
10 Ways You Can Help Your Children Succeed in School

As a parent you are your child’s first and most important teacher. When parents and families are involved in their children’s school the children do better and have better feelings about going to school. There are many ways that parents can support their children’s learning at home and throughout the school year. Here are some ideas to get you started!

Develop a partnership with your child’s teachers and school staff

1. Meet your child’s teacher. As soon as the school year starts, try to find a way to meet your child’s teacher. Let the teacher know you want to help your child learn. Make it clear that you want the teacher to contact you if any problems develop with your child. If you feel uncomfortable speaking English, don’t let the language barrier stop you. What you have to say is more important than the language you say it in. Ask the school to find someone who can interpret for you. If you are Thai, I am willing to be there for you, listen to your concerns, help you to make appointments with the Heads or be your translator.

2. Attend parent-teacher conferences and keep in touch with your child’s teacher.  At HeadStart, we usually have two parent-teacher conferences each year. One at the end of Term 1 and another one at the end of term 3. You can also ask to meet with your child’s teacher any time during the year. If you have a concern and can’t meet face-to-face, send the teacher a short email.

Support your child academically

3. Find out how your child is doing. Ask the teacher how well your child is doing in class compared to other students. If your child is not keeping up, especially when it comes to reading, ask what you or the school can do to help. It’s important to act early before your child gets too far behind.

4. Make sure that your child gets homework done. Let your child know that you think education is important and that homework needs to be done each day. You can help your child with homework by setting aside a special place to study, establishing a regular time for homework and removing distractions such as the television and social phone calls during homework time. Remember that doing your child’s homework for him won’t help him in the long run.

5. Find homework help for your child if needed. If it is difficult for you to help your child with homework or school projects, see if you can find someone else who can help. Contact the school for suggestions, tutoring groups, after school programs, and libraries. Or see if an older student, neighbor or friend can help.

Get involved with your child’s school

6. Learn what the school offers. Read the information the school sends home; emails, weekly updates, board notices or announcement on your child’s class door. Talk to other parents to find out what programs the school offers. Maybe there’s a music program, after-school activity, sports team, or tutoring program your child would enjoy. Remember to keep track of events throughout the school year.

7. Volunteer at your child’s school. Teachers appreciate it when parents help out at the school! There are many ways you can contribute. You can volunteer in your child’s class or in the school library. You can make food for a school event. Be there at your child’s performance.

Support your child’s learning at home

8. Encourage your child to read. Helping your child become a reader is the single most important thing that you can do to help the child to succeed in school-and in life. Children learning English as a second language should read at least 20 minutes per day in order to maximize their English vocabulary. Reading helps children in all school subjects. More important, it is the key to lifelong learning.

9. Encourage your child to use the library. Libraries are places of learning and discovery for everyone. Helping your child find out about the school library will set him on the road to being an independent learner.

10. Encourage your child to be responsible and work independently. Taking responsibility and working independently are important qualities for school success. You can help your child to develop these qualities by establishing reasonable rules that you enforce consistently, making it clear to your child that he has to take responsibility for what he does, both at home and at school, showing your child how to break a job down into small steps, and monitor what your child does after school, in the evenings and on weekends.

I hope these tips are helpful for you!


Sick or Leave Policy Reminder

If parents know in advance when they are gone, they should inform the school through the leave form, after which the school can prepare work. In case of sickness, parents can still check the homework folder and look at the weekly report for any outstanding work.

Secondary Pick Up Reminder

If you have made an arrangement to pick up your son/daughter off the school site or for someone else to bring your son/daughter home at the end of the school day, you need to notify the school of the arrangements in advance.

If you wish your son/daughter to leave the school site after school, again you will need to notify the school so that a pass can be issued to the student.

You can notify the school by emailing Mr Kennedy at: paul@headstartphuket.com

Any student who does not have a pass or the school is not notified of alternative arrangements, will not be permitted to leave school site at the end of the school day until they are collected by parents.

Primary News

Primary Student of the Month by Els Bellon, Head of Primary

This month the French and Mandarin teachers selected their hardest working and most improved students for the ‘Student of the Month’ award. We congratulate the following students for their achievements.



