
Holistic Approach to Addison’s disease in Dogs

This information is not meant to be a substitute for veterinary care. Always follow the instructions provided by your veterinarian.

Addison’s disease (hypoadrenocorticism) is caused by a lower than normal production of hormones, such as cortisol, by the adrenal glands. The adrenals are small glands that are located near the kidneys.

Addison’s disease occurs most commonly in young to middle-aged female dogs. The average age is about 4 years old. The signs of Addison’s disease may be severe and appear suddenly, or may occur intermittently and vary in severity.

The adrenal glands secrete several different hormones such as corticosteroids, androgens and mineral corticoids. These hormones metabolize proteins, fats and carbohydrates; regulate the balance of water, salt and potassium. The adrenal glands also secrete adrenalin, which controls the body’s reaction to stress. They also regulate blood pressure and heart rate, plus maintain blood sugar levels. These imbalances in hormonal levels can disrupt all of these bodily systems.

Due to the central role of the adrenal glands in metabolism and immune function, multiple organs are often affected.

Symptoms of Addison’s disease in dogs can include vomiting, diarrhoea, lethargy, lack of appetite, tremors or shaking, muscle weakness, depression, occasionally increased thirst and increased urine production, low body temperature, collapse, low heart rate, and pain in the hind quarters.

Common symptoms during an Addisonian crisis are very severe and include:

• Severe symptoms of shock – animal collapses, shakes and has low body temperature

• Heart arrhythmia, heart stoppage and death.

The current recommended treatment for Addison’s disease is lifelong replacement therapy with steroids and cortisone.

How You Can Help Prevent Adrenal Burnout in Your Dog

Most Addison’s dogs are born with healthy adrenal function. However, the body starts to experience less optimal adrenal hormone production over a period of time. Prior to the adrenal glands actually failing, there is insufficiency of hormone production and suboptimal adrenal health. This can occur for weeks, months or years before there is an official diagnosis of Addison’s disease.
Although there is no known specific cure for Addison’s disease, there are several things that you can do to ensure that your pet continues to lead a normal, active life:

• Give your pet a 100% natural raw nutrient rich diet to replenish depleted vitamins, minerals, calcium, amino acids, antioxidants and trace-mineral.

• Set up a comfortable and safe area of confinement such kennel or bedding for your pet

• Provide clean, fresh filtered water that is easily accessible for your pet

• Make sure that you provide extra padding and softness for your pet’s bed to ease pain and discomfort

• Strengthen your pet’s immune system with immune-building supplements and adrenal supporting herbs.

• Monitor your pet’s appetite and general demeanor to see if there is any change in their condition.

• Reduce stress and anxiety pet and prepare or avoid situations that may cause physical or emotional distress for your pert

• Brush your pet slowly with a soft brush and massage with gentle fingers – your pet will find your touch very soothing

• Stock up on natural treats for your pet, especially when he may not want to eat

• Visit your vet regularly for routine check ups

• Be patient and compassionate- your pet cannot tell you what they need.

• Do not over-vaccinate your dog. This is hugely stressful to the immune system and can prompt autoimmune reactions.

• Ensure your dog gets adequate exercise and rest, both of which help support healthy cortisol levels in the body.

• Avoid changing their day-to-day routine too much, being boarded or having house guests, is stressful for some pets and may precipitate or worsen signs of Addison’s disease.

Some predisposing factors that play a significant role in development of Addison disease:

• Processed food that causes nutritional imbalances, excessive toxin build up and immune system stimulation such as wheat gluten, starches, preservatives, fungi and moulds in food

• Excessive vaccination overwhelms the immune system and causes dysfunction, in which the body starts creating antibodies against its own tissue and glands

• Essential nutrient deficit over a long period – minerals, amino-acids, omega oils and vitamins

• Excessive stress, physical or emotional trauma such as abandonment or abuse

Holistic Approach to Managing Addison’s Disease

While natural remedies cannot regenerate the adrenal glands, use of natural supplements and herbs can dramatically slow down the progression of Addison’s disease in dogs. The key is to provide suitable nutrients to maintain a healthy body and a strong immune system.

Food as Medicine -Feed 100% natural raw BARF diet

BARF stands for Biologically Appropriate Raw Food or Bones and Raw food diet. BARF diet is all about feeding dogs properly and returning them to their evolutionary diet the way our dogs and cats have eaten for millions of years. Diesel’s BARF dog food consists of raw whole foods similar to those eaten by the dogs’ wild ancestors. The food is 100% raw and contains such things as muscle meat, bone, fat, organ meats, whole eggs, natural yoghurt, pulped vegetable and fruit and herbs just as Mother Nature intended.The diet contains no grains, cereals, starch, pasta, rice and cooked food as contained in the pet foods manufactured by pet food companies. Diesels BARF dog food is high in quality proteins, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, trace-minerals and amino acids.

Add Ginger to the food

Ginger has long been used for motion sickness and is useful in any cases of nausea and indigestion. It helps settle the stomach and relieve gas. It can be given in capsule or tincture formula.Fresh ginger is one of the ingredients in Diesel’s BARF dog food.

