
If you’re thinking about launching a program this fall, this is a great time to start to identify how you can get it in front of as many of the right people as possible. The more people who learn about your program, the more people you can help!

Your email list and social media networks are a great place to start, but what if you have a relatively small following? Can you still have a great launch?


Angie Byrd offered her first cleanse when she was 3 months out of school and enrolled 26 people this very first time.

Jeannine Moran launched her first cleanse right after graduating from nutrition school and she enrolled 17 participants!

Mari Carmen Pizarro was 2 months out of school when she launched her first detox. She filled this “higher end” in-person 21-Day Detox with 10 women.

Don’t postpone your launch due to a small list. You can still have a successful launch by leveraging one secret weapon – who you know.

Like they say, it’s all about who you know. Find people to help boost your launch
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The secret to reaching more people during your launch isn’t some complicated list building strategy or spending thousands of dollars on ads. The secret is finding great partners to help promote alongside with you.

Finding people to help promote your launch can make a huge impact on your enrollment. Here’s why…

1. They have an audience, too! If they start spreading the message to their network and their email list about your great program you’ll increase your reach numbers instantly.

2. Their referral or recommendation is more trusted than hearing about you through an ad or a tweet. This level of trust typically brings with it a higher conversion rate than cold traffic landing on your page.

Who can you get to help promote?

1. Referral Partners

Referral partners are typically people who do work that is complementary to yours, but don’t compete directly with you. If you’re already working with some referral partners, be sure to let them know about your upcoming promotion so they can share it with their clients. If you don’t have any referral partners lined up, here’s how to get some.

2. Clients and past students/participants

People who have already worked with you are your best form of word of mouth marketing! Contact past clients and students to ask for testimonials that can be used in your marketing emails and your sales pages. You can also ask anyone that loved your program to share it with their friends.

3. Friends and contacts

Even if you’re new in business, you have relationships with people. Your friends, family, former co-workers, current co-workers (if you have a day job), and people you’ve met through networking are all people who can help spread the word for you. Make a list and note the people who are natural connectors, influencers, and have larger or tight-knit networks.

Lining up people to help in your launch doesn’t have to be scary! When looking for people to collaborate with, start with people you already know and have a good relationship with. If you can make it mutually beneficial for them they’ll probably be more than happy to help you out.

How can you sweeten the deal so they say yes?

While family and friends may be happy to help, others may need something to motivate them. There are a few incentives you can use to get people spreading your program like wildfire.

Start An Affiliate Program

Earning commissions for promoting your program is a great incentive for any partners or past clients you approach. The thought of earning money for helping you out is usually enough to get people to put in some work for you.

Setting up an affiliate program is easy with a tool like e-junkie. It manages all of the click tracking and payouts for you, so you can focus on your business and not managing your affiliates.

If people are promoting your program in conversations (vs. online), simply ask your participants how they heard about the program. This way you’ll know who receives commissions.

Make Promotional Materials For Them

You can make it super easy for someone to say yes to helping you out if you’ve done 99% of the work for them! Tell your potential partners that you have all the promotional materials they need, so they just need to copy and paste into emails or social media.

Set up a folder in Google Drive or Dropbox so your partners can download everything they need. Here’s a list of what you should include:

Pre-written social media messages for Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Pinterest

Promotional images for each social media channel

Swipe copy that they can include in an email

All of the background information on the program – price, specials, promotion dates, what it includes, what they can expect, any bonuses or bundles being offered (most of this info can be easily pulled from your sales page)

Getting other people shouting from their rooftops about your program is easier than you think, and it’s a great marketing tactic to get your program in front of a larger audience.

Now I’d love to hear from you!

What has worked for you in terms of getting other people to promote you?


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