
We are 24 hours removed from the Royal Rumble, so expect a lot of Royal Rumble fallout tonight in Las Vegas.

We're underway with Punk, who is as expected throwing his toys out of the pram. He's calling last night the Phoenix Screwjob, saying that he's the victim here. He says the fans are expecting a Rock party, but Punk says that he's here to crash the party.

Vince is out, saying that he has evidence to show later that implicates Punk and Heyman in league with the Shield. Heyman tries to explain what's happened, but Vince cuts him off and adds that he'll be giving him his performance report later on tonight, and Heyman could be fired tonight.

Randy Orton is out now for our first match, he's going to be taking on Antonio Cesaro once again, but this time, with the Raw Roulette stipulation of a Special Guest Referee, who is this time The Miz.

Match 1 - Randy Orton vs. Antonio Cesaro (Special Guest Referee: The Miz)

Good opening match. Finish comes with Cesaro constantly attacking Orton in the corner. Miz pulls them apart which displeases Cesaro. However, when he finishes with the referee, Orton hits him with the RKO and gets the 3 count.

WINNER - Randy Orton

Miz is helping Cesaro to his feet, only for Miz to give Cesaro the Skull Crushing Finale before posing in the ring.

The wheel is spinning and it lands on... Make Me Laugh? And now we see Ryback. Vickie then says that he's got to make her laugh, only for him to terrify her by snorting in her face. He's heading out to the ring. I guess he's going to do the comedy (of some sorts) next.

The Prime Time Players are here now, as well as Matt Striker and yes, it's a joke contest. PTP's first joke is something to do with that 'Ain't Nobody Got Time For That' woman on Youtube. Ouch. Ryback then comes with his joke... What has 4 eyes, 20 fingers and is about to be unconscious? ... we need not a punchline here, but more of a clothesline... Darren Young runs for his life as Titus O'Neil gets beaten down. Striker is laughing hard and declares Ryback the winner. Ryback celebrates by giving the Shellshock to Matt Striker, which has the commentary team of Lawler, Cole & JBL laughing hard now.

Bob Backlund Hall Of Fame promo, again, as I said last week, long overdue.

Coming up, Rock will be out to celebrate his WWE title win from last night.

Back from break and the wheel is spinning and it's Player's Choice, with Vickie telling us that Wade Barrett can choose his opponent. Barrett is in the ring and due to what happened during last night's Royal Rumble match, he chosses Bo Dallas as his opponent, who comes out to what seems little crowd reaction. (Clearly Vegas doesn't watch NXT.)

Match 2 - Wade Barrett vs. Bo Dallas

Quick match here. Bo Dallas counters the Bullhammer into a a pinfall and gets an upset victory.

WINNER - Bo Dallas

Cody Rhodes is now spinning the wheel, this one with the WWE superstars on it and it lands on... John Cena. Looks like he'll be facing him next.

Back from break and Cody's in the ring. They now do a tale of the Tape for Cena and Fred Flinstone, given that Cena is now the face of Fruity Pebbles. Cena's out now, with the crowd tonight being seemingly supportive of him, vastly different to last night.

Match 3 - Cody Rhodes vs. John Cena

Quickly into the match, Cody grabs a mic and says it's a waste of his time and tries to leave. Cena stops him and gives him the '5 moves of Doom' culminating in the Attitude Adjustment.

WINNER - John Cena

Cena's got the mic now and speaks on his success from last night's Royal Rumble, adding that he needs to decide who's he is going to pursue at Wrestlemania. Now the crowd are booing Cena. Cena says that he has had to choose between CM Punk and The Rock. He says that CM Punk was the man to beat over the last year or so. He then turns to the Rock, with Cena talking about how last year's Wrestlemania match left a hanging shadow on his career with Rock getting the win, despite feeling that he was the better man. Unsuprisingly, Cena says that he's going to take on the WWE Champion, whoever it may be, at Wrestlemania.

Shield is now making their way from the crowd and attack Cena. Sheamus comes out and Ryback comes out soon after, but both get taken out by Shield. They then turn to Cena and give him the Triple powerbomb. All 3 of WWE's main guys are now laid out in or around the ring. The Shield are showing their dominance.

Coming up, The Rock will be out to celebrate his title victory and Vince will be giving Heyman his performance review.

Back from break, and they do a recap of The Shield's attack from a few minutes ago.

Spinning the wheel, and it lands on Lingerie Pillow Fight... and it's Tensai and Brodus Clay... Dear... God...  Tensai isn't happy and walks off, Vickie doesn't want to act stupid with performance reviews, so they spin a secondary wheel, which spins to the dance off. Brodus is happy, but made sure that Tensai isn't told of the change. Now THIS is quality Monday Night TV... sarcasm.

Royal Rumble Fanfest recap now.

Brodus Clay is out and his Dance Off with Tensai is up next.

Brodus and Tensai are out now and Tensai has lingerie over his ring gear... God... The Dance off starts with Brodus and then Tensai refuses to dance. Lawler then says what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas and Brodus and Tensai do Gangnam Style and other dances. Cut to a backstage Ron Simmons, and it's another DAMN moment.

Del Rio's spinning the wheel now and it's a Bodyslam Challenge, which is apparently against Big Show. Vickie doesn't think it will happen, but Alberto says that this is Las Vegas, and anything can happen in Vegas. Looks like that will be up next.

Back from break and Ricardo introduces Alberto Del Rio to the ring, Big Show comes out next.

