
Walnuts are delicious seeds from the trees of the Juglans genus. They’re spherical, single-seeded fruits of the walnut tree. The fruit and also the seed of the walnut are enclosed within a thicker, inedible husk. The shell of the fruit which encloses the kernel is tough as well as two-halved. The seed of the walnut fruits include quite a lot of nutrition like proteins, EFAs (essential fatty acids), carbohydrates, vitamins, as well as essential minerals.

Walnuts have invariably been regarded as ‘Brain Food’, perhaps since the surface structure of the walnut features a crinkly appearance like this of the brain. Because of this reason, they’ve been regarded as a symbol of intelligence, resulting in the fact that walnuts in fact boost one’s intellect. While this is not quite true, current scientific studies have confirmed that the usage of walnuts does help to promote brain function. Walnuts consist of omega-3 fatty acids, that boost the activity of the brain. Omega-3 fatty acids in conjunction with iodine as well as selenium add to ensuring optimum functioning of the brain.Together with their delicious taste, walnuts have got anti-oxidants and proteins which help in imparting numerous health advantages. Walnuts may also be a tasty supplement and for that reason can be simply contained in anyone’s diet. Walnuts may also be regarded as ‘Power food’, being that they are considered to enhance body stamina.

Health benefits of Walnuts

Walnuts have got countless health benefits. Walnut is surely an edible seed of the tree nut Juglans regia. The plant originated from India and also the regions surrounding the Caspian Sea, and in the 4th century AD, the ancient Romans introduced the walnut to numerous European countries. The tree serves numerous uses; you can use it as food (edible seed), medication, furniture and dye. The walnut seed features a variety of health advantages ranging from weight management to prevention as well as slowing of numerous cancers.

1. They can reduce the risk of breast cancer

Consuming about 28 walnut halves each day offers anti-oxidants and phytosterols that might help reduce the risk of breast cancer, in accordance with research in the Marshall University School of Medicine in West Virginia. Mice were fed a daily diet with the human equal of two ounces (60 g) of walnuts. When compared with mice fed a control diet, the walnut eaters had considerably reduced breast tumour incidence along with a slower rate of tumour growth.

2. They’re packed with omega-3 fatty acids

A diet full of omega-3s is helpful in lessening depressive disorders, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), cancer as well as Alzheimer’s disease and there’s also powerful proof that omega-3s counter inflamation related illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis as well as Crohn’s disease.

3. Improvement in heart function

Walnuts are full of omega-3 and therefore are an adequate source of monounsaturated fatty acids (72%) like oleic acid. Additionally, it consists of EFAs like linoleic acid, alpha linolenic acid (ALA), and arachidonic acids. Scientific tests prove that the inclusion of walnuts in almost any diet aids in preventing coronary heart diseases simply by favoring a healthy lipid supply. Usage of walnuts lowers bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases level of good cholesterol (HDL).  Consumption of 25 grams of walnuts every single day provides 90% of the suggested daily intake (RDI) of EFAs, which often lowers the chance of high blood pressure levels as well as heart diseases.

4. Walnuts as Brain Food

Walnuts have got possible health advantages in the area of memory as well as cognitive function as well. Lower omega 3 intake have been associated with depressive disorders as well as loss of cognitive function. And considering that walnut is really a rich source of ALA (omega 3), it no doubt encourages brain health. Research however reveal that only reasonable quantity of walnut (2 or 6 % of a healthy diet) can enhance motor as well as behavioral skills in older adults and higher amounts, say 9 %, impaired reference memory.

5. Improved Metabolism

Among the health advantages of walnuts consumption is that it increases the metabolism within the body. Walnuts, together with EFAs, supply minerals to the body. Minerals just like manganese, copper, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and selenium may also be supplied by walnuts. These types of minerals help contribute to metabolic activities like development and growth, sperm generation, digestion, as well as nucleic acid synthesis.

6. Walnuts for Hair

Walnut is a great ‘hair food’ too. It is because walnut consists of biotin (vitamin B7) that can help reinforce hair, reduce hair loss and improve hair growth to particular extent. However, very little scientific data is accessible to support these claims.

