
Essential oils have a major role in the treatment of many health problems, and they have been used since forever. The most common reason people use these is their pain-relieving power. Essential oils are more effective than most analgesics, and the only difference is that they do not come with the common side effects drugs have.

These oils work in the treatment of chronic pain, including ailments like arthritis and sciatica. They not only relieve the pain, but also treat some of the underlying causes. For instance, when applied to sore muscles, peppermint essential oil also improves blood circulation in the treated area and relieves the inflammation that has caused the pain.

Lavender essential oil relieves headache and neck pain, but it decreases stress and anxiety at the same time, and these are the most common factors of these aching conditions.They may be the most popular pain-relieving oils, but lavender and peppermint essential oils are not the only oils you can use to treat a specific condition.

Some oils provide a rich combination of healing effects, and they come in several groups:

Antirheumatic – these relieve chronic rheumatic pain and stiff joints

Antimicrobial – destroy bacteria and microorganisms that cause diseases and aid in the treatment of pain caused by sinus congestion, stomach infections and boils

Sedative – they have a mild tranquilizing effect which helps in reducing irritability and discomfort caused by severe pain-relieving

Anesthetic – when applied, these numb the area and thus relieve pain intensity during the healing process

Carminative – they affect the formation and accumulation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract, meaning they reduce stomach ache and cramping

Decongestant – they ease the drainage process in your upper respiratory tract; use them to relieve headaches caused by nasal and sinus congestion which occur as a result of colds or allergies

Anti-inflammatory – these relieve inflammation and reduce swelling that comes along joint pain and muscle injuries

Antispasmodic – they have a great effect on muscle contractions and spasms that follow an injury of the nerves or spine, and aid in relieving lower back pain. Their antispasmodic action provides success in the treatment of abdominal pain, especially aches caused by Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Antidepressant – use these to treat depression, neuropathic pain, migraine and chronic pain

Pain does not occur on its own, and experts believe that stress and insomnia are its underlying factors. This should not come as a surprise to you, because your body and mind act as a whole and fulfill each other. A slight pain in your lower back can turn your mood down, and you end up all irritable and depressed. Scientists say that stress, anxiety and mental fatigue reflect as physical pain.

Here are the top 15 essential oils you should consider using in pain treatments:

1. Lavender essential oil

We need to say no more than you already know about the sweet scented oil. It is the top remedy in the treatment of migraine and tension headaches. Lavender essential oil has a soothing, relaxing and a mild sedative effect which makes it great in relieving stress and anxiety that may be the actual cause of your headache. Inhaling the vapors of this oil provides an instant relief. For optimal and quicker results, apply a drop or two of undiluted oil on your neck and forehead. This is possible, because lavender oil is super mild.

Lavender essential oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect and it can free your body from muscle ache. Combine a few drops of lavender oil and a tablespoon of castor or coconut oil. Rub the resulting mixture gently onto the affected are. Add a tiny bit of the oil in your difuser and keep it in your bedroom. You can also add it to your bath and soak in before you go to bed. You will sleep like a baby, free of your pain.

2. Chamomile essential oil

Roman and German chamomile oil are extracted from different plants. The first is extracted from Anthemis nobilis, and the second type is obtained from Matricaria chamomila. They both have analgesic properties and work great in the treatment of headaches, neuralgia, muscle and joint pain. They have carminative properties, and relieve abdominal pain caused by excess gases.

Roman chamomile is a lot milder and soothing, so it is commonly used in small children with abdominal discomfort and irritability. German chamomile essential oil is deep blue and works better in relieving pain caused by inflammations. It is rich in chamazulene, a compound which gives its distinctive color and anti-inflammatory properties. It is often used in the treatment of bowel diseases, lower back pain in adults and PMS symptoms.

3. Peppermint essential oil

It is one of the first essential oils ever used. The minty oil is made from a natural hybrid of spearmint and watermint. Peppermint essential oil has a pleasantly refreshing scent from menthol, an active ingredient that is actually the base of this oil.

Peppermint oil is added in many healing preparations due to its antispasmodic effect. Such preparations are used in the treatment of nausea, indigestion and stomach ache. Peppermint essential oil soothes the lining of your gastrointestinal tract. Its strong analgesic effect is not restricted to the antispasmodic effect on the digestive system. Topical application works great on tense muscles in the lower back. It is also used to relieve tension headaches and pain caused by fibromyalgia. It is the only decongestant you need, as it relieves headaches triggered by sinus congestion.

4. Eucalyptus essential oil

It is a pungent warming essential oil obtained from eucalyptus tree, particularly its bark and leaves. It is a mighty decongestant with strong anti-inflammatory effect that ease pain caused by sinus congestion and muscle injury. It is particularly strong, so you may want to combine it with some coconut oil before applying it on the skin. If you are using it onto insect stings and bites, use it undiluted.

5. Rosemary essential oil

It is made from Rosmarinus officinalis, same as the herb you are adding to your meals. Rosemary essential oil improves memory and stimulates appetite. Some use it for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Inhaling its vapors will help you relieve headaches. Topical application helps in relieving joint pain and sore muscles. It works great for those who are dealing with rheumatism.

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