
Every good pet parent tries to please his/her fur baby as much as possible. Although we tend to stick to their canine diets, sometimes it is hard to stay away from giving them an occasional human morsel.  Many people believe that dogs shouldn’t be given “human” food at all. On the other hand, if you wish to reward your pet with table scraps, you actually can do that safely. However, make sure that the food you choose isn’t detrimental to the well-being of canines.

Keep reading and learn which “human” foods are actually safe and even healthy for dogs.


As pasta is nothing more than water, flour, and sometimes eggs, it can be definitely given to canines. All of the aforementioned ingredients are completely safe for dogs, so any variety of pasta is acceptable. However, the grain pasta would be the best choice. When it comes to commercial pasta sauce, you should better avoid it. As it is rich in salt and sugar and it is usually acidic, it can potentially upset your dog`s stomach. In addition, some dogs are allergic to wheat, so if this is the case with your dog, hold the pasta.

Pumpkin, Squash and Zucchini

Pumpkin is great source of vitamin A/ beta-carotene and fiber as well. It can aid with digestive problems and help the GI tract moving. Squash, is another great source of vitamin A and beta-carotene, so it can be added to bulk up his stool. Make sure you remove the seeds. Zucchini is an excellent snack as it is very delicious and healthy. It provides folate, vitamin content and potassium. All of these foods are good for you and your dog, and nothing about them is toxic to canines.

Coconut and Coconut Oil

The coconut is made up of a highly beneficial fatty acid chain, known as Lauric acid. When both humans and dogs synthesize this acid, it produces a compound called monoglyceride monolaurin. This substance protects pets from infections and it boosts their immune system, as it has the ability to fight and destroy and numerous pathogenic bacteria. In addition to this, coconut contains albumin, a water-soluble protein which is found in many animal liquids and tissues.

A jar of “virgin” coconut oil can be the solution to various diseases and ailments, such as cracked paws, smelly coats, cuts that have been infected, yeast infections, and hot spots. In case you have already tried all diet remedies and they didn’t provide any results, turn to the coconut because it is definitely the best natural medicine for your dog. The term “virgin” means that it isn’t refined, and both humans and dogs can consume it. It improves your dog`s digestion and it is one of the best medicines for many digestive issues. In addition, the coconut oil reduces the risk of cancer.

The coconut oil can also help with keeping the thyroid function normal. It gives your dog a smooth glassy coat, as well as supple and healthy skin. This oil can also be used for prevention and treatment of fungal and yeast infections. In addition, arthritis and similar pains can be minimized with the use of coconut oil. It can keep your dog`s weight under control as well as balance the dog`s metabolism. The most important thing is that your dog is most likely to love both coconut and coconut oil. Just mix it with the food they normally use and it will do wonders for your dog`s health.

Salmon and Tuna

These fish are rich in omega -3 fatty acids, fats that are responsible for supporting your dog`s immune system as well as keeping the dog`s coat shiny and healthy. You can slip some of your unwanted fish skins to your dog, feed it with cooked salmon or add salmon oil into the food. Not only salmon, but tuna is very healthy for your dog as well. Contrary to all the stereotypes that dogs cannot eat tuna, they surely can because it provides omega-3 fatty acids, proteins and vitamins.

Flax Seed ( Milled or Oil)

Like the aforementioned salmon and tuna, flax seed is another great source of omega-3 fatty acids. We already know that this type of fats is good for both coat and skin. It would be best to use whole flax seeds, but grind them right before feeding. The thing is, this type of fat can go rancid over short period of time. Moreover, the flax seed can also be incorporated in your dog`s regimen as a source of fiber. It is more concentrated form of omega-3 fats without the fiber. Keep the seeds or the oil in an air tight dark container stored in your fridge.

Lean Meat

Beef, pork or chicken can add extra protein to your dog`s diet and they can be a great training treat. However, make sure you give your dog a meat with no added seasonings or sauces as well as with no visible fat. The lean meat is a great source of B vitamins (Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Pyridoxine, and Cobalamine). Moreover, it is an excellent source of amino acids, the building blocks of muscles. All of the above mentioned vitamins take huge part in energy metabolism in the body. You can also use the meat as a good replacement of canine food, in case you are out of dog food or you are pressed for time in order to prepare it.

Baby Carrots

The baby carrots are low in calories but high in beta carotene/vitamin A and fiber. They are great for the dog`s teeth.

Cheese and Cottage Cheese

The cheese is excellent food for your dog but only if they are not lactose intolerant. However, only a small percentage of them are. If you are not sure, observe your dog`s reaction. As many cheeses can be rich in fat, opt for low or reduced fat varieties. Moreover, make sure you don’t overfeed them. The cheese is an excellent way of adding some extra protein to your dog`s diet, as it is high in calcium and protein.