7. Walnuts in Pregnancy

While not much studies have gone in the safety and advantages of consuming walnut while pregnant, it is considered that walnut may possibly push away nausea while pregnant and boost brain development in the child. However, one research demonstrated that consuming tree nuts (including walnut) while pregnant might increase the odds of asthma as food allergy within the child by 50 %. But Harvard School of Public Health nutritionists rather claim that usage of peanuts and tree nuts while pregnant could even reduce the chance of allergic disease development in children.

8. Walnuts to Prevent Cancer

Walnuts consist of several things that, individually, have shown to slow cancer growth, which includes omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, as well as phytosterols. Consuming walnuts frequently may even decrease the chance for breast cancer in humans indicated researchers at Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology, Marshall University School of Medicine, Huntington, West Virginia following a study on laboratory animals. In accordance with them beta-sitosterol (a phytosterol) in conjunction with gama-tocopherol (vitamin E) benefited towards cancer cell growth. Many studies have likewise shown that frequent usage of walnut can avoid and even slow the progress of prostate cancer.

9. Control of Diabetes

People struggling with diabetes might have walnuts regularly with no substantial weight gain, since walnuts include a large quantities of polyunsaturated as well as monounsaturated fats, as per research carried out by Gillen et al. (2005) in the University of Wollongong, Australia. In an article titled “The impact of nuts on diabetes and diabetes risk”, by Lovejoy (2005) it really is pointed out that the consumption of nuts is inversely proportional to the chance of developing type-II diabetes.

10. Walnuts for Weight Management

Contrary to what individuals believe, walnuts are in fact great for weight loss since an oz of walnut consists of 2.5g of omega 3 fats, 4g of protein and 2g of fiber which help offer satiety. And any effective weight loss plan should include the satiety factor; so walnut is without a doubt the best food to think about in case you are into weight loss program. In spite of being ‘dense in calories’, walnut could also help with weight loss as is evident from the findings of the research published within the International Journal of Obesity, where overweight people following a Mediterranean style diet which included walnuts for 18 months might improve weight reduction and keep weight off for a longer period compared to those following a low-fat diet.

11. Anti-Inflammatory Properties

The polyphenolic compounds as well as phytochemical substances present in walnuts reduce the effects of inflammation within the body. This finding was a result of an experiment carried out within the Mediterranean area by Papoutsi et al. (2008).

12. Walnuts for Kidney Stones

Despite a lot of health advantages of walnut, it is advisable to be cautious on the amount as well as frequency of walnut consumption. This is because walnut has elevated levels of oxalates and oxalates help with kidney stone formation.

13. Healthier Scalp

The normal use of walnut oil helps to keep the scalp moisturized as well as hydrated, therefore keeping health conditions like dermatitis away. The anti-fungal qualities of walnut oil are valuable in avoiding the infections triggered by ringworm. This ensures a healthier as well as cleaner scalp. A healthy scalp can result in healthier hair

14. Induces sleep

Walnuts are an abnormally higher source of the nutrient melatonin involved in regulating our sleep patterns and getting us to fall asleep in the first place. This may also play a role in how relaxed you’re throughout the day (though a great night’s sleep the night just before is one of the ideal way to ensure this).

Omega-3 fatty acids are another element of walnut nutrition which have a role to maintain a relaxed mind as well as good sleeping patterns.

15. Male Fertility

Walnuts likewise have been associated with a positive effect on sperm development. In a single research, 117 healthy men aged 21 to 35 were randomized either to continue consuming their usual diet or adding 2.5 oz of walnuts to their usual diet.6 Before the research started and at the end of 12 weeks, researchers obtained blood as well as semen specimens. Males who consumed the walnuts experienced enhancement in sperm shape, movement, and vitality in addition to fewer chromosomal abnormalities within their sperm. The control group experienced no changes.

It’s considered that the abundance of PUFAs in walnuts and also the accompanying increased serum levels of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids noticed in the men consuming walnuts might have resulted in the changes in sperm quality. Whether the changes observed in this study would apply to men with fertility problems presently is unknown, yet these bits of information show another possible advantage of walnut consumption.

