
Important Announcements


We wish everyone a pleasant holiday from the 5 – 20th of April and hope to see you back at school on the 21st of April, ready for the final term of the year.

Important Announcement Regarding Student Visas
Please be informed that if your child’s visas will expire before the 21st of April you will need to contact Khun Lek in the downstairs office by the 4th of April. This will allow our visa department to have your paper work done on time. Please note that our school offices will be closed from the 9-16th of April.

Sports Day 2014 at Surakul Stadium on the 25th of April
We would like to announce the next Sport Day well in advance as parents and families are welcome to join in the fun. Students will be competing in their House teams and colours. We would like to encourage parents to come and cheer the students with coloured flags, banners, posters, pom-pom’s, etc. You may also want to help by sponsoring drinks or cold towels for the students. Please contact Mr Small, Head of Physical Education, for more information regarding this event.

Sports Day at School
EY & Rec from 8:15-10:00

Year 1-2 from 1:00-2:30

Sports Day at Surakul Stadium
Year 3-6 from 8:15-11:00

Year 7-10 from 1:00-3:00

Important Updates

 After School Class Details for Term 3

Please be informed that all After School classes will commence within the first week of being back in school and end a week before the school ends. Most programs will be the same but a few minor changes have been made to the Booster class for Year 1 and 2 as well as the swimming. Please stay tuned as a time table with further details will be mailed to you during the holiday.

House Merits Weekly Total

Parenting Tip


Knowing how to keep children amused through the school holidays can be a daunting prospect for many parents, especially living on a tourist island where everything tends to be more costly. It can also be a time when so much of what has been taught at school is swiftly forgotten or, at least, put to the back of students’ minds! With a view to keeping your children educationally entertained, but happy and without needing to spend a fortune, here are ten top tips to help take some of the stress out of school holidays.

1 Holiday Diary: Have your children keep a holiday diary where, each day, they can write what they’ve been doing and draw a picture or stick in some memorabilia. Diary writing is an important skill so children can learn to reflect on their day with gratitude, express their emotions and have something fun to look back on in years to come. Diary writing can also be done using a lap top or tablet and can be combined with day trips and other holiday activities.

2 Practice Weak Areas: There are a wide variety of free, downloadable worksheets online. Here are two very good websites: www.primaryresources.co.uk and www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize, but there are many others.  If you know that a child is having trouble with a particular topic in mathematics like time, measurement or fractions, for example, print off some worksheets and they can practice during the holidays. Half an hour a day is an ideal scenario for practicing and retaining knowledge like times tables and other concepts too.

3 Reading: Scientific study shows that regular reading leads to better writing styles, a better understanding of complex grammar structures, the ability to spell words correctly and a wider vocabulary. Researchers have also found a student who reads a lot, and who understands what is read, is more likely to do well in school and pass exams with good grades than a student who is a weak reader. Reading in a student’s first language helps to accelerate literacy development in a second language, so ensure your children have plenty of reading matter for the holidays whether you are staying home or going away. Again, half an hour a day is ideal.

4 Use Technology to Support Education: Most children have some form of electronic device like an iPod, iPad or Nintendo. If your child has one of these, consider getting an app or game that is educational. There are some brilliant educational games on the market that children actually enjoy!

5 Create a ‘Bored Box’: Make a box of things you have from around the house that can be kept in a handy place. Put in there things like board games, jigsaw puzzles and maths or word puzzle books. Board games are great for sitting outside and having some family time instead of watching television. They often have great educational qualities too! For example, Monopoly is fantastic for maths skills and Scrabble is great for vocabulary and spelling. There are many other educational board games too, such as Master Mind and Trivial Pursuit.

6 Craft activities: Most children enjoy working on arts and crafts projects. If your children enjoy arts and crafts, they can probably find something online that they want to make. Organise the materials and then have them work on it over the holidays. Some great activities can be found at the Disney Family Fun site: familyfun.go.com. For older children and teenagers, try familycrafts.about.com

7 Cooking Dinner: While the children are off school, you could get them more involved in buying food, choosing menus and preparing meals. At the beginning of the holidays, ask your children to pick one night a week to cook dinner. You could, for example, make (and decorate) a menu plan together, and teach them how to make some simple meals and treats. Ask them to pick what they’re going to cook, let them write a shopping list for ingredients, go to the supermarket to get the ingredients, add up the cost and then prepare the meal. Getting your children to cook dinner has the benefit of empowering them with fun responsibility and giving you the night off. The food may not be as perfect as you would make it, but they generally love it. This activity is age dependent, but a great learning experience and a skill for life.

8 Job list: I am a great believer in the job list. Children need to learn how to be self-sufficient and to understand what goes into running a home and family. Make a list of jobs that they can do such as putting the rubbish out, sweeping the floor, washing and putting away dishes, cleaning rooms, making beds. Teach them how to iron their own clothes and to sew on buttons. These are important life skills and will teach your children to understand just how much hard work goes into keeping them happy, healthy and living in a clean environment.

