
Parenting Tip


From Richard Theze, Head of English and Pastoral Care

I recently read the following extract from a blog by Dr. Jim Taylor:

“Popular culture conveys to children very unhealthy messages about responsibility. Through its focus on the pampered lifestyles of the rich and famous and advertising that suggests that life should always be a party, popular culture communicates to children that if it’s not fun, easy, or interesting, they shouldn’t have to do it. …The messages of rebellion in [popular culture] tells children that being responsible is just not cool.”

I was a schoolboy in 1969 and I have certainly seen a shift in expectations of children taking responsibility since that time. The cartoon below is supposed to be amusing, but it also makes a serious point. Sooner or later, children are going to need to learn that in the real world of adulthood, responsibility cannot be avoided. To prepare your children for that real world, one of the great lessons they need to learn is that sometimes they just have to take responsibility for themselves!

In this way, children learn that responsibility can be both powerful and rewarding. They also learn to be skeptical of messages from popular culture telling them that life should always be easy. When children learn that life isn’t always fun and games and that taking responsibility is an important part of daily life, they are putting themselves in a position of strength where they have a say in their lives in all circumstances. This, in turn will help to ensure success no matter what they are attempting to pursue, inside or outside of the classroom.




Sound of Christmas Cast Party – Jackie Feliciano

We would like to invite all of the students and teachers who participated in the Sound of Christmas production to join us at FunStart next Friday, the 17th of January from 4:00-6:00pm, for a party to celebrate our achievement and hard work! Parents are also welcome. Please participate by contributing drinks and snacks to share. Don’t forget to bring your bathing suits! We’re looking forward to seeing you there!


Year 5 – Debate About Uniforms

Year 5A began a new unit on persuasion in English by having a class debate on whether schools should have uniforms or not. The students were very engaged, making picket signs and arguing their point of view on the issue. A great debate!


Alice in Wonderland Comes to Phuket!

Get your tickets at the HeadStart office for only 500 Baht! A wonderful opportunity for great family entertainment!

A theatrical show troupe, from the UK, is showing Alice in Wonderland at Simon Star on the 25th and 26th from 11:00-12:30pm. Parents paying at the school office will get a 100 Baht price reduction from 600 Baht.

Book your tickets today! They’re disappearing fast!


New Staff

 Nola Russell – Librarian

My name is Nola Russell and I come from Canada. While I have lived all over Canada, I have spent most of my time in BC and my family is also in British Columbia. I have done many things, including: running my own computer graphics business, working in galleries, teaching at a technical institute, and traveling in various parts of the world. I am married and, with my husband, we have enjoyed experiencing different countries, cultures, and adventures.

Always looking for ways to improve myself, I took my major passion – books, and I went back to school at age 40 to become a librarian. But my timing was horrific and I graduated, with my 3 degrees (a BFA, a BA, and an MLIS), into one of the worst recessions in 50 years. So, I proceeded with the next logical step, got an ESL teaching certificate, and started traveling the world. While I was doing this, my dream job opened up here in Phuket … so now I am a Librarian, who also does computer graphics, in a city with no snow and I’m loving it!

Foundation News


Happy Preschoolers in the First Week of School!

 Morning – Yryi and Elly on their first day at school:”no crying and happy in class”.


The first few days back: all the children are happy and settled. Most of the children can do this craft independently. 

Reception Gets Active! — Nicola Fallows

Our topic was about the circus so the children were using different equipment to attempt to juggle, be a cannon ball, jump through hoops, and walk on pots to demonstrate their balancing skills!

Primary News


Cosmos the Curious Whale News

Hi to all the email Fish Competition children:

Cosmos the Curious Whale has just been published and your pictures are in it!

Check out the pictures of all of your beautiful fish!

I am doing a book tour in Thailand during February or March and will be bringing plenty of books with me for children to buy if they want. More information regarding this is coming soon!

Well done everyone: your pictures look fabulous and really add something special to the story!

Lots of whale-y smiles,

Gail (Children’s book author)



Clothes Donations

Here are some pictures of the clothes my students collected and are going to donate to Home and Life Orphanage. The students collected over 200 items of clothing!!! Great work Year 6A!!

Miss Kate Year 6A


Secondary News


Duke of Edinburgh International Award Update

In preparation for the Adventurous Journey element of the Duke of Edinburgh International Award for Young People, Bronze Award, the participants embarked on a two day training trip at the beginning of the Christmas break.

This “training” trip incorporated camp-craft and cooking, route planning, navigation, teamwork, and communication together with “sit on” kayaking skills in preparation for the practice & final Adventurous Journey.

The final Adventurous Journey provides participants with a unique, challenging, and memorable experience. The journey requires determination, physical effort, perseverance, and cooperation. The duration of the Bronze Award Adventurous Journey is 2 days and one night. It requires a minimum of 6 hours of purposeful effort per day, with one night of camping in an unfamiliar environment.

The award participants will shortly be using these principles and skills, gained during the training, when they participate in the practice weekend. Dates to be confirmed.


HeadStart Sponsors a Wake Board for Natty

HeadStart Sponsors a Wake Board for Nattapakan Hongtong in Year 11 for the National Thailand Open 2014, organised by the Extreme Sports Association.

Please see more details below from Rebecca who works at Anthem Wake Park.