16. Can keep dementia at bay

Consuming walnuts day-to-day might help defend against dementia, say scientists. Within the research, Dr. Abha Chauhan and his team from the New York State Institute discovered that mice deprived of walnuts suffered a dramatic decrease in learning, memory as well as physical and emotional control. In accordance with the results, vitamin E as well as flavanoids in walnuts assisted destroy harmful free radical chemicals that can cause dementia.  You may find out more to discover how walnuts assist in preventing Alzheimer’s.

17. Prevents pancreatic cancer

A new study has found that usage of nuts, which includes walnuts, is inversely related to chance of pancreatic cancer, independent of other potential risk factors for pancreatic cancer. Scientists looked at the association in between nut consumption and chance of pancreatic cancer among 75,680 women in the Nurses’ Health Study, without any prior history of cancer. It absolutely was noticed that the ladies who consumed a one-ounce serving of nuts more than one times each week had a considerably decreased chance of pancreatic cancer as opposed to those who mostly abstained from nuts.

18. Delays Skin Ageing

Walnuts are great for the skin since they are full of B-vitamins.  Vitamin B is a superb stress and mood manager. Lower levels of stress lead to a better skin. Elevated stress levels can lead to the earlier start of wrinkles, therefore inducing faster aging. The existence of the B-vitamins, along with Vitamin E, an all natural antioxidant, works well for combating the free radicals induced because of stress. This further delays the ageing process.

19. Great for pregnant women

Mothers-to-be who consume a diet full of fatty acids like those present in walnuts can help to eliminate the baby’s likelihood of developing food allergies, researchers say. The research discovered that if a mother’s diet includes a particular group of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), the baby’s gut develops differently. The PUFAs are believed to enhance how gut immune cells react to bacteria and foreign substances, making the baby less inclined to have problems with allergies.

20. Can fight stress

If daily stress is taking a toll in your health, it’s time for you to consume walnuts, since they aid in fighting stress, in accordance with a study. The researchers discovered that including walnuts as well as walnut oil within the diet decreased both resting blood pressure as well as blood pressure responses to stress within the laboratory. Walnuts really are a rich source of fibre, anti-oxidants, as well as unsaturated fatty acids, especially alpha linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid. These are the basic nutrients that provide walnuts it’s stress fighting qualities.

21. Mood Booster

A scientific study suggests that deficiencies in omega-3 fatty acids (supplied by walnuts) result in hyperactivity, irritability, and tantrums. Supplementing a child’s diet along with walnuts compensates the shortage in EFAs and alleviates their mood. It really is even applicable to adults who’re battling depression and stress.

22. Astringent Properties

Walnut oils have got considerable astringent qualities. Walnut oil features a rich, nutty flavor that can help bring aroma as well as flavor to the food. This particular flavor provides a pleasant taste, however only when the walnut oil is utilized moderately. It is utilized as a carrier/base oil in a variety of therapies just like aromatherapy, massage therapy, as well as aromatherapy, plus the cosmetic as well as pharmaceutical industry. Walnut oils are wonderful as dressings on chicken, turkey, salads, pasta, fish and steaks. The uses of walnut oils in dessert recipes assist bring a nutty flavor for the dish. A 35 gram serving of walnut oil offers the same nutritional benefits as 50 grams of walnuts. Additionally they offer significant amounts of Vitamins B-1, B-2, and B-3.

23. For Constipation And Digestive System

Walnuts are fiber rich and they’re a terrific way to keep the digestive system working properly. All humans need fiber on a regular basis to maintain their bowels functioning effectively. Normally the common sources of protein, like meat and dairy products, lack fiber. Having walnuts daily may help you along with digestive problems and your bowels working properly

24. Strong Bones

One of the essential fatty acids in walnuts is known as alpha linolenic acid, and also this compound have been related to stronger, healthier bones. When you’re getting omega-3 fatty acids regularly, inflammation will decrease, reducing amounts of inflammation are related to stronger bones.

25. Give yourself an energy boost

Among the immediate benefits of walnuts is they include a lot of B vitamins, which could enhance your energy. This particular definitely goes along with the weight loss factor. When you’re energized, you’re more prone to get moving! Try walnuts on yogurt just as one afternoon pick-me-up or perhaps a preworkout snack.

