
I have never felt SO good in my life. It really all started after yoga teacher training in 2014. I swear if I never taught yoga again, that training was meant for me to go through. I was scared to do the YTT, and man am I glad I decided to. I came out a different person.

It was more than just learning yoga and learning to teach, it was a total mind, body, and soul transformation.

Ever since then, I have daily become a different person. I really learned more about myself, got comfortable in my skin, and learned to really live my HAPPIEST.

Here is something I posted on my personal Facebook Page yesterday, in regards to how I feel.

There was a time in my life where I would let fear get the best of me, let mean people hurt me deeply inside, compared myself to others too much, and really wasn’t kind to myself.

I went through yoga teacher training in 2014, and came out of it a different person.

I no longer cared what negative people tried to say to hurt me, I knew it was them that hurt, and it’s why they wanted to hurt me. They saw me as a whole and happy person, and wanted to hurt me.

I no longer said no to myself to say yes to others. I was pulling myself in a million directions, being the people pleaser I was. I started saying yes to myself and no to others.

I stopped doubting my worth and my abilities to go after my dreams and goals. No longer was I fearful, I became fearless.

I stopped comparing myself to others, thinking if I didn’t live the way they did or did what they did, that something was wrong with me. I learned I am my own unique person and I just be me and follow my own journey. Nobody is on the same path, we walk our own.

Today, I am a confident, strong, ️fearless, and kick ass lady! I’m so grateful that I finally feel comfortable in my own skin, andI love myself more than I ever have.

We all have to go through ups and downs, lots of trial and errors, and lots of learning to find who we are, and to own who we are. We shouldn’t be scared to own our worth, or to be who we are!

Love life to the fullest, love yourself to the fullest, and don’t fear your journey!

I have NEVER felt more amazing, and I am excited to see what is ahead for me!

And, always keep your circle positive and supportive! Only surround yourself with people who love you, support you, and are positive!

AND now my happiness has exploded even more in my life. Yes, you guys know I am crazy and explode glitter and happiness! Hehe!

My blog started almost 5 years ago, crazy! I was in a dark place, lonely, and sad. One night I just decided to start a blog, I felt it was an outlet for me, a way to connect with people who shared the same interests as me. A way to make some friends, and to take my mind off other things.

Crazy how this blog started from me being in a bad place, and has grown into the most beautiful thing I could ever imagined. I never knew this blog would be where it is today, and it’s all just because a girl was hurting and wanted to find some good in her life. A girl that was always so positive and happy, yet had nobody to share her happiness with.

So she shared it with the world through her blog, and then it just grew and grew into a beautiful place of inspiration, happiness, positivity, and more.

I am SO grateful for this blog, and I truly look forward to coming here every day and sharing whatever it is I want to share. I love being able to connect with other amazing people, and to show people that there is no “perfect life” as I always be authentic on here.

As I help others maybe in lots of ways, you have no idea how much you guys help me! Man, you guys send those positive vibes and happiness right back to me, and I love it!

My blog is my main baby, and I never knew how much happiness it could bring, and the income I make with it now is just a perk. Money doesn’t make you happy, doing what you love daily is priceless.

And now, I have found something else that brings me SO much happiness and aligns PERFECTLY with Healthy Diva Life.

Crazy to think I said “NO” so many time to this opportunity when I was asked so many times over the past year and a half.  In May, I decided to say YES, after falling in love with a workout program.

I said “Yes”to becoming a beachbody coach. Something I always was saying hell no to! I never really knew what it was, I just saw beachbody pretty much thrown up all over my facebook fee daily. I thought it was just another pyramid scheme or just selling products.

No, I judged a book by its cover and I was wrong.

I have never been so excited each day! I get to help people get on a healthier path , I get to share my love for beachbody programs and the shakeology, and I get to inspire people.

Yes, the shakeology is the SHIT. Sorry, but what you hear people rave about it, it is damn true. I tried it and got hooked. I have a shakeology EVERY SINGLE DAY. Never have I ever had a smoothie every single day, this stuff has made me feel better than I ever have. It’s not your typical protein, it is a superfood powder for sure.

Besides the beachbody programs and products,  the biggest part is being a coach and getting to help others! You have no idea how rewarding it is to run challenge groups, have people have success with weight loss/toning up/feeling better and thanking YOU!

My challenge groups are my favorite part! It’s amazing to run these groups, see the ladies having success, being excited, and all connecting. Really is amazing.

I also get to build my own business, my own team of ladies who want to build their own business. A group of ladies who believe in the same things as me, are leaders, are positive, and authentic!

My team is growing, and I have never been so grateful in my life.

It really is an amazing thing when things just align so well together. Everything I do here on my blog daily or social media channels, is exactly what a coach does. We support, motivate, inspire, and help others. It is amazing to now have two businesses that bring me SO MUCH joy beyond words.

Everything happens for a reason. I can say, I have never felt so whole, never felt so happy, and never felt so on top of the world. I am so grateful to have connected with amazing ladies through coaching, and this is only the beginning. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for Healthy Diva!

I have to thank all of you for always supporting me, believing in me, and inspiring me! I love to live an authentic, happy, and positive life. I always want to be a good role model, a positive inspiration, and a friend to anyone who needs one.

Don’t forget to never let fear hold you back, dream big, and live your happiest each day.

Thank you for letting me share these words with you all today. You all mean more to me than you know.

Thank you <3

If you ever thought about becoming a BB coach, and want to join our team of ladies or learn more, I am a email away.

( teamhealthydivas@hotmail.com)

I have big plans for our team, I believe in my team, and we are going to inspire, motivate, and support so many people!

Healthy Diva xo

The post Things Align So Beautifully + Happiest I’ve Ever Been! appeared first on Healthy Diva Life.

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