Y1 Sofia FisherY2 Achilles Vu BondezanY3 Alexey KhlopkovY4 Judah HerboldY5 Roy CaspiY6 Esther Herbold

Y1 Chloe SchneiderY2 James ByrneY3 Lukas FisherY4 Ziana AndersonY5 Kate SongpetchmongkolY6 Qisitna Elyssa

HeadStart Crêperie Opened! By Francoise Laosuwan, French Teacher

This week, the primary French department opened an ephemeral French pancake restaurant called “Headstart Crêperie”. Five nice waitresses and cashiers from Y3 and Y5 took the orders and made the bills in French……of course!!! Chefs were employed from the Y6 class. We had a lot of smiley customers, a lot of fun games and very tasty “crêpes”. All the ingredients were there to celebrate a happy “Chandeleur”!!! Thank you to Sèverine and Virginie for their very kind help!

Year 2A Assembly by Lindsay Benner, Year 2A teacher

Year 2A have been learning all about Habitats. In our assembly we went on a magical mystery journey to find all the different animals in the Tundra, Ocean, Dessert and Grassland Habitats.

Year 2A and B Visits the Butterfly Garden by Samantha Dear and Lindsay Benner, Year 2B teachers

In Science we have been learning about living/non-living things and habitats. To consolidate the children’s learning and understanding of this we went on a field trip to the Butterfly park. We discussed the habitat of fish, tarantulas, cockroaches, stick insects and of course Butterflies. This led onto many discussions about life cycles also. Year 2students had a great time and were even lucky enough to have an ice cream at the end!

Secondary News

Duke of Edinburgh Adventurous Journey Practice by Richard Allenby, DofE co ordinator

This week the first of two groups will be going to Topper Sail in Ao Yon to undertake the training for this years Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze International Award. Ten year 10 students will be venturing off at the crack of dawn (8:30) for two days camping and will be learning: camping skills, cooking, kayaking skill, first aid, navigation, teamwork and many others including washing up!

Student Council Meeting News by Paul Kennedy, Head of Pastoral Care

The Student Council met again on Friday 30.1.15. This was their fifth meeting of the academic year. The Student Council meets once a month. Issues discussed at the meeting included the new school jackets, the coffee shop in the new school, afternoon snacks for secondary students and lockers for students at the new school. To date the Student council is having an impact around the school. For example, due to issues raised by the Student Council, there is now an additional water fountain at the astro pitch, there is a wider selection of vegetarian options at lunch time and secondary students now receive an afternoon snack on a Friday. It is pleasing to see students taking an active role in the running of the school. The next student council meeting is scheduled for Friday 27 February.

Year 11 Shares Tips and Tricks by Mark Goodman, Head of Secondary

The Year 11a class gave an assembly to KeyStage 4 students about the importance of revision. This is a particularly topical issue as Year 11 have recently finished their mock exams so they should be eminently qualified. Here we see Ruslan giving us the benefit of his experience. The revision tips can be adapted for any year group and we hope that this year’s Year 10 students take on board the tips and tricks shared with them by Year 11.

7A Scientists in Action by Yvonne Ely, Chemistry teacher

7A having fun learning how to make an indicator from red cabbage and then testing various chemicals to see which colour it turns. Then figuring out it it is acid or alkali. Pink/ Purple is acid and yellow is alkali.  They really enjoyed the practical and Karyth is going to make more indicator at home to continue the investigation!

Extra Curricular Activities News

After School ICT Club Fun!

Primary ICT students have being impressing Mr Barker with their typing skills.  They have put this into action by learning HTML code to make their own website.  So far they have made scrolling text move across the page, inserted their own pictures and text.  This week they learnt how to find their favourite video from YouTube and embed this in their website.  Mr Barker is really impressed with all the students who attend and he has as much fun as the students do!! Check out the smiles.

Library News

In the Library! Morris C. Allen, a wonderful human being, donated 900 books to our growing collection and he delivered them personally on Tuesday. He contacted us by email last week offering us this gift and how could we say no? So, now the work will begin. It will be a few weeks before I get them on the shelves, but feel free to come in and browse.