History of Walnuts

The Common Walnut – Juglans regia – is really a slow growing, medium to large tree indigenous to a wide belt of Asia stretching from the Balkans to China. The biggest forests are normally found within the Jalal-Abad province of Kyrgyzstan at altitudes of 1000-2000 meters. The very first historical account of walnut cultivation extends back to Babylon (now Iraq) circa 2000 B.C. However, archaeological excavation of Neolithic sites in southwest France has discovered roasted walnut shells, indicating walnuts were being consumed in Europe at least 8000 years back.

The selective breeding of walnuts is considered to have begun together with the Ancient Greeks. The walnut tree was then broadly grown across Europe and parts of North Africa by the Romans. By the Middle Ages, walnuts were grown as far north as England. During the early 1800s walnuts were taken from England to North America, and also this gave rise to the name ‘English Walnut’.

The Black Walnut – Juglans nigra – is indigenous to North America. It too creates huge edible nuts however these are usually regarded as inferior to the nuts of Juglans regia. Even though very cold-hardy, the Black Walnut demands hot summers for the nuts to ripen appropriately. In Ireland, better results is going to be achieved along with chosen varieties of the Common Walnut.

Nowadays cultivation of the walnut takes place in numerous countries throughout the world. The annual harvest is about 1.5 million tonnes. China would be the world’s leading producer followed by the USA, Iran and Turkey. Within Europe, the main producers are generally Ukraine, Romania, France and Italy. Manufacture of walnuts in England has been around decline since the 18th Century, but continues on a very small scale in a number of counties which includes Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Somerset and Devon. Even though commercial walnut orchards normally have a life expectancy of 60-100 years, in favourable circumstances walnut trees can live  for 300 years or even more.  The tree features a short trunk as well as broad crown. Walnut trees have already been documented as producing viable nuts as far north as Altyre, Scotland (east of Inverness and 250km north of Edinburgh) at latitude 57.5º N (see links).Within the last one hundred years and fifty years, significant studies have been completed into walnut farming. Worldwide there might be as much as 300 distinct cultivars of Juglans regia. Selective breeding possesses produced cultivars with characteristics such as cropping in a young age, early ripening of nuts, and disease resistance. These types of cultivars are usually propagated by layering instead of grown from seed. Walnut trees grown from seed may revert to the characterisitics of the earlier parent tree. Usually the trees don’t begin cropping for several years.

Yield differs significantly. In trials carried out at the East Malling Research Station, England throughout the period 1934-1986, the average  annual yield was 16kg per tree, equal to 1.6 tonnes per hectare. However, the best 25 % of the trees yielded 3 times the typical weight per tree.

Types of Walnuts

However, there are numerous different types of walnuts, they all fall into three basic categories: English (or Persian), Black and White (or Butternut). All 3 types of walnuts are recognized to be a wealthy source of omega-3 essential fatty acids and antioxidants, and differ in physical attributes, region and taste.

1. English / Persian (Juglans regia)

Since the most ubiquitous as well as commonly consumed walnut in the United States, the English walnut is seen as a a thin, gnarled shell enclosing a smooth, ivory-colored nut. English walnuts have got a mild taste and therefore are frequently roasted for a lot of recipes that need them. This sort of walnut originated from India near the Caspian Sea — therefore, the alternate moniker, Persian — where ancient Romans discovered them in 4th Century A.D. and shipped the walnuts to Europe, where they continue to flourish. Centuries later, the English walnut was introduced to North America because of British mercantilism, and since gained the name “English walnut.”

2. Black (Juglan nigra)

Less common compared to English nut, black nuts are seen as a thick, hard shell along with sharp, jagged edges along with a darker color. Resistant to the English nut’s milder taste, black nuts are known for their stinky fragrance and powerful taste, and may replace English nuts in several recipes. Black nuts are indigenous to North America, particularly the Appalachian area and also the Mississippi Valley. The black walnut is of high flavor, but because of its hard shell as well as poor hulling characteristics it’s not grown in a commercial sense for nut production. Several walnut cultivars have already been developed commercially, that are almost all hybrids of the English walnut

3. White / Butternut (Juglan cinerea)

The white nut is definitely the most rare variety of walnut and regarded an endangered species by the the United States and Canadian governments. Comparable in origin to black nuts, white nuts are available in the Mississippi Valley and also the Appalachian area, in addition to Canada. A sweet, oily flavor characterizes these nuts, that are covered with a green, fuzzy husk and protected by the light-colored shell along with jagged edges.