9 Budget: Holidays can be expensive. There are so many activities on offer and it’s easy to spend a small fortune over the Songkran break. At the beginning of the holidays, sit down with your children and talk about what they want to do and how much they will need each week. Help your child to understand that the money doesn’t just appear; it has to be earned. Consequently, they have to be wary how quickly they spend it. Agree on the things that you will pay for and agree some activities that they have to pay for themselves. They can then earn this money by completing their job list each week.

10 Enrol in a holiday program: Enrol your children in a holiday tutoring programme so that they can revise what they have learned or learn things that they have missed or haven’t got the hang of. This enables them to start the new term feeling confident and ready to go.

Foundation News

Preschool Learning to Count by Lisa Parsons, Preschool Teacher
Most of the children can count 0 to 10 and recognise many numbers and colours. They picked a number and could choose a colour they liked.

Pictures From EYA by Anisa Van Der Laan
Early Years A students learning, discovering and having fun indoors and outdoors.

Primary News

Message from the Head of Primary

Dear parents, students and teachers,

Yet another fun-filled term draws to a close.

Primary children have enjoyed dressing up during Literacy Week and they were enthralled with Mrs Gail’s latest book of Cosmos the Curious Whale. All of them have developed their confidence by leading some of the best assemblies we have seen since HeadStart was established. A highlight in the term was definitely our International Day in which more than 800 people participated.

But in particular this has been a busy term for our Year 6 students who have put all their energy and concentration into doing their best in the Cambridge Primary Checkpoint tests. I would like to say very well done to each and every one of them for their efforts and also thank You to every member of staff as it has been a real ‘HeadStart Team’ effort in helping and supporting them along the way.

In addition, we have also been able to showcase our sport accomplishments during the numerous sports events this term. The inter school competitions in basketball, swimming and athletics have shown us how much the students enjoy the sports programs that have been set up.

It now just remains for me to wish you and your families a relaxing Songkran break. Enjoy celebrating the Thai New Year, but please stay safe!

Mrs. Els Bellon, Head of Primary

Year 2B Weather Forecast by Julie Cousineau, Y2B Teacher
To conclude our Science unit on Weather, Year 2B has written and filmed their own mock weather forecast. Here are the videos from our junior meteorologists. Enjoy! Click on the link to see their video.

The entire Y2B weather forecast is at youtu.be/XEe2Phb6NpY

Year 2B April Fools’ Day by Julie Cousineau, Y2B Teacher
A video was made of Y2B April Fools’ Day pranks. Enjoy them at: youtu.be/SRsLuBMFypc

Year 4 Filtering by Claire Smyth, Y4A Teacher
Last Friday, Year 4A used filters and filter paper from the secondary school’s supplies (thanks Ms Mayfield) and learned how to separate solids and liquids.

Year 5 Investigates Laem Ka Beach by Heidi St. Hill
We used Laem Ka Beach as a place to use our Science and Math skills on an investigative beach scavenger hunt. The students had to use their knowledge of measurement, symmetry, materials, language skills and observation to complete the scavenger hunt. To cap it off, the classes competed in several beach games (i.e. tug-of-war, musical towels, and DriP Drip Drop). The kids had a blast, used their Math, Science and English skills and helped clean the beach.

Year 6B Strike It Lucky! by Kevin Reynolds, Y6B Teacher
Last Thursday, Year 6B entered the cauldron that is the bowling alley of Big C. Feeling the pressure of the competition, the children started tentatively, getting a feel for the run of the lanes and the weight of the balls. However, once this was out of the way, it was strikes galore as several of the children racked up either strikes or ‘spares’. Although everyone battled hard, the overall winner was of course Mr Kevin, who notched up a noteworthy 95. Special mention should go to Kiki and Tanya, who matched the top performers ball for ball in the first game. A great time was had by all.

Secondary News

 Message from the Head of Secondary

   As the 2nd Term has ends, it is always great to look back on what we have achieved.

Our Year 10 students have been working hard this this year on their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze award. The students have to learn a new skill, do voluntary work and go on an adventurous expedition. During March, the students went on their adventurous journey which involved kayaking to Ko Bon and camping overnight there before kayaking back to Phuket. A great team effort.

All of our students were given the opportunity of going on a fantastic, educational field trip. This year we had Year 7 going to Bangkok for a science and geography field trip on a converted rice barge. Our Year 8 students went to the outdoor educational establishment that is Khao Yai St. Stevens. Our Year 9 students went to the MRV centre in Chiang Rai province. All the students reported that they had enjoyed themselves immensely.

Our Year 11 students have been studying hard for their IGCSE exams and began Term 2 with a series of Mock Exams to simulate as closely as possible, the IGCSE exam experience. Term 3 will see our Year 11 students taking their exams which run through almost all of Term 3. We wish them all the best.

Our Year 9 students have just finished their Cambridge Checkpoint exams which are a diagnostic test taken at the end of Key Stage 3.

Term 2 also saw HeadStart School celebrate both Languages Day and International Day and both events were a great success, enjoyed by students, teachers and parents alike.

