
Want to improve your life?. A healthy lifestyle is based around eating health foods sleeping well and exercising to keep fit and other activities that improve your general health.

Living it means that you keep your weight in check, you are careful about your diet and choosy on what you consume to reduce unnecessary weight gain as well as maintaining a healthy fitness regimen. The best thing with living a healthy life is that the upsides can be both psychological and physical.

Being able to reduce stress levels considerably and being more relaxed are some of the psychological benefits you get. Your energy levels also increase and have a higher self-worth. You can really have self esteem problems especially when you are obese. Hence, you should make living a healthy lifestyle a good habit.

An additional main benefit you also receive from it is you get protection from a host of common age related diseases brought about by a poor lifestyle. By living healthy, you strengthen your immune system to be in a better position to fight long term illnesses.

Living a healthy lifestyle starting early in life saves you a lot during your senior years in terms of having a strong healthy body hence avoiding most age old illnesses such as heart attacks and strokes.

It also requires having fun which promotes a healthy mind through taking part in social activities and doing activities you enjoy with peers. This also is a ideal type of relaxation and make sure you go for regular check-ups as part of living a healthy lifestyle.

Baby boomers are now moving pasttheirmid-lifecrises,becomingemptynesters,andretiring.Tobesure, their influence on American religion remains strong. With the graying of America, they will be the most numerous group in the typical congrega-tion.

Villa, V. M., Wallace, S.P., Bagdasaryan, S. & Aranda, M.P. (2012),Hispanic Baby Boomers: Health Inequities Likely to Persisting in Old Age, The

Impact of Baby Boomers on U.S. Travel, 1969 to 2009 3 . report; information from the earliest survey in 1969 is available only in published documents and used when

50.59 Born between 1946 and 1964, Baby Boomers have now aged into their high-disability years, driving much of the growth in Disability Insurance. • Increase in women’s labor-force participation: Whereas previous generations of

Many Baby Boomers Don't Plan to Leave Their Children an Inheritance Many boomers, who range in age from roughly 47 to 65, are finding that family members are taking cash advances on those inheritances right now." Wealthy boomers are holding back on inheritances for other reasons.

There is a range of health challenges facing Baby Boomers, some of which are just now beginning to come into focus. A major concern, Boomers in the 45-64 age range are much more likely to seek medical care for headaches than younger adults or persons over 65.

Baby Boomers Approach Age 60 From the Age of Aquarius To the Age of Responsibility EMBARGOED FOR RELEASE DECEMBER 8, 2005 2PM EST Paul Taylor, Executive Vice President

First there were the baby boomers. As the armed forces returned after the Second World War, of the adult population, some 14 million people aged now in the 35 to 54 age band. The baby boomers represented a coherent group of people who grew up amid

Baby Boomers recorded the highest travel volume in the United States in 1999, As boomers age so should the way marketers view the aging population. where boomers are concerned. Now, it is no longer effective to simply look at the boomers as a whole.

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