Some walnut varieties:

1. Chico

It’s a small walnut that needs serious pruning to get good sizes. The colour of the edible part is excellent. The tree is usually small and erect. It’s very productive and of early harvesting in California.

2. Corne

The fruit is of average size and incredibly tasty, however the edible part is tough to take out. The tree is extremely vigorous and easy to create, with a tendency to loose the leaves. It provides a good productivity, even though of slow fruition and late maturation, in October. It is of French origin and cultivated in Dordoña.

3. Franquette

The fruit is of good quality, thicker, tasty and simple to remove. The tree is of average vigour and easily formed. It’s got good productivity as well as fast fruition, maturing in the middle of October, since it is of late maturation. It really is original from the Valley of the river Isère (France).

4. Grandjean

The fruit is of average to very small size, with good taste and simply removed. The tree is vigorous, simple to form along with a tendency to loose the leaves of the base. It’s got good productivity, slow fruition as well as quite early maturation, throughout the first fortnight of October. Its origin is the region of Sarlat (Dordoña, France).

5. Hartley

The quality of this particular fruit is high, the colour of the edible part is fantastic, of great size and conical shape which makes it simple to recognize the fruit. The tree is energetic. It’s got higher yields through the 12th year. Regarding the period of harvesting, it really is of mean season. It is the Californian variety par excellence.

6. Marbot

The fruit is very thick. The tree is of average vigour, easily formed. It’s got excellent productivity as well as fast fruition. It really is of early maturation, from the end of September till the beginning of October. It’s got French origin and it’s also grown in the north of Lot and also the south of Corrèze.

7. Mayette

Fruit of great size, tasty and simple to take out. The tree is extremely energetic, of average productivity and quite slow fruition. It matures throughout the second week of October. Original from Tullins (Isère, France).

8. Parisienne

Thick and incredibly tasty fruit, easily taken off the shell. The tree is extremely vigorous and easy to form. The maturation is very late, in the middle of October. It really is of French origin and it’s also grown in Isère, Vercors.

9. Payne

This particular walnut is of mean-small size and also the edible part is of pale colour. The tree is vigorous as well as rounded. The fruit is gathered early, maturing in the middle of September in areas such as California.

10. Pedro

The nut’s shell is attractive due to its size and general appearance, however the kernel quickly darkens after the harvest. The tree is of average vigour and of very early production onset. It absolutely was extracted from the breeding program of Davis (California), where the harvest is from the middle to the end of the season.

11. Vina

The nut is of such a quality as to be consumed with all the shell, of average size and similar in shape to “Hartley”. The colour of the edible part is pale. The tree is of small or medium size and its particular shape is comparable to ” Payne’, of hanging growth habit. It absolutely was obtained within the breeding program of Davis; it really is interesting due to its higher productivity. It is from early to middle season.

Selecting And Storing Your Walnuts

Selecting walnuts is a reasonably simple process. For whole walnuts, select walnuts which feel heavier because of their size, make certain that shell is undamaged, with no piercing or even cracks, and discard any that seem stained, since this could be a symptom of molding nutmeat. Shelled walnuts are frequently prepared to buy in packs or even containers. With these, simply have a look over how fresh the walnuts appear. Stay away from shriveled or even rubbery walnuts and, if you’re able to, take a fast sniff simply to ensure that your walnuts haven’t spoiled before you have purchased them.They’re disposable yet, if saved effectively, the health benefits of walnuts as well as their nutrition will help keep as long as 6 months to a year. The simplest way to maintain your walnuts’ flavor is usually to store them cold. If you are considering utilizing your walnuts in just a month, you are able to store them within the refrigerator. For extended storage, the freezer is the smartest choice. Walnuts can handle absorbing flavors from other foods; so be sure to retailer them in air-tight pots far from foods which have powerful odors.

