Smoking in Today’s Era
Any person, one time or another is having some craving, which could either be good or bad for the person but still would do it anyway because it brings contentment and happiness. This extreme desire for something is known as addiction. Addiction is usually labelled with something harmful. When the word addiction is described, it usually coincide with drug and substance abuse such in heroin, cannabis, etc. Smoking cigarettes is the leading type of addiction and many would like to get out of it but just do not know how to quit or refuse to quit.
Many people, especially the young ones, do not realize the danger to their health in smoking cigarettes. It is a sad reality that because of cigarette advertisements that depict cool people smoking cigarettes, many are enticed to smoke. It is therefore necessary that smokers have to be informed the dangers of smoking in order to be motivated to quit the addiction.
Based on information, statistics in the USA show that one out of five deaths in the country is related to smoking. On the other side of the world, in UK alone, 100,000 deaths are due to smoking related incidents.
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According to sources, cigarettes have more than 4,800 chemicals and these can trigger various illnesses like tumors, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis emphysema, and cancer. According to studies, tobacco smoking can cause people to die earlier by 15 years. By the way, you are inhaling more nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar when smoking roll-up cigarettes compared to those manufactured in the factory.
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Knowledge of the health hazards brought about in smoking has made some people decide to quit the addiction. There are several methods that smokers have done in order to quit smoking, such as keeping themselves busy with activities. Some of these distractions are chewing gum, taking yoga classes, attending therapy sessions, taking pills and some would use patches. These activities and distractions cost money, and unfortunately not a good solution to the problem on the basis that the approach is avoidance which is not effective. If you love chocolates, you can eat this to stop your urge to smoke since chocolate increases the dopamine level in your blood that stops your urge to smoke.
You must know that if you stop smoking, your body will undergo withdrawal symptoms, which includes fatigue of body and mind, mood swings, physical discomfort, flu, cold chest pains and constipation. Symptoms can come in different ways to different persons, and so it is best to go to your doctor once you have these symptoms to get help. Some suggestions are also available online that could be useful to help you when you experience these symptoms.
There is a new alternative to smoking called vaping. Vaping is posed with many questions, like is it harmful, does it contain tobacco, or is it safer than smoking, etc.
The act of inhaling water vapour through a personal vaporizer is called vaping. Vaping is still like smoking but no adverse effects of the real smoking, like bad breath, cigarette burns, dirty ashtrays, and the likelihood of getting cancer.