It was also a great day for the Year 5’s & 6’s who have signed up for Library Club! Tuesday was the first day that they got to come in, learn how to shelve books and earn merits. A Year 5 or 6 student can sign up for Library Club by coming and talking to me. They work for a maximum of one ½ hour lunch period per week. They must sign up for a particular day and must let me know if they cannot come to the library on their day. If they work they receive 1 merit; if they don’t show up for their time slot and they don’t let me know that they cannot come they lose 1 merit; however, if they let me know that they can’t come (or if I’m sick, which is what happened on Monday), then they don’t lose a merit. The students enjoyed themselves immensely and said: “That was fun!” I look forward to working with such enthusiastic helpers and may expand the program into after school, if I get enough requests.

Thai Department News

Thai Parents Weekly Meeting Information

We are writing to invite you to our next Thai Parents Weekly Meeting in The Library at 8.30 to 9.30 next Tuesday the 10th of February.  There will be a presentation about “How can you foster happiness in your child?” Dr. Teeradaj Tripatarasit from Bangkok Hospital will give expert tips on how to ensure your child builds up self-esteem and confidence.

Thai Class Rainbows by Khru Nid

Year 3 students enjoyed doing a rainbow experiment by using water spray and sunlight. We all had a great time doing this activity in Thai class!

Saturday Thai Culture Club

On Saturday the 22nd of January the Thai department, in co operation with the parents, organised a visit to the Sea Shell Museum in Rawai ​to study ocean life for the Early Years to Year 1 classes. The Year 2-7 classes visited the Sea Gypsy Village to learn about how their way of life varies from ours. These were very enjoyable activities!

Phuket Attractions!

Are you looking for tips on where to travel to in Phuket? The Year 7 Thai Intermediate class has the answer! “Phuket is the most accessible of Thailand’s island destinations with access to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, national parks, water parks, temples, night markets and amazing food!”

Art Department News

Two weeks ago Year 7A visited the Blue Elephant Restaurant in Phuket Town to make observational drawings of the beautiful Sino Portuguese architecture.  The Students completed their drawings back in the art room.

Sport Department News

Upcoming Sport Events

Boys U15 Football

Mon, 9 February, 2014

HeadStart Panthers vs BISP (1st Team) at HeadStart 4:15 p.m. Kick off

Under 9 Football

Sat 7 February 2014

2 teams at BISP matches start at 09:30

Under 11 Football

Sat 7 February 2014

2 teams at BISP matches start at 09:30

Girls  Football

Sat 7 February 2014

2 teams at BISP matches start at 09:30

Girls U16 Basketball

Thai Hua 18-24 HeadStart Panthers

The girls played their final basketball match in the league on last Tuesday. They all played exceptionally well during the season and finished the league with a record of Played 6 Won 5 Lost 1.

Senior boys Football

HeadStart Panthers vs QSI at HeadStart 5:00pm Kick off

HeadStart Swimming Gala News

For Years 1 – 8

You are invited to watch your child participate in an informal swimming gala which includes serious and fun races and games.  Everybody will be participating for their house and the competition will be run in ability groups. Please come along to support and cheer for your child.


Your child can come to school in PE kit and also bring along their house coloured T-shirt which they can wear if it is cold when they are spectating.

If your child is unable to swim for medical reasons as usual please send a note into school or email the class teacher.

Year 1 House Swimming Event

Friday 13th  February at FunStart 12.30 to 2.15pm

Year 2 House Swimming Event

Thursday 12th  February at FunStart 12.30 to 2.15pm

Year 3 and 4 House swimming Events

Monday 16th February at FunStart  08:30  – 10:30

Year 5 and 6 House swimming Events

Tuesday 17th February at FunStart  08:30  – 10:30

Year 7 and 8 House swimming Events

Monday 16th February at FunStart  12:45  – 14:30

Years 9,10,11 Swimming Carnival

Tuesday 17th February at FunStart  12:45  – 14:30

On Tuesday 17th February, we will have a swimming carnival for all the Y9,10 & 11 students and teachers. Everyone is encouraged to participate and swim / compete to earn points for their house. Competitions will include paddle boat races, boogie board races, best water bombs and other fun activities. Students are encourage to dress for a fun afternoon of water based races and activities.

Click here to Download – Swim Gala Y1-2

Boys U15 Football Game Results

HeadStart Panthers 4-2 Kajonkietsuksa school

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