As a tip for your health as well as your taste buds, save chopping or even shelling your walnuts up until you want to use them. Furthermore they lose flavor, however the polyunsaturated fats present in walnuts oxidize rapidly whenever encountered with heat or air. Keep the walnuts healthy and also fresh from the minute you purchase them by keeping them effectively.

Tips for Adding Walnuts to Your Diet

Add chopped walnuts to yogurt as well as berries for the healthy parfait

Add chopped walnuts in your salad, sandwich, ice cream, or cereal

Use ground walnuts to thicken chili or even stews

Use ground walnuts rather than pine nuts in pesto sauce

Spread ground walnut butter in your toast

Coat chicken or even fish along with chopped walnuts as well as fresh herbs just before cooking

Walnut oil features a somewhat nutty flavor and is also scrumptious combined with vinegar like a salad dressing. It may also be used by low as well as moderate cooking, although not high temperature.

Recipe of Walnuts

1. Candied Walnut


Sugar (around ¼ cup)

Honey (approx. one tablespoon)

Water (around 2 cups)

Salt to taste

Walnut halves (around 2/3rd cup)

Aluminum foil

Baking sheet


Line a baking sheet along with aluminum foil.

Mix honey, water, salt, and sugar in the bowl.

Pour the mixture out in a pan and cook for approximately 3-4 minutes over medium or high temperature, occasionally stirring.

Add walnuts to the pan and lower the heat

Wait till the mixture turns golden brown.

Proceed to spread this mix evenly on the baking sheet.

Once the walnut mixture cools down, break it into clusters.

Refrigerate for an hour

You may either keep the clusters in a air-tight pot or add them to your kid’s favorite dessert.

2. Chocolate Walnut Cake


8 large eggs, at room temperature

1 cup granulated sugar, divided

1/2 cup packed dark brown sugar

1 1/2 cups toasted ground walnuts, (about 2 cups walnut halves; see Tip)

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

6 tablespoons all-purpose flour

1/3 cup cocoa powder, sifted

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

3/4 cup orange marmalade, or other jam, such as apricot or raspberry

1 teaspoon confectioners’ sugar


Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Lightly oil as well as flour a 9-inch springform pan, tapping out any excess flour.

Crack 2 eggs in a large bowl. Separate 2 more eggs, placing the whites in the second large bowl and adding the yolks to the bowl with the whole eggs. Separate the rest of the 4 eggs, adding the whites to the other whites (reserve the 4 yolks for another use.) You ought to have 6 whites in one bowl, 2 whole eggs plus 2 yolks in the other bowl.

Beat the egg whites with the electric mixer at high-speed till foamy. Add 1/3 cup granulated sugar and continue beating till soft peaks form. Set aside.

Clean and dry the beaters. Add brown sugar and also the remaining 2/3 cup granulated sugar to the eggs and yolks and beat with all the mixer at medium speed till thick and light in color, about 3 minutes. Scrape down the sides of the bowl using a rubber spatula; beat in the toasted ground nuts and vanilla till combined. Beat in flour, cocoa powder, salt and cinnamon just till combined, scraping down the sides when needed. Fold in 1 cup of the beaten whites with a rubber spatula until smooth, then fold within the remaining whites with very gentle arcs, just till incorporated (some white streaks may still be visible). Gently pour the batter in the prepared pan.

Place the pan within the oven and lower heat to 325 degrees F. Bake the cake till set, puffed and spongy but nevertheless firm, 40 to 45 minutes. Transfer into a wire rack and let cool completely, about 2 hours. Since it cools, the cake will shrink from the sides of the pan.

Remove the pan’s side. Release the cake from the pan’s bottom utilizing a long, thin, metal spatula and carefully transfer it to the serving plate. Slice the cake horizontally into two layers using a long, thin knife. Gently lift off the top. Spread the marmalade (or jam) within the bottom layer and replace the top. Do not press down. Sprinkle along with confectioners’ sugar right before serving.

