Vitamin E is a fat soluble vitamin that acts as a powerful antioxidant to protect cell membranes against free radical damage and it can also benefit your hair and skin. Vitamin E also protects against LDL cholesterol oxidation.
Vitamin E is needed for the formation of red blood cells. It’s also a great immune enhancer that has protective effects against chronic diseases. Vitamin E can be used to prevent cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and diabetes, as well as in skin and hair treatments.
Here are some of the benefits of vitamin E:
Vitamin E Benefits for Skin Health
Because vitamin E is a lipid-soluble antioxidant, it can easily access cell membranes of skin cells and protect them against cell damaging lipid oxidation and the destruction of collagen, both of which contribute to the skin’s appearance of aging1.
When it comes to anti-aging, vitamins E and C are best friends. They work together to protect cell membranes, enzyme sites, and DNA from damage against free radicals.
According to research published in the British Journal of Nutrition, vitamin E contains bioactive compounds that have beneficial effects on skin health2. The study stated that when consumed orally, vitamin E administers bioactive compounds that are metabolized and presented to the entire skin tissue in an active form.
The study suggests that taking vitamin E orally is an effective method for getting bioactive nutrients to all areas of the skin in a replenishing fashion. You can also add vitamin E to your diet by enjoying foods high in vitamin E such as: coconut oil, olive oil, spinach, avocados, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, whole grains, eggs and nuts.
Vitamin E can be applied topically in the form of pure vitamin E oil. Vitamin E oil is found in many skin care products, most commonly in sunscreens, anti-aging moisturizers and skin brighteners.
Vitamin E oil is used to soothe sunburn as it is absorbed into the epidermis layer of the skin, which can help speed up the healing process.
Vitamin E may also be able to reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks, fight wrinkles, treat hyperpigmentation, moisturize dry skin, treat chapped lips and strengthen nails. You can make your own skin moisturizer or facial toner by adding a few drops of vitamin E oil to 2 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil and rubbing it on your skin.
Further reading: The Top 8 Vitamins and Nutrients for a Gorgeous Skin
Vitamin E Benefits for Hair Care
Structurally, vitamin E is made of eight different compounds called tocotrienols and tocopherols.
According to a 2010 study, the tocotrienols found in vitamin E contained powerful antioxidants that reduced lipid oxidation and oxidative stress in the scalp, which can help improve hair growth3. The study found that oral supplementation was best for promoting hair growth, as nutritional deficiencies and oxidative stress were the main causes of hair loss.
Vitamin E can also help condition the hair from root to shaft as well as making it shinier. It may also help prevent premature graying and split ends due to its high antioxidant content.
Vitamin E is one of the best foods and nutrients for healthy, strong and shiny hair, but you can also use vitamin E topically – mix together the contents of two vitamin E capsules with two tablespoons of oil, such as warm coconut or olive oil. Then massage the mixture into the scalp and let it sit for 30 minutes. Wash out the mixture as usual. This can be repeated once or twice per week.
Vitamin E Benefits for Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease and Other Diseases
According to a research published in Acta Vitaminol Enzymol, patients with high levels of vitamin E in their blood have lower risks of death from ischemic heart disease and cancer as well as a lower incidence of infections and breast cancer4. The study also found that vitamin E prevented or reversed neurological symptoms when given to children under the age of 3 with liver disease.
The study also found that vitamin E was also useful for the prevention of retina disease and nerve disease associated with cystic fibrosis4. Vitamin E can be used to increase hemoglobin levels and decrease the number of sickle cells in those with sickle-cell anemia (a red blood cell disorder). It may also be useful in improving blood circulation4.
A study published in the Alternative Medicine Review stated that vitamin E supplementation in the amount of 400 IR or more per day may be beneficial for patients at risk for or who have already been diagnosed with coronary artery disease. Supplementing with vitamin E may also prevent vascular diseases5.
The study showed that vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that resulted in a 77% reduction in nonfatal heart attack.
How To Use Vitamin E
Vitamin E can be applied to the skin, hair or nails topically in the form of oil or the liquid from vitamin E capsules.
If you consider taking vitamin E supplement, always consult with your doctor to make sure you don’t exceed the recommended dosage, and be sure to store your vitamin E supplements in a cool, dry place as they can become rancid.
It should be mentioned that according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, it is recommended to get vitamin E mostly from food rather than supplements. According to Mayo Clinic, most people in the United States obtain vitamin E from the diet, although people with very low-fat diets or intestine disorders may need supplementation.
Also because vitamin E is fat soluble, it is best absorbed into the blood stream when eaten with a meal that contains some fat.
As I mentioned previously, good sources of vitamin E include cold-pressed plant oils, nuts, sunflower seeds, eggs, dark leafy greens, avocados and wheat germ.
Vitamin E – Precautions
Vitamin E supplement may interact with some drugs and increase the risk of bleeding, especially if you are taking blood-thinners such as warfarin (Coumadin) or aspirin, so be sure to tell your doctor if you consider taking vitamin E supplements.
Read my other related articles:
1. How to Use Argan Oil for Great Hair and Skin
2. How to Use Rice Water for Gorgeous Hair and Skin
3. How to Use Rosehip Oil for Your Face, Skin and Hair
Resources: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
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