Add Garlic to the food

Garlic is nature’s antibiotic and often called nature’s wonder drug. Garlic has been found to have effective antimicrobial properties, inhibiting the growth of both bacteria and fungi. Garlic helps stabilize blood pressure and gives a good solid boost to the immune system, keeping at bay infections. Garlic is a health building and disease preventing herb. It is rich in potassium, zinc, vitamins A and C, selenium, calcium, manganese, copper, vitamin B1 and some iron.

Fresh garlic is also one of the ingredients in Diesel’s BARF dog food.

Herbs & Supplements to Support Adrenal Function & Immune System

Astragalus root

Astragalus boosts the bodies capabilities to handle stress, gives your immune system a healthy boost, regulates normal blood sugar levels and alleviate insulin resistance.


An antioxidant fungus, Cordyceps can slowdown the aging process, supports your the immune system, assists in inflammation and helps to stabilize your blood sugar levels.

Siberian Ginseng

Siberian Ginseng helps to protect our bodies from the debilitating effects of stress, reduces fatigue, assists in clarity of memory aids in balancing blood sugar levels, and even perhaps supporting bone remodelling as well.

Golden Root

This herb protects against stress-related fatigue and ultimate“burnout”, increases mental clarity, supports the immune system and assists in balancing blood sugar regulation. An added benefit of Golden Root is it’s antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects.

Milk Thistle

This herb is most frequently used for liver issues, particularly when liver enzyme values are elevated in blood tests. Studies have shown that milk thistle can actually regenerate damaged liver tissue. Dogs on medication that is processed through the liver will benefit the addition of milk thistle in their diet such as dogs with Addison’s disease.

Can be used as capsules or alcohol tincture or a standardized powder extract. Milk thistle has not been found to be toxic, even at high dosages. However, if used when the liver is not under stress it may elevate liver enzyme levels and may cause liver function to be sluggish.

Slippery Elm

It’s useful to Addison’s dog with digestive upset. It soothes the digestive tract, with its lubricating, emollient and anti-inflammatory qualities. It is generally considered a safe herb, except for cases of allergic reactions. It can be given as capsules or the powder can be mixed with warm water or broth.

Licorice Root

Licorice Root is well known for helping support adrenal balance as well as energy levels and endurance. Licorice is an important tonic as the plant reinforces the body’s ability to withstand attack from virtually any kind of pathogen, and should therefore be considered a tonic for the musculoskeletal system. Use of the herb is an effective treatment for stomach ailments and also helps prevent and heal skin problems. It has anti-cholesterol activity and is also used to increase the health of the liver. Licorice is a good tonic for the adrenal glands and Addison’s disease. Be aware there are certain forms of Licorice which are known to increase blood pressure and lower one’s potassium levels in the body. So be cautious to check your blood pressure when using it.

Borage has been used since ancient times and was well-respected by Celtic warriors who used it to lift their spirits and promote courage before battle. This herb acts as a restorative remedy for the adrenal cortex. Borage is excellent at reviving the functioning of the adrenal glands when they have been suppressed by drugs such as steroids. Borage acts as a tonic for adrenals affected by stress. It is also a soothing and anti-inflammatory herb excellent for people recovering from illness or those suffering from fever.


Astragalus is an herb which has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for many centuries as a revitalizing tonic. It is a very useful protector of adrenal cortical function and regulates blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Recent research confirms the positive effect of Astragalus on immune functioning and its ability to help the body fight against disease. There is also mounting evidence for this herb’s effectiveness in support of cancer patients undergoing radiation and chemotherapy therapies.
Reishi Mushrooms

Reishi Mushrooms help boost the strength of the immune system and increase hormone production, which counteracts the detrimental drop in hormone production that occurs as the adrenal cortex is attacked or weakened by autoimmune cells or other diseases that can cause Addison’s.

Turmeric powder

It gently stimulates the adrenal glands to produce natural cortisone that reduces inflammation. It is an Anti-inflammatory super hero and dramatically lowers histamine levels in the body. Turmeric also supports the adrenal glands by assisting in the production of its hormonal cascade. Amazingly, turmeric brings a calming and relaxing effect while simultaneously providing mental alertness.

Glandular Therapy

Glandulars are whole animal tissues or extracts. Adrenal glandulars were the original treatment for Addison’s. After time, researchers realized that the two life giving hormones required by the body were Aldosterone and Cortisol. Whole glands were refined to isolate these hormones. Eventually synthetic equivalents were developed.Glandulars still have their place in dealing with Addison’s, or any gland or organ problem. One way that glandulars can be useful is that research has shown that individual cells recognize the same type of individual cells. They can actually nourish and help regenerate glands/organs. In addition, glandulars also provide nutrients or hormones from the source tissue. By supplementing with whole adrenal glands, you also provide the other various hormones that the adrenals produce. Glandular adrenal, thymus, kidney, liver, pituitary and hypothalamus provide the nutrients that nourish and help improve overall organ function and help to slow degeneration.

