Definitely a great show to listen to with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.

Ted Radio Hour. If you’re a fan of TED talks, which I am, you’ll love this show. It’s a co-production of TED and NPR, so I basically win smart points by just having it on my list of podcasts, but it really is fantastic. They tout is as a journey through fascinating ideas and that description couldn’t be more true. A fantastic podcast to get you thinking!

The Influence Podcast. I’m a big fan of the network, and the podcast certainly doesn’t disappoint either. You’ll hear from women who love God and who want to use their online platform for His glory. It’s a wonderful encouraging and equipping resource for women who love Jesus and the internet!

Inspired to Action. This is another one that I’ve been listening to for a long time, and I still love it. The title says it all – I haven’t left a podcast from Kat yet where I haven’t been ready to do or try something new. It truly is a pep talk for moms, which we all need, with practicality to boot. A great one for a car ride or the car pool line!

Hope*ologie. At its core, this podcast is a really fun way to see Jesus in the middle of dysfunction and finding hope in the everyday. It’s a family affair, so you get to see inside the relationship of two sisters and their dad, but it’s just so fun and reminds me so much of me and my sister and our dad. A feel-good podcast that’s great really any time!

Smart Passive Income. I had never heard of Pat Flynn until I heard him on The Lively Show, but I’m a big fan. He’s built this amazing empire online but seems so humble and grounded as well. He interviews some fascinating people who have done really cool things, and I always leave inspired! This is a great one for when you need a kick in the pants to do something big and new.

Boss Girl Creative. My friend Taylor has been putting out a stellar first season of her podcast (which I was super blessed to be on!) and I couldn’t love it more. I know there are at least 10 things that I’ve changed in my business for the better based on things that she or one of her guests has suggested. If you’re a creative entrepreneur, you need to listen to this one!

Hear Motherhood. My friend Paige is in the middle of her first season as well, and I’m so impressed. She works through the main question of whether or not motherhood and creativity can coexist; if in the middle of the diapers and feeding schedules and sleep deprivation a mother can keep her creative juices flowing. She’s sweet as pie, and definitely speaks to my heart on this one! A great podcast to enjoy with some coffee and a cozy blanket.

The Chalene Show. You’ve heard of Chalene through her workout programs and BeachBody DVDs, but what I love about her is that she is so much more than just a fitness guru. She’s super encouraging, motivational, FUN, and I think she could probably get me into a lot of trouble if we ever met – in the best way possible. I love that she covers such a wide variety of topics, but it’s all geared toward practical applications to become a better YOU today. I love listening to this one while walking, gardening, or doing anything active.

The BigBoo Cast. Sophie Hudson and Melanie Shankle are two hilarious and amazing bloggers who become friends and have created a hilarious and amazing podcast together. With great accents. Prepare to giggle a LOT, to be encouraged, to raise your hands and say ‘AMEN!’ and leave feeling upbeat and thankful. Best when listened to with a glass of wine, a cocktail (or mocktail), and some friends.

The Chopped Podcast. As a food blogger it’s probably important that I listen to something industry-specific, but can I be honest? I get bored with my industry sometimes. Except the Chopped Podcast is actually relevant, fun to listen to, and enjoyable. It’s great to find ways that are specific to food blogging to improve upon your business in every area, from the back end business stuff to recipe development. Great to listen while you are actually developing those recipes!

She Percolates. Dedicated to exploring the idea of success on many different levels, this podcast speaks to my soul in that it’s not always about money. Or power. Or titles. Or numbers. It’s about pursuing your authentic version, and staying true to you. And this is a podcast that will not only encourage you IN that but encourage you TO that! Great for really anytime, although I usually listen while I check emails and organize photos.

Ezer Uncaged. A theological podcast specifically for women, this newer podcast has been great to listen to so far. It explores how the Gospel truly effects women, and how that in turn is good for everyone. There are only two episodes so far, but I’m excited to listen to more!

So there you have my list of podcasts that I’m loving at the moment. They really are all fantastic, and I get excited about listening to them all just depending on how much time I have at any given moment. I think all the time about starting a podcast, but y’all? There is a LOT of work that goes into making these things – all the more reason to enjoy them, amen?!

Here are a few more that were highly recommended from friends:

Christ Hold Fast

Fighting for the Faith

The Mom Hour

This American Life




The Mystery Show


The British History Podcast

One Bad Mother

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