
Cartilage is a flexible connective tissue that is located in the joints of hands and feet. The ears, nose, airways and chest are all made of cartilage. Cartilage is lighter than bones and heavier than muscle. It is elastic, and its role is to adapt the movements and to overcome major pressure incurred in the movement of the bones. Cartilage is the main carrier for mobility of the joints and relieves friction that results from movement. Articular cartilage is consisted of choanocyte and matrix cells whose main component is collagen.

Over the years cartilage begins to consume and create major problems in performing daily activities. Old age is a natural process of spending the cartilage, but the big problem is obesity because it is putting an additional pressure on the joints, especially the knees, making movement more difficult.

Excessive physical activity, carrying way too heavy stuff and use of machines that cause major vibrations lead to depletion of cartilage in the joints. The restoration and recovery of damaged joints is painful and arduous and requires appropriate therapies.

Despite the damage, the cartilage is vulnerable to diseases such as osteoarthritis, which affects all the joints in the body. The disease leads to loss of the layer between the bones in the joints which increases the pressure and causes inflammation and pain, and the muscles around the bones significantly get weaker and weaker.

The disease can be caused by injury or a combination of several factors: age, stress, obesity, genetic factor. Osteoarthritis affects more men than women. The diagnosed men are usually over 40 years of age.

Osteoarthritis begins to grow slowly with blunt thumb, knee and hip pains. It is very difficult to diagnose the disease because in the beginning the pain is insignificant. Depending on the extent of the disease therapy for the treatment is determined.

Classical medicine treats this disease with paracetamol in a form of ibuprofen and diclofen. If these remedies do not help you will need to try non-steroidal antirheumatics, regulation of body weight and light exercises. The ultimate option for treatment is surgery or application of injections hyaluronic acid.

Chondrolysis is a disease which occurs in the matrix of the cartilage as a surface necrosis of the joint surface or as cracks. It may occur during injury, infection or prolonged immobilization of joints.

Chondromalacia is a disease of the joints and is followed by widespread pain in any movement. It occurs most often in adolescence, especially among girls, but it is characteristic with deformities of the legs in the shape of “X” and “O” or unequal length of the legs.

Achondroplasia is a hereditary disease that occurs as a result of genetic mutation. In this disease the problem is the transformation of cartilage into bone, i.e. ossification, leading to disturbances in the development of dwarfism.

Herniation of the spinal disc is a disease that usually affects older people. This disease damages the intervertebral disc. As a consequence of the lifting of very heavy stuff and sudden bending and twisting of the spine it can come to seepage through the core of the disc through the damaged fibrous ring of the vertebra and pressure on the nerves that pass through the spine. If you split the ligament that connects the vertebrae you will most likely come across a rise of a herniated disc that causes a lot of pain.

Cartilage tumors occur rarely and can primarily develop into the bones. Chondroma is benign, while chondrosarcoma is malignant tumors of the articular cartilage.

However, as always, diet can prevent damage to the cartilage. You should consume food rich in vitamins and amino acids, and especially make sure you intake of amino acid, called lysine, which can be entered through legumes, eggs, soy, yogurt, cheese, dried fruit. Another important ingredient is chondroitin which keeps the elasticity and mobility of the joints and it can be entered in the organism through consumption of shellfish, lobsters and crabs.

Foods that are rich in vitamins help restore and preserve the cartilage of the joints.

Vitamin А

When it comes to treating cartilage it is desirable to consume foods rich in vitamin A, such as: fish oil, dairy products, colored vegetables-tomatoes, peppers, carrots, beets…

Vitamin C

Helps restore collagen which has a major function in the formation of tendons and ligaments. It is recommended to enter about 90 mg of vitamin C a day through supplements or citrus fruits: orange, lemon, grapefruit, kiwi fruit and vegetables: peppers and lettuce.

Vitamin D

Lack of vitamin D can cause arthritis and can also lead to a disease of the joints. This vitamin is produced by exposure to sun. The second option to get this vitamin is through consuming food such as fish, shellfish, butter, dairy products…

Vitamin K

This vitamin controls the mineralization of bones and supports the development of bone tissue. Lettuce, parsley and olive oil are all rich in this vitamin. The recommended dose is 125 mg. for men and 90 mg. women.

Alternative medicine also has to offer several ways of treating arthritis and joint pain.

Renewal of cartilage in a natural way

The most efficient natural remedy to restore the damaged cartilage is bovine gelatin. When it comes to composition, bovine gelatin is very similar to the cartilage. It is rich in amino acids, protein and collagen. If you consume it regularly you will be able to achieved positive results very quickly. It is recommended to consume 10 grams of this gelatin a day and the treatment lasts for 30 days. After that you need to make pause of 6 months.

Red and sore knee

In order to treat this health condition there are two types of coatings you can apply. Both have instant effect:

– Coating made of sour milk mixed with a little olive oil. It needs to be applied onto the inflamed knee and then wrapped with a cotton cloth. Since sour milk takes the heat, it means this coating helps reduce inflammation.

– Coating made of cabbage leaves: The leaves are previously crushed and rubbed on the sore knee and then the knee needs to be wrapped with cotton cloth. The coating should act for two hours.

Nettle tea is recommended for treating chronic pain. This tea is rich in silicate acid and can helps reduce pain. The tea is prepared as follows: 200 ml. of lukewarm water is poured over two teaspoons of nettle. The mixture should stand still for 15-20 minutes. Thus prepared tea is consumed three times a day.

Physical therapy is yet another effective method for reduction and elimination of pain in the joints. We talk about application of a magnet and LED lamp that reduces swelling, pain, stiffness, and have no harmful effects.

Acupuncture is also one of the ways to relieve pain because it acts on the immune system, reduces tension and increases the body’s resistance.

Baths and treatment with curative waters and mud also have positive effects particularly in patients with arthritis because the act therapeutic onto the affected joints.

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