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Hair Loss

Hair loss symptoms

Hair loss can be caused by factors ranging from illness, medication, poor diet, hormones and over-styling. Any one of these causes can interfere with the hair growth cycle, and can prevent hair follicles from growing new hair. We lose on average 100-150 hairs per day, and hair grows at an average of ½ inch per month. But when you notice more extreme hair shedding or slowed hair growth than this, it could be a hair loss symptom. For women, your hair loss symptoms may be thinning hair or gradually more exposed scalp on the top of your head. For men, you may find a growing bald spot on top of your head. About 50% of people have some kind of hair loss by the age of 50. For hair loss symptoms due to aging or hormones, women’s loss tends to be temporary while men’s is most often permanent. But never fear, if men take action early and takesupplements for hair growth like Viviscal Man, they can nourish thinning hair to prevent further hair loss symptoms.

Hair loss symptoms can cause psychological stress for women, especially because society places such an emphasis on beautiful hair and hair as a source of women’s femininity. Many men and women who have hair loss report feelings of depression, self-consciousness and low self-esteem.

Vitamins and Natural hair loss Treatments and Vitamins

Hair loss caused by bad diet is telogen effluvium, a temporary hair loss condition that causes hairs that are usually in the anagen (growing) stage to be prematurely pushed into the telogen (resting) phase of the hair growth cycle, triggering those hairs to fall out. Telogen effluvium can be treated over several months. Treat hair loss naturally by eating more vitamins and supplements, and minerals for hair loss, such as Vitamin C, Biotin, Niacin, Iron and Zinc. If you cannot get these nutrients in the foods you eat, try vitamins for hair growth like Viviscal hair growth supplements.

Biotin for hair loss
Biotin, also known as B7 or H, is a water-soluble vitamin for hair loss. Biotin has been shown to promote hair growth, thicken the hair strand, and prevent hair loss. If your diet lacks B vitamins like Biotin, it may result in hair loss and you should take vitamins for hair growth or a hair growth supplement like Viviscal to nourish thinning hair with B vitamins and other essential nutrients for healthy hair growth.

Hair loss diet

Hair loss vitamins such as Biotin, Niacin (Vitamin B3) and Vitamin C, and minerals for hair loss such as Zinc and Iron, provide essential hair nutrients to nourish healthy and longer hair. Eating enough of these key hair growth vitamins can help prevent hair loss in both men and women. Although some causes of hair loss, such as chemotherapy, illness and medication, may only be moderately affected by a good hair loss diet, in many cases men and women can see great results after only 3-4 months eating more vitamins and minerals for hair growth.

Promote natural hair growth by eating a good hair loss diet. Here are five of the top foods for hair growth, including nuts (which contain  omega-3 fatty acids, biotin, vitamin E and copper), oysters (rich in zinc), sweet potatoes (omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, and vitamins A, B, C, K and E), eggs (a good source of protein, plus biotin, other B vitamins, zinc, selenium, sulfur and iron), and spinach (iron, beta-carotene, folate, vitamin A and vitamin C).

If you fear you’re not eating enough of these foods in this hair growth diet, try a hair loss pill or supplement for hair growth such as Viviscal that contains ingredients of natural origins and is drug free.

How vitamin deficiency can cause hair loss

A good hair care regimen and diet can prevent hair loss and promote longer hair in combination with vitamins. In many cases, hair loss is caused by vitamin deficiency called telogen effluvium, which temporarily pushes hairs from the growth phase of the hair growth cycle to the resting phase, causing hair loss. Telogen effluvium is temporary and the treatment is to eat more of the key vitamins that contribute to healthy hair growth. You can prevent hair loss due to vitamin deficiency or other nutritional deficits, such as key minerals and proteins, by having a good hair care regimen and eating a well-balanced diet of hair loss foods.

Another way to prevent hair loss due to vitamin deficiency or nutritional deficiency is to take supplements for hair growth such as Viviscal Extra Strength and Viviscal Man, which are drug free and contain ingredients of natural origins.

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Hair essentials to prevent hair loss

Though some hair loss is normal, when you notice the shedding of more than 100-150 hairs per day, it’s time to take action to prevent hair loss symptoms progressing. Some hair essentials to prevent hair loss are changes in hairstyling habits, lifestyle changes and improvements in your diet to holistically and naturally treat hair loss.

Over-styling and using heat tools can damage hair and cause hair loss. Try to reduce the use of heat tools such as flat irons, blow-dryers and curling irons to every other day or less. Use hair extensions and tight hair braids infrequently because they can pull out hair in a condition called traction alopecia.

Make lifestyle changes to prevent hair loss such as reducing your stress. Get regular exercise, try meditation and engage in deep breathing to stay calm and centered. Everyday stress can cause hair to dull, thin and even fall out.

Make improvements in your diet to reduce hair loss. If your diet lacks marine proteins, vitamins and minerals for hair growth, it can lead to damaged hair, thinning hair, and hair loss. Eat a variety of colorful, well-balanced foods, consult a dietitian or nutritionist, and if you think you are still not getting a good hair loss diet, try a vitamin supplement for hair loss such as Viviscal.

Source: http://www.viviscal.com/vitamins-for-natural-hair-loss-treatment

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