3. Maple Walnut Cake



1 cup chopped pitted dates, (6 ounces)

1/2 cup boiling water

1 cup whole-wheat pastry flour

3/4 cup all-purpose flour

1 cup chopped toasted walnuts, (see Tip), divided

3/4 teaspoon baking soda

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 large egg

3/4 cup pure maple syrup, preferably dark amber (Grade B)

1/4 cup canola oil

4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted

2 teaspoons cider vinegar

1 tablespoon vanilla extract


2 tablespoons pure maple syrup

1 teaspoon cider vinegar

3/4 cup gently packed confectioners’ sugar

1-2 teaspoons water, if needed


Preheat oven to 325°F. Coat a 10-inch springform pan along with cooking spray.

Place dates in a tiny bowl. Pour boiling water over them to soak. Let cool to room temperature.

Process whole-wheat flour, all-purpose flour, 2/3 cup walnuts, baking soda and salt in the food processor till the walnuts are totally ground and also the mixture looks like coarse meal. Transfer into a medium bowl; make a well in the center.

Puree the dates and soaking water within the food processor till smooth, scraping down the sides as necessary. Add egg, 3/4 cup syrup, oil, butter, 2 teaspoons vinegar and vanilla and process until smooth and creamy. Scrape the date mixture in the well within the dry components as well as stir together lightly till just combined. Transfer to the prepared pan.

Bake the cake till a skewer inserted within the center comes out clean, 30 to 35 minutes. Transfer into a wire rack and let cool completely. Run a knife round the edges to loosen the cake, if required, and take away the sides of the pan.

To glaze cake: Carefully lift the cake from the pan bottom and place on the cake stand or serving plate. Whisk maple syrup, vinegar and confectioners’ sugar in a tiny bowl. Add water, 1 teaspoon at a time, if required to make a spreadable consistency. Spread the glaze evenly over the top of the cake, then decorate together with the remaining 1/3 cup walnuts.

4. Apple-Walnut Bars


32 graham cracker squares

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

2/3 cup dried apples

1/2 cup sugar

2 large egg whites

1 large egg

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup chopped walnuts, chopped and toasted (see Tip)

2 tablespoons confectioners’ sugar


Preheat oven to 300°F. Coat an 8-by-12-inch baking dish with cooking spray.

Process graham crackers as well as cinnamon within a food processor til you have fine crumbs. Leaving about 1/2 cup in the workbowl, transfer the crumbs to another container. Add apples to the workbowl as well as process till coarsely chopped.

Combine sugar, egg whites, egg, vanilla and salt in the huge bowl. Beat with the electric mixer on high-speed till thick, about 3 minutes. Fold in the reserved crumbs, apples and also the toasted walnuts just until mixed. Transfer batter to the prepared baking dish; smooth the top using a wet rubber spatula. Bake till the top feels dry along with a skewer inserted within the center comes out clean, 30 to 35 minutes.

Let cool completely on the wire rack. Dust gently along with confectioners’ sugar and cut into 15 bars.

5. Date-Walnut Wontons


8 wonton wrappers

8 pitted dates

4 large walnut halves, cut in half

1 tablespoon sugar

1/8 teaspoon ground cinnamon


Preheat oven to 400°F. Line a baking sheet with foil; coat foil along with cooking spray. Place a big saucepan of water on to heat for poaching wontons.

Lay out wonton wrappers on the work surface. Brush edges with water simply to moisten. Place 1 date and 1 piece of walnut in the center of each wrapper. Bring the 4 corners together over the filling, pressing edges together to close tightly. (You will form a dumpling that appears just like a pouch.)

Poach wontons in simmering water for 1 minute. Remove using a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels.

Place wontons on prepared baking sheet. Combine sugar as well as cinnamon together as well as sprinkle over wontons. Bake till browned and crisp round the edges, 10 to 12 minutes, watching carefully to avoid burning.

6. Rustic Plum-Walnut Tart


Essential EatingWell Pie Pastry, (recipe follows)

1/3 cup chopped walnuts, or pecans

2 pounds plums, such as Santa Rosa or Queen Ann (12-16 plums)

1/4 cup all-purpose flour

1/2 cup sugar, divided, plus 1 teaspoon for sprinkling

1 tablespoon milk

3 tablespoons plum jam, or red currant jelly


Prepare Essential EatingWell Pie Pastry; refrigerate as directed.

