Tech Woman of a Year(Photo: Provided photo)
Passion, bravery to be different, a ability to change divided from their comfort zones. These are among impression traits that propelled a dozen heading women to emerge as internal leaders in technology.
Their contributions to a Rochester village are equally relevant.
Digital Rochester will benefaction this year’s Technology Woman of a Year Awards during a breakfast on Thursday during Casa Larga Vineyards.
“Essentially, these 12 women paint a extended cranky territory of companies in a area, including internal government, record services, health care, banking, advertising, preparation and not for profit” pronounced Lisa Doerner, executive executive of Digital Rochester.
Technology Woman of a Year is awarded formed on 3 analysis criteria: postulated contributions to a record profession; contributions advancing a standing and opportunities for women in record and contributions to a community.
“The endowment recognizes not customarily record leaders, though women who have given behind to a community,” Doerner said.
Meet a nominees:
Lisa Bobo (Photo: Provided photo)
Lisa Bobo
Occupation: Chief information officer for city of Rochester.
Background: Lisa Bobo began her career with a City of Rochester 27 years ago as an novice mechanism programmer. Today, she is a arch information officer, handling altogether IT operations and patron service.
Woman who desirous her: She was desirous early on by her mother. “My father upheld divided when we was 9, and she worked full time and lifted me and my brother. She endured many challenges, and we watched her turn stronger with any one,” pronounced Bobo.
Advice to women: Her recommendation to women seeking a career in technology? Ask questions, and lift outward of your comfort section each singular day.
Sandra Gault (Photo: Champion Hamilton)
Sandra Gault
Occupation: CEO/founder, True Gault.
Background: Entrepreneur Sandra Gault started True Gault in 2014, a association that strives to yield all-day-comfortable high heels for women regulating 3D imaging record to constraint a woman’s feet for a ideal fit. Prior to True Gualt, Sandra built and sole dual companies and spent 20 years in a record field.
Woman who desirous her: “My initial coach would be my great-grandmother who done an memorable symbol on my life. She was all a normal things we would pattern of a great-grandmother though always pushed a boundary of what she did. For example, she was a pitcher in a women’s softball joining adult to a age of 79.”
Advice to women: “Go for it. Embrace technology. Having a substructure in a record will assistance we in all aspects of your life. Take a jump of faith.”
Carol Gray (Photo: Provided photo)
Carol Gray
Occupation: Director of network services, Hillside Family of Agencies.
Background: Carol Gray could request her record believe to roughly any industry, though it’s a “opportunity to impact a lives of girl and families” that has kept her during Hillside for 25 years, now as executive of network services.
Woman who desirous her: Gray’s sister and mentor, Linda Ludlum, is also operative in record as a university database executive during SUNY Geneseo.
Advice to women: “It’s critical that we find your technical niche, find out an classification we trust in and be resilient, as this margin has mixed final and a unequivocally quick pace.”
Beth Kribs-LaPierre (Photo: Stephen Kelly)
Beth Kribs-LaPierre
Occupation: Vice boss of product marketing, Adventive.
Background: Beth Kribs-LaPierre has worked in selling analytics for some-more than a decade. “There were unequivocally few women or group doing what we was doing with amicable media analytics and comprehension when we started,” she said. Today, Kribs-LaPierre works as clamp boss of product selling during Adventive, recently celebrating 3 years there.
Woman who desirous her: Kribs-LaPierre points to Claire Kaler, owners of group K2, as a clergyman and mentor.
Advice to women: “I would initial tell them to try what they are ardent about. … Regardless of your gender, if we aren’t ardent about what you’re doing, life will be flattering miserable,” she said.
Alice Loveys (Photo: Provided photo)
Dr. Alice Loveys
Occupation: Medical doctor, associate of a American academy of pediatrics, Fellow medical information government complement society, arch medical informatics officer, IT Practice Consulting Corp.
Background: Dr. Alice Loveys’ work has joined her dual passions: medicine and computing. She was on a initial house of directors for a Rochester Regional Health Information Organization, a successful electronic health information exchange.
Woman who desirous her: Through medical propagandize and residency, Dr. Loveys was desirous by advisers Dr. Ruth Lawrence and Dr. Lissa McAnarney. “They are ardent about their fields and what it means for a health of children,” she said.
Advice to women: For women looking to enter a record field, Dr. Loveys advises to take advantage of “the fanciful educational and networking opportunities here in Rochester. Continue to learn and plea yourselves right here for a advantage of a community.”
Jessica Nava (Photo: Provided photo)
Jessica Nava
Occupation: Carrier sales manager, Finger Lakes Technology Group.
Background: Jessica Nava started a conduit and indiscriminate multiplication during Finger Lakes Technology Group, where she’s been operative for 5 years. The multiplication is obliged for adding over $35 million in income for a telecommunications company.
“Telecom is a constantly changing attention that evolves all a time. … we adore it and stay in it given of a people,” Nava said.
Woman who desirous her: One chairman of good significance to Nava is Karen Benjamin, a sales training and recruiting veteran who acted as a coach to her. “She stretched my faith in myself. … we truly trust mentorship is pivotal in reaching your potential!”
Advice to women: Go for it. Women in Tech move a new dimension to a traditionally masculine dominated field. Our nurturing impression helps move teamwork to a work place.
Nancy Neumann (Photo: Provided photo)
Nancy Neumann
Occupation: Vice boss of communication design, ITX Corp.