Deep Sea Fish Oil

Deep Sea Fish oil is a great source of the essential fatty acid, Omega 3,6, 9.It is a good general addition to any diet. It has all the benefits of EFAs, which include improving the skin and hair, improving brain function (for concentration and combating depression), rebuilding and producing new cells, etc. In addition, studies have shown fish oil may help mediate the immune response and has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.
Digestive Enzymes

Digestive enzymes are what the body uses to break down food. Supplemental digestive enzymes may include enzymes from plant sources, such as bromelain from pineapples, or pancreatin from animal sources. Enzymes that help break down protein are protease, fats are lipase and carbohydrates are amylase. Adding a separate enzyme helps the body work more efficiently and supports the digestive process.
Probiotics & Natural Yoghurt or Kefir

Probiotics are the beneficial bacteria, such as l. acidophilus, that live in the gut and promote healthy digestion and discourage overgrowth of bad bacteria and yeast. Studies show that certain probiotics are helpful in preventing diarrhea, treating GI infections, and reducing the symptoms of IBS.

Giving your dog probiotics is useful also after a a course of antibiotics. Antibiotics wipe out all bacteria, good and bad. That’s why you’ll often see a yeast infection or diarrhea during or just after a course of antibiotics.

Some people add probiotics to their Addison’s dogs diet through food, such as yogurt or kefir. This may be enough for some dogs, but other dogs may not tolerate dairy products well, or due to the use of antibiotics, may benefit from a larger dose of probiotics.

Probiotics can be given while on antibiotics, but it must be at least two hours apart. Some wait until the course of antibiotics is done to give the probiotics.

Bovine colostrum, the protein-rich yellowish-fluid produced in lactation by mammals the first few days after birth, is Mother Nature’s first superfood. It contains upwards of 250 beneficial substances, from simple nutritional elements such as protein, fats, vitamins and minerals, to more complex material such as lactoferrin, transfer factors, growth factors and immunoglobulins or antibodies. Research shows that newborns aren’t the only ones that are helped by colostrum. Bovine colostrum isn’t species specific, so dogs (and other mammals) can benefit from it too.

Colostrum is used for a wide-variety of health issues from gastric distress to cancer, gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhoea, allergies and autoimmune diseases. 95% of all diarrhoeas can resolve using colostrum rather than antibiotics, in addition the colostrum may actually be helping healing the intestinal tract and keeping it healthy. Colostrum can be useful with immune problems, whether they are from an underactive immune system leaving a dog open to infection, or a hyperactive immune system causing autoimmune diseases.

Problems with joints and connective tissue such as hip dysplasia, degenerative arthritis or cruciate ligament issues, have also benefited from colostrum supplementation. The growth factors in colostrum can facilitate the body’s own regenerative processes and even better utilize supplements such as chondroitin and glucosamine.

Colostrum is a real standout as a topical treatment. It can be applied as a paste (mix it with a very small amount of pure water) to virtually any skin problem like hot spots or surgical incisions. Every sick animal, regardless of illness, and geriatric animals can benefit from colostrum. Animals with chronic disease, are started on no more than a pinch of colostrum. slowly increased to one-quarter to one-third of a teaspoon per 25 lbs. of bodyweight.

Side effects are quite rare, although diarrhea or vomiting is possible. If these symptoms do occur it’s usually just a matter of stopping the colostrum, then restarting it much more slowly and in smaller amounts. It’s important to give colostrum ample time to work. While some people might see nearly immediate improvement, this isn’t always the case, particularly with chronic illness. Allow at least one month for every year the dog has been unwell, and that often begins at birth.

Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids

Healthy dog can make their own Vitamin C but in sick dogs this function is impaired. Studies have shown that Vitamin C can help balance, circulating cortisol levels. According to Science Daily, rats given vitamin C experienced decreases in cortisol and other stress hormones compared with those consuming a placebo. Adding large doses of vitamin C too quickly may lead to diarrhea and stomach upset. Therefore, gradually increase vitamin C. The best way is to sprinkle on food.

Flower Essences for Emotional Healing

Rescue Remedy

Flower essences are used to influence the mental or emotional state. They are very dilute tinctures, similar to homeopathic remedies, made from flowers. The most well-known flower essence is the five flower combination, Bach’s Rescue Remedy, which some makers call Five Flower Remedy, is a combination of five individual essences, including Cherry Plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock Rose and Star of Bethlehem.

Rescue Remedy are great for pets who’ve been subjected to any stressful situation, from weaning and relocation to a new home, to injections to turmoil or trauma in the home or a pet who’s in shock, or has been hit by a car, bitten by another animal, or subjected to some other acute physical trauma.

Reckeweg Homeopathic Remedies

Berberis Homaccord

A mainstay of therapy in adrenal gland disease. It provides drainage and detoxification of the adrenal gland, kidney and liver.
Galium Heel

A cellular and matrix detoxification and drainage formula with support for kidney.
Coenzyme Compositum

A catalyst that supports cytoplasmic energy production.

Normalises hormonal function
Glyoxal Compositum

Depolymerizes homotoxins from cell membrane system that block receptor recognition and function
Ubichinon Compositum

A catalyst that supports mitochondrial function and deblocking of enzyme function.

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