Sweet Potatoes

You can use the sweet potatoes as a chewy treat for your dog and to do so, you will need potatoes which are sliced and dehydrated. The sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin C, manganese, beta carotene, and vitamin B6. Moreover, they are an excellent choice of dietary fiber. They are much better variant than the most of the dog treats found on the market. So, keep to the simple, healthy and cheap treat found at your grocery store, and both you and your dog will be satisfied.


The liver is another great training treat. It can be found freeze-dried in most pet stores or fresh in any grocery store nearby. If you opt for fresh liver, it is recommended to first cook and then bake it so that you prepare a good liver treat.  The liver is an excellent source of iron as well as of vitamin K, vitamin A and B vitamins. However, it is advised to limit the amount of liver you give to your dog, as it may be toxic due to its high vitamin A content. It would be best to give no more than 1 g of fresh liver/Kg body weight per day.


It is totally acceptable to share your popcorn with your furry friend. However, make sure you opt for popcorn which is air popped with no salt or butter. The popcorn is low in calories but rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus: the bone- building minerals.


Eggs are definitely a healthy snack, as they are great source of easily digestible selenium and riboflavin. In addition, giving scrambled eggs to your dog is an excellent way of adding some extra protein to the dog`s diet.


The oatmeal is great replacement grain for dogs allergic to wheat. Make sure you cook the oatmeal before giving it to the dog. The oatmeal is extremely beneficial for older dogs having bowel irregularity issues, as it is a great source of soluble fiber.

Rice/ Brown Rice

Feel free to feed your dog with rice every time it has an upset tummy and needs a bland meal. You can find various types of rice out there. White or instant rice is an easily digestible carbohydrate which is a great source of energy, especially when it comes to an older dog. On the other hand, the brown rice is higher in fiber and protein but lower in fat in comparison to white rice.

Greek Yogurt and Kefir

Yogurts with active bacteria can act as probiotic, making them beneficial for your dog`s digestive system. They are rich in power-boosting protein and bone-building calcium. However, make sure you buy yogurts without added sugars or artificial sweeteners.


For many years, the peanut butter was known as the favorite treat of many dogs. Many professionals recommended this butter as a safe snack, and it is added in numerous dog treat products. It is rich in vitamin E, heart healthy fats, niacin and vitamin B. Moreover, it is a great source of protein. However, some information suggests that it can be dangerous to both humans and dogs. Even though it is not confirmed that any dog had trouble with peanut butter, read the following information suggesting so.

It is speculated that most peanut butter contains Aflatoxins, types of naturally occurring mycotoxins which are produced by fungus called Aspergillus. These substances are carcinogenic, cancer-causing ones which are shown to be toxic to the liver. Moreover, they are known to cause liver cancer in laboratory animals.

Dr. Andrew Weil explains: “A few years ago, Consumers Union looked into the question of aflatoxins in peanut butter and found that the amounts detectable varied from brand to brand. The lowest amounts were found in the big supermarket brands such as Peter Pan, Jif and Skippy. The highest levels were found in peanut butter ground fresh in health food stores”.

Another issue you need to know about is that the cheaper brands contain trans-fatty acids. It is a well-known fact that they are one of the most toxic food substances nowadays, as a result to the highly toxic process which makes food sits on shelves for a long period of time. Hydrogenation is the process of taking plant oil, adding a nickel catalyst, heating it, and then removing the nickel catalyst. This process results in a highly toxic fat, known to cause chronic inflammation, diabetes and heart disease. NEVER buy peanut butter that contains trans fats, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil in the ingredients.

If the trans fats are not bad enough, than the roasting nuts can also cause the fats to go bad. So, when buying peanut butter, always make sure you buy raw butter which doesn’t contain hydrogenated fats. Unfortunately, you will still have an issue with the aflatoxins. A good solution to this would be buying Earth Balance Creamy Coconut & Peanut Spread. As the name itself suggests, this product contains coconut oil, capable of killing the fungus that causes aflatoxins.

According to the findings of many studies, the coconut oil can kill viruses that cause AIDS, herpes, influenza, SARS, hepatitis C, measles and other diseases. In addition, it kills off fungi and yeast that cause diaper rash, ringworm, thrush, candidiasis and athlete`s foot. It even kills lice, giardia, tapeworms and other parasites. Finally, it kills bacteria that cause pneumonia, urinary tract infections, gonorrhea, ulcers, gum disease and cavities, throat infections, and other diseases.

17.  Green Beans

Beans are excellent for your dog because they are low in calories but still they will make your dog feel full for a long time. Make sure that you choose beans without added salt.

18.  Peas

Serve your dog with peas because they are rich with B vitamin Thiamin, potassium and phosphorus.

