
Chlorella is one of the most familiar of the single-celled plants known as blue-green algae. Chlorella has many significant and unique nutrients. It contains 58 percent highly digestible vegetarian protein. It is an excellent source of chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. It is rich in polysaccharides, nucleic acids, peptides, essential fatty acids and B vitamins.

Chlorella is also loaded with antioxidants to keep you looking and feeling young! Chlorella contains many times more beta carotene than even carrots. It may well be the most nutrient-dense and beneficial food in the world. If you were to add just one antioxidant food to your diet, you couldn’t find any that would give you all the benefits of chlorella!

Health Benefits of Chlorella. Including chlorella in your diet provides you with more energy, better digestion, improved mental clarity, and stronger organs and tissues. One area that chlorella excels in is detoxification.

Cleansing & Detoxification. Chlorella works in several ways to keep your body clean. It helps keep the blood clean by cleansing your bowel and other elimination channels, as well as protecting your liver. A clean bloodstream is necessary for a strong immune system.

This cleansing benefits of chlorella are also important if you’re on any sort of low-carb diet (Atkins diet, South Beach diet, etc.) since such diets can place a heavy burden on the liver and kidneys. (Eliminating excess ketones puts your body under additional stress).

Anyone who is trying to lose weight should be aware that environmental toxins being stored in your fat cells are released into the blood stream as those cells are broken down. These toxins need to be cleared from the body by a natural detoxification system, such as that offered by chlorella.

Studies shown that chlorella has a protective effect on your liver, and supports the body’s natural defense system. Chlorella improves the function of your liver and strengthens your cardiovascular system.

Chlorella Improves Digestive System. One of the ways chlorella eases digestion is through its broad spectrum of enzymes, including pepsin and many others. Chlorella also stimulates the growth of friendly bacteria, which has the effect of strengthening your intestinal flora and help you resist diseases.

Balancing Blood Sugar. Chlorella has been shown to normalize blood sugar and is helpful in the treatment of diabetes and hypoglycemia. Chlorella supports and balances liver and pancreatic function; these two organs are critical in the regulation of your blood sugar.

Preventing Cancer. Chlorella will stimulate your immune system and your body’s production of interferon, one of your greatest natural defenses against cancer. When your immune system is strengthened, your body is able to fight off cancer as well as viruses, bacteria and chemicals. Chlorella also has shown an ability to repair damage to DNA and influence gene expression.

Other specific benefits of chlorella include the following:

diminishes asthma and allergy symptoms

helps protect the liver from toxins, including prescription drugs

reduces high blood pressure

helps prevent cardiovascular disease

helps control symptoms of ulcerative colitis

strong anti-inflammatory effects improve arthritis symptoms

improves skin disorders (eczema, acne, dermatitis)

protects the intestinal lining against peptic ulcers

balances estrogen

Chlorella is a Whole Food. Think of chlorella as a nutrient-dense green food, rather than a nutritional supplement. One tablespoon has the nutritional value of 5 or 6 servings of vegetables. You can’t eat too much. Using chlorella is a great way to ensure that you get enough antioxidants into your diet.

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