
This is the story that surely will amaze you and shock you: a boy died and after 20 minutes he came back to life.

There are certain cases that are really incredible and even the science and medicine can’t find the appropriate explanation.  Even though it is very strange and hard to believe – it is true.

Zack Clements is boy at the age of 17. Zack is playing football at Victory Life Academy in Brownwood, Texas. One ordinary day, while he was running in his PE class all of a sudden he collapsed: his heart stopped. Zack immediately was taken to the nearest hospital and doctors tried everything in order to revive the boy.

Unfortunately they failed.

This teenage boy was declared dead. Still, 20 minutes later something strange happened. He came back to life without any help of the doctors. Zack explained that a man with thick beard visited him and he told the boy that everything will be alright and that he should not worry about anything.

Watch the video below and see what this boy says about his experience.

It is important to explain that Zack didn’t experienced heart attack, instead that is sudden cardiac arrest (SCA).

What is the difference? Heart attack occurs when the blood flow is blocked to some part of the heart muscle, while cardiac arrest is a medical condition where the heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops to beat. At that moment the blood stops flowing to the brain and other vital organs.

You can be in perfectly health condition and still you can experience cardiac arrest. The SCA is killer number one when it comes to teens and young athletes. If the SCA occurs at older adults, in most cases it is fatal.

Source: healthadviceteam.com

The post A Teen Died And Came Back To Life 20 Minutes Later. He Says It Was All Due To The Man He Met When Dead! appeared first on Healthy Magazine.

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