19.  Broccoli

Broccoli is one of the vegetables that contain great amount of vitamins. It acts as nutrition boost for dogs, but still you should not exaggerate and it shouldn’t make up more than 10 percent of dog`s diet. The reason for this is that if it is consumed in bigger amounts it can cause gastrointestinal irritation.

20.  Seaweed Nori

Seaweed is associated with sushi in Japan.  It is not available in all stores but you can still found it and it is more likely to be found in stores with Asian food items. It is really healthy because it is rich with protein, soluble fiber, Vitamins C, E and all the B vitamins, and minerals such as zinc and copper. What is more it also contains chlorophyll and lesser-known sterols which are considered to improve metabolism. Besides this Nori affects positively the immune function and has an anti-tumor effect. The chances for your dog to refuse eating this are low because it has no odor and flavor and it can be added to the food. I can say that my dog actually likes the Annie Chun’s Seaweed Snacks.

21.  Fruit Salad

You can combine different sweet fruits to prepare your dog a fruit salad. Some of them are apples, watermelon, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, cantaloupe etc.

22.  Apple Slices

They will make the breath of your dog fresh and at the same time provide it with fiber, vitamin A and C. Before you give the apple to your dog peel it and take out the seeds of it.

23.  Cranberries

Cranberries are rich with A, B1, B2 and C vitamins and are good for treatment of urinary infections. You should have in mind that giving your dog cranberries can make him gassy.

24.  Pears

Pears are not harmful for your dog as long as their cores and seeds are removed. So don’t throw the whole pear to your dog but remove them or otherwise your dog might get sick.

25.  Pineapple

If it is consumed in small amounts pineapple is excellent for the health of your dog.  It contains fiber, fructose and vitamin and mineral content. Pineapple will improve the digestion of your dog and boost its immunity system. One of the ingredients of pineapple is the enzyme called Bromelain and it helps decompose protein which is very important to a dog. By giving your dog pineapple you are increasing his ability to absorb this protein. In essence from the dog`s increased ability to digest, he is able to absorb more essential elements from the food that he consumes.

26.  Parsley

Parsley has the same effect with dogs as it has with people, which means that it improves their breath. Try adding some parsley to baking treats and provide your dog with the needed amount of potassium, calcium and beta-carotene.

27.  Mint

Although peppermint is strong it is safe for your dog.  You can use it as an ingredient for preparation of homemade biscuits for your dog. It can settle upset tummies of dog and refresh their breath.

28.  Cinnamon

Sprinkle of cinnamon from time to time can do much good to your dog. This spice has been used for long tame as a cure for nausea and gas but it can also boost energy, digestion, circulation and improve the brain health. But don’t exaggerate with it because it can have anti-clotting effect.

29.  Turmeric

Many experts claim that turmeric is on the top among the anti-cancer foods. Curcumin which is an active compound of turmeric has been shown to prevent the growth or spread of cancer cells in many types of cancer. It does this by acting as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, and by encouraging cancer cell death. However till now there are no studies on dogs that have proven this but this claim is based on the studies done in other species and with cells that clearly demonstrate curcumin’s efficacy against cancer cells.  One of them is a study conducted on guinea pigs, which proved that a dose of 80 mg/kg body weight was effective in preventing induced cancer in guinea pigs. Next time you make a batch of dog treats, add a couple of teaspoons of turmeric to the recipe. Don’t hesitate and include turmeric in your dog`s diet and boost its intake of antioxidants.

30.  Spirulina

Being a type of algae it is high in protein, vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids. All these ingredients make spirulina an ideal addition to a healthy diet. Besides the basic nutrition that are common for many healthy foods spirulina has some added health benefits. In many experiments based both on animals and humans, it was found that spirulina supported heart health by lowering the amount of fat in the blood, as well as lowering inflammation. The maximum dose should be 1 to 2 tablespoons for a 45 lb (20 kg) dog. As with all supplements and new foods, introduce it to your dog slowly over time.

31.  Carob

If you are owner of a dog than you surely know that chocolate is toxic for dogs, but this is not a reason that will prevent your dog from enjoying carob. It is free from caffeine and theobromine but it contains healthy properties. It contains many vitamins, minerals, fiber and pectin.  Include it in your dog`s diet slowly and in small amounts. If you notice any reaction on your dog, consult a veterinarian.

Foods That Are Toxic

There are some types of human food that are toxic for your dog and you should strongly avoid them. Some of them are: onions, grapes, chocolate, raisins, yeast dough, artificial sweeteners, macadamia nuts, avocadoes, alcohol, coffee etc. Always consult your veterinarian with any questions on what is safe and what is harmful.

