
Business communication help both the developers and clients customized your needs. With a thousands of modules we can help you choose the right ingredience for your business. This are some of the functionality examples of your web-applications. Their are thousands and millions that are not yet been develop. Email us today!

User management

User Registration – Depending on site configuration, user registration can either be carried out completely online by site visitors (with new accounts moderated by a site administrator if desired) or only by invitation from a site administrator.

User Authentication - Users can log into the site using local authentication (via a database back-end) or using an external authentication source like Jabber, Blogger, LiveJournal or another Drupal website. For use on an intranet, Drupal can integrate with an LDAP server (which includes Microsoft's Active Directory).

Personalization – Drupal provides a robust personalization environment for logged in users. Both the content and the presentation can be individualized based on user-defined preferences.

Role based permission system - Drupal administrators don't have to tediously setup permissions for each user. Instead, they assign permissions to roles and then group like users into role groups.

Content management

Easy “codeless” content entry – all site content can be altered via web-browser based forms featuring a word processor-esque input capability and featuring “AJAX” usability advances. For advanced users, entry of raw XHTML and other data is supported.

Polls, Surveys, and Questionnaires - Drupal comes with a host of interactive modules for getting input from your site's users, enabling admins and/or users to create polls, surveys, and even multi-page questionnaires and show them on various pages.

Threaded comments - Drupal provides a powerful threaded comment model for enabling discussion on published content be it stories, news articles, forum entries, etc. Comments are hierarchical as in a newsgroup or forum and can be enabled, disabled, and moderated as desired by administrators.

Version control - G version control system tracks the details of content updates including who changed it, what was changed, the date and time of changes made and more. Version control features provide an option to keep a comment log and enables you to roll-back content to an earlier version.

Webform - Build your own customized webform using the functionality select  box tools.


Personal Blogs – users can create and maintain their own personal blogs if allowed to do so by site administrators.

Blogger API support - The Blogger API allows your Drupal site to be updated by many different tools. This includes non-web browser based tools that provide a richer editing environment.

Content syndication - Drupal exports your site's content in RDF/RSS format for others to gather. This lets anyone with a "News Aggregator" such as NetNewsWire or Radio UserLand browse your Drupal site from the comfort of their desktop.

News aggregator - Drupal has a powerful built-in News Aggregator for reading and blogging news from other sites. The News Aggregator caches articles to your MySQL database and its caching time is user configurable.

Permalinks - All content created in Drupal has a permanent link or "perma link" associated with it so people can link to it freely without fear of broken links.


We use the Linux  platform - Drupal was designed from the start to be multi-platform.  Drupal running on Linux platforms.

Written in PHP - Drupal is written in the ubiquitous PHP scripting language, the most widely used (and best known) web scripting language on the net by a wide margin. It is fast, versatile, secure and platform independent.

Database independence - While many of our users run Drupal with MySQL, we knew that MySQL wasn't the solution for everyone. Drupal is built on top of a database abstraction layer that enables you to use Drupal with MySQL and PostgreSQL. Other SQL databases can be supported by writing a supporting database backend containing fourteen functions and creating a matching SQL database scheme.

Administration and analysis

Analysis, Tracking and Statistics - Drupal can print browser-based reports with information about referrals, content popularity and how visitors navigate your site.

Accountability: Logging and Reporting - All important activities and system events are captured in an event log to be reviewed by an administrator at a later time.

Web based administration - Drupal can be administered entirely using a web browser, making it possible to access it from around the world and requires no additional software to be installed on your computer.

Community features

Discussion forums - Full discussion forum features are built into Drupal to create lively, dynamic community sites.

Integrated mailing lists – Mailing lists integrated with forum and user groups allow users to receive emails from the site, and in some cases to contribute content and forum postings via email.

Email Alerts – Many aspects of Drupal will notify users via email (configurable on a per user basis) when they change or are updated.

Wiki Functionality - Drupal offers a full suite of Wiki capabilities (the best known example of a Wiki is Wikipedia), taking collaborative content generation to a new level.

Performance and scalability

Caching - The caching mechanism eliminates database queries increasing performance and reducing the server's load. Not only can the caching be tuned in real time, while your site is under load, but it has been successfully tested under a "slashdotting" and performed extremely well.

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