
In the past, I was always skeptical about natural remedies, but seeing results and how much faster  I could recover from an illness, made me change my mind. I used to take so many over the counter medications that helped very little and didn’t shorten the length of the illness.

My son was born with a rare birth defect and had many health problems, including trouble eating and respiratory infections. By switching to a healthier diet and using natural remedies, we were able to overcome all his problems and get his immune system stronger. Please see My Story if you want to learn more about it.

The best way to fight an illness is boosting your immune system.  Remember that to be healthy you must also get enough sleep, eat a balanced diet low in sugar and processed foods, and exercise regularly. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially those with high contents of vitamin C and vitamin A. You can also make your own Vitamin C supplements with this recipe: Vitamin C Gummies. If you are interested in avoiding processed foods, please read my other post,7 Ways to Avoid Processed Foods for more information.

Even if you have a pretty healthy lifestyle, sometimes you need a little extra help, especially during cold and flu season.  The following 7 Ways To Boost Immunity And Get Ready For Flu Season can help prevent colds and the flu.  If you happen to catch one, the following natural remedies can definitely can help shorten the duration and intensity.

7 Ways To Boost Immunity And Get Ready For Flu Season

Eldelberry .- Or its botanical name Sambucus, is a unique American fruit that can help treat conjunctivitis, cold and flu symptoms, reduce congestion, relieve arthritis pain, soothe upset stomachs, and is also used for detoxification. The best way to use it for colds and/or the flu is making elderberry syrup. The black variety is the best one. If the fruit is not available fresh or frozen at your local store, you can buy the Black Elderberry Syrup online. Elderberries contain lots of flavonoids and free radical-scouring antioxidants.  Elderberries also contain 87 percent of the daily value in vitamin C, and high amounts of vitamin A, potassium, iron, vitamin B6, fiber, and betacarotene. Many studies have shown elderberries can help prevent and speed recovery in those who have the flu.

Ginger.-  A potent anti-viral substance that prevents the adhesion of viruses to the upper respiratory mucosa. Ginger is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic (preventing the growth of disease) and also an antioxidant. For cold and flu specifically, ginger contains chemicals called sesquiterpenes, which target upper respiratory viruses, namely the common cold. I usually grate some ginger in lemon juice and add some Raw Honey.  Ginger also soothes the stomach and throat, has properties to suppress a cough, and is considered a natural pain and fever reducer. If you make hot Ginger Tea, you can breath in the hot elixir and it will help clear your nasal passages. Another great recipe using ginger is Homemade Ginger Ale.

Probiotics.– Are micro-organisms, specific bacteria, fungi, and yeasts that are natural, necessary component of the digestive tract. They are beneficial to the body and an integral part of our immune system. When the biodiversity of these beneficial organisms is in balance, they help with digestion, nutrient absorption, and form the front line of our immune defense. Antibiotics are strong medications and will kill all bacteria: good and bad. After a round of antibiotics for 10 days you kill the beneficial bacteria within your intestines. When you do so, you upset the delicate balance of your intestinal terrain. Taking probiotics is also essential for restoring healthy bacteria after a round of antibiotics. I like buying Raw Probiotics. For more information please see my post Tula’s Cocokefir Probiotics.

Raw Honey.- Another immune system booster that also helps the body fight a cold or flu faster. Did you know studies have determined that children who get a dose of raw honey cough less and sleep better than those who get cough and cold medicines? Plus there are no side effects.  When my son has a bad cough, I give him a teaspoon at bedtime and he is able to sleep better. Make sure you choose a good quality raw honey like 100% Pure Raw Tupelo Honey. You can also see my post Raw Honey For Coughs And Colds for more details.

Pineapple.- Did you know that pineapple juice is 500% more effective at helping you stop coughing than cough syrup is? It’s true! Pineapple contains a substance called Bromelain; a specific type of enzyme that has anti-inflammatory characteristics which can combat infections and eradicate bacteria. Pineapple is very rich in Vitamin C, the body’s primary water-soluble antioxidant, defending all aqueous areas of the body against free radicals that attack and damage normal cells. It is also vital for the proper function of the immune system, making it a nutrient to turn to for the prevention of recurrent ear infections, colds, and flu. Try making a delicious Pineapple Smoothie and add grated ginger, raw honey, lemon juice, and a little elderberry syrup. This will be like a “flu shot” in case you catch a cold or the flu this season.

Garlic.– A natural antifungal and antibacterial that can help kick almost any illness to the curb. It is also a natural antibiotic. Garlic loses its potency when cooked, so it’s best taken raw during times of sickness.  You can finely chop a garlic clove and let it sit for about 10 minutes.  Waiting allows the health-promoting alliicin to form. Allicin is the key ingredient responsible for the broad-spectrum of anti-bacterial activity in garlic. Research also showed that allicin is responsible for lipid-lowering, anti-blood coagulation, anti-hypertension, anti-cancer, antioxidant and anti-microbial effects.  After waiting for about 10 minutes, sprinkle it over your food and eat. Raw garlic cloves are really strong and eating them without food can upset your stomach if you are not used to it.

Cod Liver Oil.-  If you don’t eat enough fish you can definitely benefit from a cod liver oil supplement. It is one of the best sources of omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA). It improves your body’s ability to avoid catching illnesses such as colds or the flu. By adding cod liver oil to your daily diet, you can improve your overall health and strengthen your immune system.  Get a good quality Cod Liver Oil that contains lots of Vitamin A, which is one of the most important nutrients for preventing and relieving colds and flus. The body’s mucous membranes are the first line of defense against infections and vitamin A helps to ensure that it is functioning properly. Vitamin A also aids in the development of white blood cells that help fight off infections after they have made their way into the body.

Remember, prevention is always the best remedy. I am now giving my son probiotics, elderberry syrup and cod liver oil daily to strengthen his immune system and get him prepared for flu season. At the first sign of a cold I also give him a warm bath with Epsom Salts . Works wonders! You can also make delicious ice pops without using refined sugars! Please see, Homemade Ice Pops and add the ingredients I just mentioned to fight your next cold or flu.

If you get sick and notice symptoms worsening, be sure to check with your health care provider to rule out any serious illness.

Article originally posted on CreativeandHealthyFunFood.com republished with permission

The post 7 Ways To Boost Immunity And Stay Healthy For Flu Season appeared first on Healthy Holistic Living.

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