Position oven rack at the lowest level; preheat to 425°F. Coat a baking sheet along with cooking spray.

On a lightly floured surface, roll the dough to a rough circle, about 14 inches in diameter and slightly lower than 1/4 inch thick. Drape the dough over the rolling pin and transfer it to the prepared baking sheet. Cover and refrigerate when you prepare the filling.

Spread nuts in a tiny baking dish as well as bake till fragrant, about 5 minutes. Let cool.

Meanwhile, quarter plums, discarding pits. Place flour, 1/4 cup sugar and also the toasted nuts in the food processor or blender; process till the nuts are finely ground.

Spread the nut mixture over the crust, leaving a 1 1/2-inch border around the edge. Arrange plums on the sides in concentric circles within the nut mixture. Sprinkle together with the remaining 1/4 cup sugar. Fold the crust border over the plums, pleating as necessary. Brush milk within the rim and sprinkle with 1 teaspoon sugar.

Bake the tart for 15 minutes, decrease heat to 375°F and bake for 30 to 40 minutes longer, or till the crust is golden and also the juices are bubbling. Using a long metal spatula, slide the tart onto a serving platter as well as let cool. Before serving, heat jam (or jelly) over low heat till melted, then brush within the plums.

Non-food applications

1. Medicinal

Black walnut have been promoted like a potential cancer cure, on the basis it kills a “parasite” in charge of the disease. However, in accordance with the American Cancer Society, “available scientific evidence doesn’t assist claims that hulls from black walnuts eliminate parasites through the intestinal tract or that they’re efficient at dealing with cancer or other disease”.

Walnuts have already been outlined as one of the 38 substances utilized to prepare Bach flower remedies, a type of alternative treatment promoted because of its effect on health. However, in accordance with Cancer Research UK, “there isn’t any scientific proof to show that flower remedies can easily control, cure or even prevent any kind of disease, including cancer”.

2. Inks and dyes

The husks of the black walnut Juglans nigra are utilized to help make an ink for writing and drawing. Walnut ink has got great archival properties, and it has been utilized by numerous great artists which includes Leonardo da Vinci and Rembrandt.

Walnut husks are utilized like a brown dye for fabric. Walnut dyes were utilized in classical Rome as well as in medieval Europe for dyeing hair.

3. Cleaning

The United States Army utilized ground walnut shells for the cleaning of aviation parts since it was affordable as well as non-abrasive. However, a study of the fatal Boeing CH-47 Chinook helicopter crash (September 11, 1982, in Mannheim, Germany) stated that walnut grit clogged an oil port, resulting in the accident and also the discontinuation of walnut shells like a cleaning agent.

Adverse Effects and Individual Concerns

1. Pile of Walnuts

Generally, walnuts are extremely healthy. However, some individuals might be allergic to them. Walnuts may also decrease mineral absorption in a few people.

2. Walnut Allergy

Walnuts are probably the eight most allergenic foods .

Additionally, the signs and symptoms of the walnut allergy are usually serious. Walnuts occasionally result in an allergic shock (anaphylaxis), which may be fatal without treatment.People with a walnut allergy have to prevent these nuts completely.

3. Reduced Mineral Absorption

Like all seeds, walnuts are full of phytic acid.Phytic acid, or phytate, is really a plant substance which impairs the absorption of minerals, like iron and zinc, through the digestive system. This only applies to meals which contain high-phytate foods.People who follow diets full of phytic acid but lower in iron and zinc might be in a greater risk of developing mineral inadequacies.

4. Protecting Bone Health

Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is definitely the omega-3 fat present in walnuts, and contains demonstrated an amazing capability to encourage bone health. In the research made by researchers at Penn State University, 23 participants were fed 4 different diets over 6-week periods, one of which was a high-ALA diet. After every segment of the research, the subjects were tested for levels of N-telopeptides, a marker of bone breakdown. Findings demonstrated that in the diet composed of high amounts of ALA, the N-telopeptides count was much lower.

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