Match 4 - Bodyslam Chalenge - Alberto Del Rio (w/Ricardo Rodriguez) vs. Big Show

Big Show just attacks Del Rio and Ricardo and gives Del Rio the KO punch. He then proceeds to gaffer tape one of Del Rio's hands to the ropes. Now, he attacks Ricardo further as Del Rio struggles to escape. Ricardo gets slammed and KO punched. Alberto keeps struggling and he gets kicked in the leg and the body hard and given the KO punch again. I think Big Show may have proven his point.


Back from break and they recap Big Show's actions and Del Rio being taken backstage by the referees during the break.

It's a Divas Lumberjill match now. Tamina & Kaitlyn will be in the match, with the rest of the divas at ringside.

Match 5 - Divas Lumberjill Match - Tamina Snuka vs. Kaitlyn

The match soon breaks down, with the lumberjills attacking each other in the ring.


Recap now of the Shield's attack on John Cena, Sheamus & Ryback.

The Rock is now coming out to address the crowd for the first time as the new WWE Champion. He says the one word that sums everything up is FINALLY... as he's back in Vegas and he's WWE Champ. He says that tonight is all about a new era in WWE and that it's time to celebrate. CM Punk's music hits and says that all his efforts will devalue everything that he's done to raise the prestige of the belt. He says that Rock should give him his belt back. Rock says if he wants it he should come get it. Punk teases coming to the ring but then says that he is granting Rock a title rematch, he says that he'll be on the WWE touring shows on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday's Raw and then offers the Elimination Chamber PPV. Rock chooses the PPV and says that Punk will be getting one hell of an ass whipping in 3 weeks.

The Paul Heyman performance review is coming later, but next, with thanks to the spin of the wheel, it's Sheamus vs Damien Sandow in a Tables match and that's up next.

Damien Sandow is out and they cut to what was shown on the WWE active app, with Vickie and Sandow spinning the wheel resulting the Tables match being set. Sheamus is out next.

Match 6 - Tables match - Damien Sandow vs. Sheamus

Decent match here. Sheamus gets the win with White Noise through a table leaned on the turnbuckle.

WINNER - Sheamus

Still to come, Paul Heyman's performance review by Vince McMahon

Zack Ryder and The Great Khali with Hornswaggle & Natalya are competing in Karaoke. Great Khali is singing Shawn Michaels's Sexy Boy music, out of time and out of tune... SO HE'S A KARAOKE MASTER!!!! 3MB interrupts saying they're the kings of music. Zack says he likes Pop and Khali is partial to headbanging. Drew then does a little air guitar and gets his head banged by a Khali Chop. Jinder then gets a Rough Rider from Ryder and Heath Slater gets chopped by Khali. Cue celebratory dancing in the ring. Waste of a segment.

Chris Jericho looks to be making his way to the ring backstage.

Jericho is now coming out, crowd is popping HUGE for him. Ziggler comes to the ring with AJ & Langston. He says that he has no purpose being there given that he sent him packing, AJ apologises for setting up the match, and both say that she should go. Vickie then comes on the Tron and says that she does what's best for business and signed Jericho up. She then spins the wheel and it lands on Strange Bedfellows. That means they'll be teaming up to take on Team Hell No.

Match 7 - Chris Jericho & Dolph Ziggler (w/AJ Lee & Big E. Langston) vs. Team Hell No (Kane & Daniel Bryan)

Quick little match. Finish comes with Jericho tagging Ziggler and slapping Kane on the back and leaves the ring. Ziggler is pissed, only to be met with a chokeslam from Kane. Team Hell No is still not on the same page though, especially after last night.

WINNERS - Team Hell No

Next inductee for the Hall Of Fame is being announced and it's Trish Stratus... great pick and well deserving of a place.

Paul Heyman's performance review is coming next.

Vince is in the ring now saying that Raw is all about fun, so it's time to have fun and asks Heyman to make his way to the ring. Heyman doesn't come out at first but Vince informs him that Punk has already left. Heyman then comes out, to a hostile reception from the crowd. Vince shakes his hand, only to get some hand sanitizer out after the handshake. Heyman is asked about his involvement with Brad Maddox or the Shield and he denies it. Vince then asks whether Heyman has lied. Heyman admits that he's had to lie throughout his career to stay alive, but this is one time where he's actually telling the truth.

Vince then asks whether Heyman is honorable and he says yes. They then cut to the footage and it appears to be an outtake from The Brad Maddox Experience. Paul Heyman is openly admitting that Maddox & Shield were being controlled by him and Maddox is getting beat down by the Shield.

'You Got Busted' chant from the crowd now, followed by the Na Na Na Na... Goodbye song. Heyman says it wasn't him and that it was an impersonator and that he's being set up due to his successes with ECW and CM Punk. Vince is just about to fire Heyman only for BROCK LESNAR'S music to hit and Lesnar appears and makes his way down to the ring.

Brock then stares down Vince, with Heyman begging Vince to leave the ring and after a while, Brock gives Vince the F5. Heyman is on his knees saying 'What have I done?' as Lesnar does his jogging on the spot move as Raw goes off the air, the WWE chairman laid out cold.

A mixed bag of a Raw tonight, with very little in the way of matches, but still some big moments with the returns of Jericho & Lesnar. Hopefully we have a better Raw next week. So make sure you return in & days to see what goes down in Atlanta, GA... until then, ASHLEY OUT

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