
Emergency contraceptives are forms of birth control in cases of unprotected sex.  The emergencies include rapes, slip of condom, or missing of one or two birth control pills during the monthly cycle. Emergency contraception is used to prevent a pregnancy. They do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

What are the types of emergency contraceptives available in market

There are two types of emergency contraceptives available for the use of women. Pills and the intrauterine contraceptive device which is better known as coil.

There are four types of emergency contraception pills available in the markets of the world.

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The Progesterone Contraception Pill

This pill contains levonorgestrel which is a progesterone hormone. This pill is to be taken immediately after unprotected sex or within 72 hours.  It is said to work by delaying the process of ovulation or by restricting the fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus. There are no side effects of this pill, but some women feel a sense of nausea for about 24 hours after taking the pill. This can be minimized by taking the pill with food. Some other mild side effects include stomach, headache, dizziness or tiredness for a short time.

Ulipristal pill

Ulipristal acetate is a type of emergency contraceptive pill that is taken as one single tablet immediately after unprotected sex. It can also be taken after 120 hours or 5 days after sex.  The hormone in the pill work by stopping or delaying the release of egg.This pill is found to be effective but not reliable. It is most effective if taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex. Ulipristal pill has the tendency to interfere with certain medicines; hence it should be taken after medical advice only. Side –effects of the pill include headaches, sick feeling, stomach pain and irregular bleeding.

Another emergency contraceptive pill uses both the hormones progestin and oestrogen. The control pill can be used for emergency contraception to prevent pregnancy.

A yet another type of emergency contraceptive pill contains small doses of mifepristone. This pill is also highly effective, with few side-effects.

The intrauterine contraceptive device (coil)

An alternative method of emergency contraception is to have an IUCD (coil) inserted by a doctor or nurse, up to five days after unprotected sex. It is more effective and has the advantage of providing ongoing contraception. Women with copper allergy should not use this method.

Some other points about emergency contraception

Emergency pills do not have any effect on the woman’s monthly cycle. Sometimes the periods come earlier or later than normal. If the periods are more than seven days late or are lighter than normal,a doctor must be consulted. There is also a small risk of pregnancy even if the emergency contraceptive is used correctly.

Danger aspects involved with using morning after pills or contraceptive pills

The most common morning after pill risks include unwanted effects including stomach discomfort, frustration, spotting of blood, breast pain and tenderness, sickness,dizziness,and tiredness.

Periods may be unusual, heavy or lighter than usual

There are complications for ladies who suffer from diabetes and pelvic inflammation while having emergency  pills

Another key risk associated with the intake of contraceptive pills is that they improve the danger of ectopic pregnancy. It is necessary to see the doctors if there is any lower abdominal pain or abnormal vaginal bleeding for 2-6 weeks after the use of emergency contraception. These are the main symptoms of ectopic pregnancy though it is very rare but very severe.

Another complication is the intake of this pill after pregnancy which can also take place while taking emergency pills.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Emergency Contraception

The main advantage of Emergency contraceptive is the chance of preventingpregnancy after unprotected sex. Both pills and copper-containing IUDs are reversible methods of contraception. On the other hand the copper-containing IUD can provide ongoing contraception for 10 years.

The main disadvantage of emergency contraceptive pills is that they only protect a woman from a single contraceptive emergency, and it is not effective if used again by the women in her lifetime. The main disadvantage of the copper-containing IUD is that it can be placed only by a trained nurse or a doctor.

Today, the emergency contraceptives play a great role in the society to prevent various emergency situations that is related to unwanted pregnancy. Ladies of all ages are consuming emergency contraceptives repeatedly to stop unwanted pregnancy. Even after marriage if the couples wishes to restrict the birth of child, emergency contraceptives would be an important consideration.  These can be in the form of pills or any other mechanisms. You can choose the emergency contraceptives according to your wish.

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