
How to lose weight successfully and maintain it

Reports indicate that Americans are consuming extra 331
calories per day in comparison to what they were consuming back in 1978. This
amount is adding up to 120,000 extra calories per year which stores as about 34
pounds of mainly body fat.

Being overweight increases the risk of many diseases
including Cardiovascular disease, Hypertension, Digestive disorders, Acid reflux, Arthritis, Chronic Inflammation, and Malignancies. It is also
affecting the sleep ,and limiting mobility.

Having said that, based on multiple scientific studies only
simplistic approach of eating less is not providing successful weight loss. Besides limiting calorie intake, there
are other important factors that should be considered in a
successful weight loss protocol.

Some of these factors are including: Restoring healthy hormonal balance, insulin
sensitivities, and serotonin levels. Increasing physical activity and restful sleep. Limiting
the absorption of fat and sugar. Choosing healthy foods and eliminating
processed food.

Our body regulates its weight via a very complex network of
nervous system and hormones. The hypothalamus region of the brain regulates the
nerve signals received from the sensory cells in the stomach. When the stomach
is stretched or full, these cells will send the satiety signal directly to the brain. Also indirectly the
insulin level and the secretion of some other digestive enzymes are sending
satiety signals.

Fat cells based on their fat reserves produce a hormone called Leptin. When the fat reserves are going down for instance during a diet,
Leptin levels are low and that signals the brain to stimulate hunger. While, when
the Leptin is at its higher levels, it sends the satiety signal to brain. In
Overweight people the brain does not respond to the high levels of leptin
anymore this is called the Leptin resistance mode. This is exactly like Insulin
resistance and diabetes type 2 . No matter how much Leptin the fat cells
produce, the brain does not recognize it, so for a Leptin resistance brain it
is like there is no Leptin resulting in constant feeling of hunger.

Body burns calories
while resting. In a Leptin Resistance situation the calorie burning rate during rest is decreased making it even
harder to lose weight. This is also seen in age related weight gain.

Insulin resistance is another factor in obesity. Insulin is secreted at the presence of high levels of blood sugar and triggers the cells to
take up the sugar from blood. Insulin resistance is a condition when the
Insulin levels are constantly high and cells do not get the signal any more.
This is more evident in obese patients as well as in cases with chronic inflammation when their cells lose
their sensitivity to the Insulin. Improving insulin sensitivity is one of the
important factors to a successful weight loss program.

Insufficiency in thyroid hormones, reduced
male and female hormones specially
due to aging and low levels of DHEA
production are related to weight gain. In men low levels of testosterone causes an increase in fat mass. In addition, in
overweight men more testosterone converts to estrogen via increased activity of
the Aromatase enzyme produced in fat tissue.
Inhibiting Aromatase and exercise are
considered to provide a great help. In women, declining estrogen levels mainly
during menopause could be one of the
reasons of increased abdominal fat.

Thyroid gland plays a very important role in balancing our
metabolism and a big number of the
overweight patients show imbalanced levels of thyroid related hormones in their
tests. Weigh loss is almost impossible when the thyroid hormones are

Low levels of Serotonin which is dominantly associated with
depression, is also liked to weight gain. When the Serotonin levels in the
brain increases, the desire to eat
decreases. Studies also found that levels of the amino acid Tryptophan which is
a precursor to serotonin is considerably lower in obese individuals.

Chronic stress or long term stress alters the hormonal balance and causes weight gain and other metabolic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular
disease. During stress body increases the production of a hormone called Cortisol. Cortisol promotes weight gain is multiple ways. Fat cells are covered
with many receptors for cortisol, when cortisol level rises fat cells respond
to it and start storing fat more and more, so the fatty tissues get bigger and
bigger. Plus cortisol is able to suppress the activity of Leptin (Leptin is
responsible for satiety signal to the brain).

Body Mass Index (BMI) is the most widely used way of
assessing body weight. WHO defines that
individuals with BMI of equal or greater than 25 are considered overweight.
However, high BMI is not necessarily reflective of high body fat. Many athletes
have high BMI due to higher muscle mass. Studies suggest that when BMI measurements
complemented with hormonal tests including Leptin levels, it will more likely
help to determine body fat content and the risks of developing obesity. For
example, an athletes with a high BMI but normal levels of Leptin will less likely develop obesity.

While the very necessary step in every weight loss program is
balancing calorie intake and increasing physical activity, it does not provide a sustainable and successful
weight loss without including other hormonal and metabolic factors.

Knowing that the overall food consumption during past several
decades has increased, calorie reduction shows to be beneficial to prevent many
diseases even in a healthy non obese individuals. However, choosing healthy
food substitutes including necessary nutrients and complementing a weight loss
diets with supplementing essential nutrients is not only an important key to a
healthy weight management program, but also does prevent unwanted effects of a
broken diet.