Background: Nancy Neumann has been a partial of a record attention for over dual decades, starting as a striking engineer during Spider Graphics in Ithaca. Neumann is now a VP of Interaction Design during ITX Corp., a Rochester program product growth organisation that acquired Spider Graphics, where she leads a group of 6 full-time designers. Neumann encourages her group members to use their tech skills to give behind to a village and her group designed a National Center for Missing and Exploited Children’s website and blog.
Woman who desirous her: I have had a respect and pleasure of simply operative with unequivocally intelligent people – both group and women.,” Neumann said. “One of these intelligent people was Linda Folley, one of my partners during Spider Graphics.” Folley has a PhD in Molecular Biology and was a scientist that got concerned in mechanism programming.
Advice to women: For immature women meddlesome in a career in pattern and user experience, Neumann says: “Consume articles, books, videos on your theme — and never stop, record moves too fast. If we stop training we will turn obsolete.”
Andrea Richardson (Photo: Provided photo)
Andrea Richardson
Occupation: IT Director, Anthony L. Jordan Health Corp.
Background: Andrea Richardson has worked in a Information Technology margin given 1997. In 2014, she became a IT Manager for a Anthony Jordan Health Corporation, a federally competent health core that provides primary caring services to 30,000 patients. Richardson has slip shortcoming for a day-to day IT operations of 10 Jordan Health locations.
Woman who desirous her: She considers former Jordan worker Janet King, executive of a plan government bureau during a Finger Lakes Performing Provider System, a mentor. “She is intensely smart, driven and energetic, and she has a genuine passion for improving processes,” Richardson said.
Advice to women: For immature women meddlesome in entering a IT field, Richardson says: “Don’t trust that it’s a ‘man’s world.’ we cruise women can assistance humanize IT and use record to urge people’s lives.”
Sandra Roberts (Photo: Provided photo)
Sandra Roberts
Occupation: Senior clamp boss and CIO, Canandaigua National Bank Trust.
Background: Sandra Roberts binds a tip position in Information Technology during Canandaigua National Bank Trust, a association where she has worked during for some-more than 30 years. Roberts is deliberate an attention dignitary in a domain of paperless processes to support financial exchange and was instrumental in CNB apropos a initial New York Bank to routine electronic checks in 2004. “The certain impact record has on business processes and people’s lives creates operative in record intensely satisfying,” Roberts said.
Woman who desirous her: “I don’t have one sold chairman who we cruise a mentor, there have been many,” Roberts said. “Women in technology, who are leaders in flourishing companies, enthuse me. Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard has a good brew of technology, business and care clarity that carried her from secretary to CEO and now politician.”
Advice to women: For immature women deliberation a margin in technology, “Make certain we ceaselessly work on your communication skills, given it is not always about a technology.”
Marla Schweppe (Photo: Provided photo)
Marla Schweppe
Occupation: Professor, Rochester Institute of Technology.
Background: When Marla Schweppe began study for her connoisseur grade in mechanism graphics and animation during Ohio State in 1982, she says there were customarily a handful of people national doing mechanism graphics.
Now, she has taught large group and women who have worked on many of a vital 3D mechanism charcterised film and video games of a times.
“I recently had a womanlike connoisseur tyro in 3D graphics tell me a highbrow during her undergraduate propagandize pronounced women couldn’t be in this field,” Schweppe said. “I pronounced ‘Are we teasing me?’ ”
Woman who desirous her: “My mom and grandmothers didn’t know anything about mechanism graphics, though they were an impulse to me,” Schweppe said. “They were unequivocally intelligent women and problem solvers.”
Advice to women: Schweppe, a highbrow in a School of Design during RIT, offers this recommendation to immature women: “Be tough and trust in yourself.”
Kristi Stever (Photo: Provided photo)
Kristi Stever
Occupation: Clinical Analyst, Jewish Senior Life.
Background: As a daughter of relatives who both worked in Information Technology, Kristi Stever felt a healthy lift to a margin herself and has fake a successful career consistent her dual passions: nursing and technology. Stever, who is a purebred nurse, designs and develops solutions that support best practices in a use of electronic medical record program for Jewish Senior Life.
She enjoys operative with nursing students to inspire those with an seductiveness to pursue Healthcare IT. “IT is a broad, ever-changing margin that spans many opposite industries,” Stever said. “It’s sparkling to see how a Healthcare IT attention alone is fast evolving.
Woman who desirous her: Stever was desirous by her mom who worked in a IT field.
Advice to women: “Young women who are meddlesome in a career in IT should spend time researching a opportunities that are out there,” Stever said.
Lisa Young (Photo: Michael Lesher)
Lisa Young
Occupation: Vice boss of delivery, ITX Corp.
Background: Lisa Young has 29 years of believe in a Information Technology field, including being a initial womanlike clamp boss during ITX Corp., a program product growth organisation in Rochester.
Woman who desirous her: Most of her mentors along a approach were men, though Jeanne Casares, her manager when she worked during Paychex, is her purpose model. “She could be during a list with a garland of masculine clamp presidents and that never seemed to confuse her,” Casares said.
Advice to women: For immature women seeking a career in technology, Young encourages them to also be assured and gentle operative with men. “While women still seem to be a minority in a record space, they do minister a resources of knowledge,” Casares said. “They customarily move a care for others and a eagerness to listen and learn from others.”
If we go
What: 2015 Technology Woman of a Year, awards breakfast.
When: 7:30 a.m. to 10 a.m., Thursday, Apr 23.
Where: Casa Larga Vineyards, 2287 Turk Hill Road, Perinton.
Cost: $45-$50, register by Apr 21 during
For some-more information: (585) 330-9797 or