In the sporting arena, students have competed in a swimming gala as well as a plethora of inter-school basketball, football and swimming competitions and achieved admirable results.

From a School perspective, Term 2 saw HeadStart successfully complete the OPEC inspection with a score of 100%. In Term 3 we will have our final CfBT accreditation inspection.

Term 2 also saw HeadStart forge links with other Phuket schools as founder members of PAIS (Phuket Association of International Schools) which was set up between the accredited international schools (HeadStart International, British International, Phuket International Academy, Quality Schools International and The Montessori School). The association works hard on having schools collaborate in a number of areas such as academic, pastoral and sporting events.

We have had an enjoyable and memorable Second Term and I look forward to more success in Term 3.

Mark Goodman, Head of Secondary

Winner of Class Merits by Mark Goodman, Head of Secondary
This term’s winner of the class merits is Year 7B. Well done Y7B!

Yr 7B – 314: Yr 7A – 290: Yr 9B – 269: Yr 8A – 228: Yr 9A – 208: Yr 8B – 178: Yr 10A – 174: Yr 10B – 95: Yr 11 – 62

Thai Department News

 Saturday Thai Culture Club by Kru Nee, Thai Principal
The Saturday Thai Culture Club was held on the 29th of March. Year 2 – Year 7 Thai students went on a field trip to Way Tai Temple in Chalong. They learn about Thai manners and the importance of the Wai. Early Years – Year 1 Thai students learned about Thai desserts and had fun making their own ‘Kanom Co’.


Y4A Temple Field Trip by Kru Nid Thai Teacher
Year 4 Thai As A First Language went on a Field trip to the Chalong Temple.

Music Department News

 Youth Talent Competition
Congratulation to all of the students from HeadStart who participated in the Youth Talent Competition! We also would like to congratulate Ben Caspi and Natcha Phaisamran for their performances at the Youth Talent Competition on the 28th of March. Both students were awarded a certificate for ‘Exceptional Performance’! Well done!


Sports Department News

 Dear HeadStart staff, parents and students,

I would like to thank everyone for your support and hospital visits. I sincerely appreciate you giving up your time. I am at home now recovering and doing ok, it will just take time now. I am not complaining as many people in this world have far, far more serious things occur to them, I am simply saying thank you. To Jazon and HeadStart administration, a huge ‘thank you’ for your support!

Regards, Dean Jackson

BISP Flying Fish International Swim Meet by Tladi Small, PE Teacher
3-4 May 2014
Following on the success of the Rocket Science Thanyapura Invitational I’d like to announce that our next swim meet will be the 2014 BISP Flying Fish International Swim Meet. Our swimmers will compete on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th May at the British International School, Phuket.

Thanyapura Invitational Swim Meet 29th and 30th March 2014 by Steve Ketley, PE Teacher
   Our swimmers continue to go from strength to strength. Last weekend they experienced their first real swimming meet “Thanyapura Rocket Science Invitational Swim Meet” held over two days at Thanyapura. There were over 300 swimmers representing 18 teams from 7 different countries. All of our swimmers put in excellent efforts swimming personal bests, but the following deserve special mention:

Anna Hull, Calvin Van der Laan, Sandi Davies, Silvana Dufes and Juno Wannakitti were all heat winners.

Silvana Dufes won both her heats in the 50 and 100 Breastroke with both times in the top 10.

Calvin Van der Laan’s times in the 50 and 100 Freestyle were personal bests within the top 10 times.

Sandi Davies achieved personal best in all events and her times were within the 10 fastest in each case.

Jiraya Prieur swam personal bests in all her events and was just touched out for 1st in several heats.

The following swimmers all swam personal bests over the weekend: Julianna Mester, Emmie Parsons, Lucy Mester, Max Stowe, Anna Hull, Anya Belova. Highlight of the meet: Bronze Medal to the boys 10 and under freestyle relay: Calvin Van der Laan, Noel Perjesi, Max Stowe, Juno Wannakitti.

The AquaPanthers Team from the weekend: Kate Songpetchamongkol (4B), Max Stowe (4B), Eva Erdenko (4A), Silvana Dufes (6A), Anna Hull (5B), Noel Perjesi (5B), Calvin Van Der Laan (5A), Anya Belova (5B), Emmie Parsons (6A), Lucy Mester (6A), Sandi Davies (6a), Juno Wannakitti (6B), Jiraya Prieur (8B), Julianna Mester (7A).

Following the success of the team we are pleased to announce the AquaPanthers development program. This will commence in Term 3. The program will allow swimmers the opportunity to develop their full swimming potential.

Champion Tennis Player From HeadStart!by Noppakun Suppanad, James’ Mother
James Van Herzeel won the tournament, which was held in Phang-nga last weekend. This makes him the champion of the Under 12 Years boys! This was the first official tournament of 2014 and there will be seven more before the end of the year. We would like to say thanks to everyone who is there to cheer him on and for all the support from HeadStart!


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