1.      Chocolate

As we mentioned above you should never give chocolate to your dog. There is a reason for that and it is the caffeine-like stimulant known as methylxanthine that chocolate contains. Besides this it also contains theobromine, a naturally occurring stimulant found in the cocoa bean, it increases urination and affects the central nervous system as well as heart muscle.The amount of this depends of type of chocolate. Consumption of big amounts of chocolate can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, irregular heartbeat, seizures and even death.                                                                                                White chocolate has the least amount of theobromine, and it contains only 1 mg per ounce. At the same time baking chocolate, has a huge 450 mg of theobromine per ounce! Knowing which chocolate is the most toxic is important, but may have you wondering how much does it take to poison a dog. The list below should be helpful for you:

Milk Chocolate:1 ounce per pound of body weight. Approximately one pound of milk chocolate is poisonous to a 20-pound dog; one-half pound for a 10-pound dog. The average chocolate bar contains 2 to 3 ounces of milk chocolate. It would take 2-3 candy bars to poison a 10 pound dog. Semi-sweet chocolate has a similar toxic level.

Baking (Dark) Chocolate:1 ounce per in a 20 pound dog.

White Chocolate:200 ounces per pound of body weight. It takes 250 pounds of white chocolate to cause signs of poisoning in a 20-pound dog, 125 pounds for a 10-pound dog.

Sweet Cocoa:3 ounces per pound of body weight. One-third of a pound of sweet cocoa is toxic to a 20-pound dog; 1/6 pound for a 10-pound dog.

2.      Grapes & Raisins

Although these fruits are excellent for your health they can cause kidney failure to dogs. The type of grapes or raisin doesn’t make any difference and only a single serving can harm your dog`s health. (Raisins are much more concentrated.) Researchers are exploring the possibilities: a mycotoxin (fungal toxin), pesticide, herbicide or heavy metals, but thus far the actual toxin is unknown at this time.

Some of the symptoms like vomiting and jittery (hyperactive) behavior are seen immediately to within the first 24 hours after ingestion. Diarrhea is also not strange to happen and partly digested grapes and raisins can be noticed in the feces. Only in 24 hours, the dog may become anorexic, lethargic and depressed. Additionally the abdomen may be painful, the dog may stop drinking and urinating. Ultimately, the kidneys fail, and without aggressive treatment, many dogs will die.

3.      Onions & Garlic

Any form of garlic and onion (raw, cooked, powder or dehydrated) can damage the dog`s blood cells and in that way cause anemia. And it is so bad that even the onion powder in the baby food can do much harm. My dog has been given chicken and steak scraps that were seasoned with garlic and onion powder, after which it was sick for a full day. I realized what had happened and gave him Annie Chun’s Seaweed Snacks. He likes their taste and they made all the symptoms disappear. The symptoms of anemia include weakness, vomiting, little interest in food, dullness, and breathlessness.

Good dog food full of iron.

Lean meats like ground beef and lamb.

Cooked liver: 4 ounces for a large dog; 2 ounces for a smaller dog.

Fish, nuts and vegetables.

Foods with Vitamin B9, like carrots, egg yolks, pumpkin.

Green vegetables like beans and leafy produce full of chlorophyll like dried Seaweed.

4.      Avocado

In all its parts avocado contains toxin called persin that can cause upset stomach and breathing difficulties.

5.      Alcohol

Only a small amount of any type of alcoholic drink can cause intoxication for a dog which results with vomiting, seizures and unfortunately sometimes it can also lead to death.

6.      Coffee, Tea, & Other Caffeine

Big amount of caffeine can be fatal for your dog and experts say that there is no antidote for it. Symptoms of caffeine poisoning include restlessness, rapid breathing, heart palpitations, muscle tremors, fits, and bleeding. Besides tea and coffee, caffeine is part of cocoa, colas, chocolate, stimulant drinks like Red Bull and some medicines and pain killers.

7.      Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are also among the foods that can be fatal for dogs. Only six raw or roasted macadamia nuts will be enough to make your dog ill. Symptoms of poisoning include muscle tremors, weakness or paralysis of the hindquarters, vomiting, elevated body temperature, and rapid heart rate. The worst combination for your dog would be chocolate with nuts that can easily lead to death.

8.      Candy & Gum

Candy, gum, toothpaste, baked goods, and some diet foods are sweetened with xylitol. Xylitol can ncrease the insulin circulating through your dog’s body.  This will make your dog`s sugar to drop and in a few days a liver failure can also occur. Initial symptoms include vomiting, lethargy, and loss of coordination. Eventually, the dog may have seizures.


As with people eating too much salt can cause excessive thirst and urination with dogs. And it can even end up with sodium ion poisoning. Symptoms of this are vomiting, diarrhea, depression, tremors, elevated body temperature, and seizures. It may even cause death.

At A Glance Guide of The Best & Worst People Food For Dogs

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