
This post is part of the HIM Series of blog posts. If you’d like to receive future HIM posts in your inbox, you can subscribe to future HIM Scene posts here.

As we prepare to head to the 2016 AHIMA Annual convention (see our full list of conferences we attend), we’re excited to talk about how we’re planning to expand HIM Scene to include as many HIM voices and perspectives as possible. HIM Scene will still be hosted here on Hospital EMR and EHR and will still have its own email list where HIM professionals can receive great HIM related content from thought leaders across the industry. However, we’ll be using HIM Scene to share a wide variety of people and perspectives.

The HIM industry is an amazing group of devoted people and that really comes through at every AHIMA annual convention I attend. Plus, HIM has a lot more influence than many people realize. So, we’re happy to do what we can to raise the voices and perspectives of HIM professionals here at HIM Scene.

Looking forward to the AHIMA Annual convention next week in Baltimore, we’re excited to learn about a number of important topics. Here are a few we’ll be sure to report on in future HIM Scene posts:

ICD-10 – A year after implementation, I’m really interested to hear the real stories of how ICD-10 has impacted healthcare organizations for good and bad. I bet there will be a lot of stories that haven’t been shared. I’ll also asking the HIM professionals I meet what they think the impact of the end of the ICD-10 grace period will have on healthcare. I wonder how many will have stories of ICD-10 improving care versus stories of ICD-10 for reimbursement.

Information Governance – This is an eternally hot topic in HIM, but it always continues to evolve. This is particularly true as records have gone electronic. This year I wonder how many people have been involved in some sort of health data sharing project. Information governance can get pretty tricky as healthcare organizations start to share data with each other electronically.

HIPAA Privacy and Security – A really hot topic given all the HIPAA breaches and ransomware incidents in healthcare. I’m sure I’ll find a number of HIPAA privacy officers that will share some good insights into how they’re dealing with these security and privacy challenges. I’m afraid many of them will give me exasperated responses about how their leadership isn’t taking it serious enough.

Informatics – I’ve been really intrigued with HIM’s role in healthcare informatics. Once you dive in, it makes since why HIM would be involved, but I don’t think most people saw that at first. What’s also been interesting to watch is many HIM professionals who’ve kind of shunned their involvement in healthcare informatics. We’ll see if many are still in that position or if most HIM professionals are starting to embrace and participate in the informatics efforts of their organizations.

What hot topics will you be looking for at the 2016 AHIMA Annual Convention? The AHIMA 2016 theme is to “Inspire Big Thinking to Launch Our Future.” We’ll be sure to report back any big thinking we hear from people we meet.

If you’d like to receive future HIM posts in your inbox, you can subscribe to future HIM Scene posts here.

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