Protein is considered one of the satiating nutrients, however
all the proteins will not act equally in this regard. Researches indicate that Whey protein in particular provides superior benefits over
the other sources of proteins. After taking whey protein the concentration of
amino acids in the blood increases about 30 % within three hours period; and at
the same time, it causes an increase of 60% in the levels of two satiety
hormones . Scientists suggest that the whey protein is a better
choice for improving body muscle mass and reducing body fat. Interestingly maintaining fat burn
and gaining muscle mass is only achieved
by taking whey protein, while whole milk
actually increased body fat. Whey protein also supports weight loss and mood by
its effects on serotonin levels. Alpha Lactalbamin part of the whey is rich in
Amino Acid Tryptophan used in synthesis of serotonin.

Amino Acid Tryptophan is precursor to Serotonin. Serotonin levels play an
important role in balancing mood and signaling satiety to brain. Tryptophan
deficient diet affects Serotonin synthesis. Lower levels of Serotonin causes
increase in hunger and fail to maintain successful weight loss. Studies show
that taking amino acid Tryptopahn before
meal reduces calorie consumption.

In several studies
supplementing or consuming Green tea has shown
to be moderately beneficial for weight loss. Green tea polyphenols and caffeine content will increase body's energy
consumption which means it helps to turn more calories to energy. In addition, the green tea's antioxidant EGCG (epigallocathechin gallate) reduces the absorption of
fat from the digestive tract. Human trial on moderately obese individuals
showed supplementing with EGCG for three months reduced their body weight by
almost 5%.

In several double blind studies individuals who were supplementing
with CLA for three months, showed reduction in their
body fat. The studies indicate that CLA
promotes reduction in body fat composition via its effects on Leptin levels,
while it does not necessarily promote weight loss. Some other research suggested that the Isomer t10c12 to be more
beneficial form of CLA in fat loss. Taking CLA for a long time has not shown
any adverse effects on the liver function, and did not show any effects on blood lipids, cholesterol and
glucose levels.

Brown seaweed extract called Fucoxanthin
is able to increase body's metabolism or energy consumption by its affects on
mitochondria (an organelle inside our
cells which is responsible to produce energy). Four months human trial
combining calorie restricted diet with supplementing Fucoxanthin and
pomegranate seed extract together, resulted in a significant weight loss as well as reduction in their inflammatory marker
(CRP), serum lipids including triglycerides and LDL compared to the control

Poly phenol extracts from seaweeds like Kelp, Bladder wrack and brown seaweed when taken before meal, has
shown to decrease the carbohydrate or sugar absorption from the meal by
affecting the activity of a gastric
enzyme called alpha amylase. In addition, research suggests seaweed poly phenols reduce the blood Insulin level and increase Insulin
sensitivity of the cells.

Irvingia gabonesis seed extract improves Leptin sensitivity. Studies show that taking adequate amount of
Irvingia before meals helps to reduce body fat, as well as blood lipids and sugar.

Another effective natural supplement which is able
to both reduce the absorption of carbohydrate and balance the insulin levels is
Mulberry leaf Extract . Mulberry Leaf extract reduces the excessive glucose production in
the liver as well. Several studies compared the function of mulberry leaf
extract with drugs used in treating diabetes and all of them concluded that
mulberry leaf extract is as effective as those drugs without the unwanted side
effects. However, the benefits of mulberry leaf extract was not limited to
improving blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity, it also helped to balance
blood lipids by lowering cholesterol, LDL, and triglycerides within 4 to 8
weeks. Therefore supplementing with mulberry leaf extract helps with weight
loss by having beneficial effects on blood sugar and lipids.

Plant fibres such as Arabinose and Glucomannan are able to reduce absorption of dietary
carbohydrate and fat in the digestive tract. Many studies support their safety of use and their positive effects
on weight loss via appetite reduction, blood glucose balance as well as blood lipid reduction.

Improving Insulin sensitivity and keeping the blood sugar at normal level are
the important components to a successful
weight management and weight loss program. Based on several researches trace minerals like Chromium
and Vanadium can enhance the insulin activity and
perform a positive a effect on improving metabolic syndrome conditions.
Inadequate amount of in another essential mineral called Magnesium
in our diets is also linked to increased risk of developing diabetes, metabolic
syndrome, and other obesity related diseases.

Addressing the major causes of slow metabolism and weight
gain, helps to lose those extra pounds much easier and more effectively.
Identifying each cause will help to reverse associated diseases with weight
gain and reduce the risks of developing metabolic syndrome, diabetes, chronic
inflammation, and many more. Those causes are managed by controlling appetite
and hunger hormones, Reducing calorie consumption, Increasing physical
activities, Reducing stress considering serotonin and tryptophan levels,
Reducing inflammation, Limiting exposure
and consumption of preservatives and
additives which contribute to slower metabolism and increase in fat storage, Optimizing
body's detoxification by Including antioxidants in our daily diet like green tea
and raw cocoa, Boosting energy production from calories, Keeping hormones in
balance and Knowing levels of thyroid, adrenal, male and female hormones.

Articles and products featured by Health Palace
are collected from a variety of sources and are provided as a service by Health
Palace. These newsletters, while of potential interest to readers, do not
necessarily represent the opinions nor constitute the advice of Health Palace.
Presented materials are only for information purposes and do not intent to
treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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