Natty will be competing in 3 major competitions in the Thailand Open 2014, which is organised by Extreme Sports Association of Thailand and supported by the Sports Authority of Thailand.

The 3 competition venues will be as follows:-

HuaHin – Black Mountain Wakeboard Park

Bangkok – Thai Wake Park

Phuket – Anthem Wake Park

NB: None of the dates are set but will be in the above order.

If Natty achieves overall champion, he will represent Thailand in the upcoming 4th Asian Beach Games held in Anthem Wake park from 14-21 November 2014.

Additionally, sometime in February, we will be hosting our own Anthem Open!!


Secondary Academic After School Clubs

Monday — Y11 Chemistry (FREE for students) – Eugene

Monday — Y11 English – Rebecca

Monday — Y9 Maths – Chris Downes

Tuesday — Y9 Science _ Eugene

Tuesday — Y11 Maths – Mark Nini

Tuesday — Y7 Maths – Chris Downes

Wednesday (Meetings)


Thursday — Y9 Science _ Eugene

Thursday — Y11 Maths – Mark Nini

Thursday — Y11 English – Rebecca

Thursday — Y8 Maths – Chris Downes

Friday — Y11 Chemistry (FREE for students) – Eugene

Friday — Y9 Maths – Chris Downes

IGCSE German Classes Available Now

There will be an after-school IGCSE German club beginning next week (days yet to be decided). The club will be run by Mr. Richard Theze, who has an MA Honours degree in German from the University of Aberdeen.

The primary aim of the club is to prepare students to pass the Cambridge IGCSE at the highest levels. This will be of great benefit to students with a background in German who may be considering further education in a German-speaking country.

Please contact Mr. Theze at the school for further information.

Summer School Details

Many companies contact us throughout the year with details of ”summer schools”.

Here are the details of one such school who hold their summer schools in Oxford, England.



Secondary Student of the Month

We are pleased to announce that the following students have been made Student of the Month in Secondary:




Thai Department News


Thai Parent Weekly Meeting—Khru Nee, Thai Principal

We would like to invite all new Thai Parents, who have just joined HeadStart in Term 2, to the meeting on Tuesday, 14th of January at 08:30 am in the Primary Library. There will be an introduction, and a presentation about school policy and school curriculum from Thai management.

I look forward to seeing you there.


Year 5 Learns About Natural Disasters in Thai class

This week Year 5, Thai as First Language class, learned about natural disasters. They read a story and learned some new vocabulary.  The students were given a group assignment and they had to do their presentation in front of the class.



Saturday Thai Culture Club

The Saturday Thai Culture Club for January Term 2 will be held on Saturday, 18th of January 2014. We will be going on a field trip to the rice field in Mai Khao Beach.  For registration, please contact our Thai teachers.


Sport Department News



HeadStart Swimming Gala

HeadStart will be hosting a Swimming Gala in stages at FunStart this term. With this update we bring you news of the two first events.

Reception – 16th of January, 9:00-11:00 am

Year 1 & 2 – 17th of January, 12:30-2:30 pm

Parents are welcome to support their children by coming to the event and cheering. Please observe the teacher’s requests and leave your children with their class for the duration of the event.


P.E. Department Announcements

We have a lot of exciting sports fixtures coming up in the next few weeks as well as some new sports programs. I have outlined below our weekly sports programs and fixtures over the next two weeks.


Upcoming Fixtures

Monday 13th January — Basketball

Under 13 girls v BISP at 4.15pm at HeadStart International School

Under 13 boys v BISP at 5.00pm at HeadStart International School


Saturday 18th January — Football

Super Six Junior Football League starts at HeadStart – Under 9, 12, &15

more details to follow


After School Sports


Years 1, 2, 3 Basketball at HeadStart 3.15 pm – 4.15 pm

All students picked up by parents at HeadStart at 4.30pm


Under 13 / Under 15 girls Basketball at Prince of Songkla University 3.45pm – 5.00pm

All students picked up by parents at Prince of Songkla University at 5.15pm



Under 13 boys Basketball at HeadStart 3.30pm – 4.45pm

All students picked up by parents at HeadStart at 4.45pm


Under 19 boys Basketball at HeadStart 4.45pm – 5.55pm

All students picked up by parents at HeadStart at 5.55pm


Aqua Panthers Swimming, Primary students, at FunStart 3.00pm – 5.00pm

Secondary students must take their own transport to FunStart

All students picked up by parents at FunStart at 5.00pm



Under 13 boys Basketball at HeadStart 3.30pm – 4.45pm

All students picked up by parents at HeadStart at 4.45pm



Years 4, 5, 6 Basketball at HeadStart 3.15 pm – 4.15 pm

All students picked up by parents at HeadStart at 4.15pm


Under 15/19 girls Basketball at Prince of Songkla University (PSU) 4.00pm – 6.00pm

All students picked up by parents at Prince of Songkla University at 6.00pm


Aqua Panthers Swimming open ages at FunStart 3.00pm – 5.00pm

Secondary students must take their own transport to FunStart

All students picked up by parents at FunStart at 5.00pm



Under 13 girls Basketball at HeadStart 3.30pm – 4.45pm

All students picked up by parents at HeadStart at 4.45pm


HeadStart U13 Basketball team plays their first game!




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