
ELLIS–The city of Ellis will pre-purchase equipment and building materials for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project in order to save money as material costs increase. During their July 20 meeting, council members voted 5-1, with Gary Luea dissenting, to approve the proposal presented by Brian Spano, Wilson & Company engineer.

In another water-related item, council members voted unanimously to re-bid the engineering proposal for the new water wells under consideration for development northwest of Ellis.  Council member Holly Aschenbrenner felt the bids were not comparable and the scope of services desired should be more defined.

The council also voted unanimously to reinstate lawn watering permits for newly seeded native grasses.

The full minutes of the July 20, 2015 meeting follow.



Mayor David McDaniel called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Present were Council members Holly Aschenbrenner, Gary Luea, Heather Luea, Jolene Niernberger, Bob Redger, and John Walz. Also present were Public Works Director Alan Scheuerman, City Clerk Amy Burton, and City Attorney Olavee Raub (arrived at 7:40 p.m.). Police Chief Taft Yates was absent.



By consensus, Mayor David McDaniel moved “Consider Agreement for Professional Services for Waterline Improvement Project” from the first item in New Business to the third item in Unfinished Business.


Josh Eaton, Ryan Augustine, Buck Driggs, Glen Keller, Brian Spano, Doug Goetz, Jackie Henman, Dustin Mattheyer (arrived at 7:38 p.m.), and Faith Scheck (arrived at 8:16 p.m.)


Council member John Walz moved to approve the consent agenda containing the Minutes from the Regular Meeting on July 6, 2015, the Minutes from the Special Meeting on July 15, 2015, Bills Ordinance #1977, and the May and June manual journal entries. Council member Gary Luea seconded the motion. The Council approved the consent agenda unanimously.


Mayor David McDaniel read a letter received July 20, 2015 from Arnold and Karen Sauer regarding a High Water Usage notice they received from the City. Mr. and Mrs. Sauer believe the City is responsible for the high water usage because the City came onto their property to install valves in the waterlines and may have cracked their underground sprinkler system pipe in the process.




General Government: Policy

Josh Eaton questioned why the Council voted to no longer issue lawn permits. Residents are willing to plant warm season grasses but without a way to keep the newly seeded lawns wet, the grass won’t survive. It takes approximately 14-18 days for buffalo grass seed to germinate and 20-25 days for Bermuda grass seed to germinate. Mr. Eaton encouraged Council to reestablish the provision for lawn watering permits, and offered suggestions on modifications to the permits and incentives to encourage residents to plant warm season grasses to help with water conservation.


Sewer: Repair/Maintenance

Brian Spano, Wilson & Company, discussed with Council the possibility of pre-purchasing equipment and building materials for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project in order to save the City money as material costs increase. Mr. Spano presented a bid from All About Steel Buildings for materials to construct a 30’ x 24’ building to add onto the existing structure. Once the bid is accepted, Wilson & Company will be able to obtain drawings of the existing structure from the manufacturer, which will reduce the likelihood of change orders with the construction. The additional building will house the SCADA system, the facility controls, an office, a restroom and a utility room. Council member John Walz moved and Council member Jolene Niernberger seconded a motion to approve the deposit payment in the amount of $6,752 to Sunward Financial for the pre-purchase of building materials with funds to come from the Sewer Depreciation Fund. Upon a call for discussion, Council member Bob Redger inquired on the timeline for the project. The project will be put out for bids in January 2016 and the Kansas Department of Health & Environment has already approved an extension to October 2016 for project completion. The motion carried 5-1, with Council member Gary Luea opposed. Council member John Walz then moved to approve the total purchase price of $13,505 for building materials from All About Steel Buildings. Council member Jolene Niernberger seconded the motion. The motion carried 5-1, with Council member Gary Luea opposed. Mr. Spano then presented a cost estimate from Aero-Mod for the aeration equipment and electrical and controls equipment. Aero-Mod is the only supplier for this type of equipment and once the Council approves the pre-negotiated price, it cannot be increased. Council member Jolene Niernberger moved and Council member Heather Luea seconded a motion to pre-negotiate the price of $170,000 for the Aero-Mod equipment for the Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvement Project. The motion carried 5-1, with Council member Gary Luea opposed.

Water Exploration: Contracts

Council considered proposals from Driggs Design Group and Wilson and Company for engineering services to prepare a Preliminary Engineering Report for the new wells under consideration northwest of Ellis. Council member Holly Aschenbrenner felt the bids were not comparable and the scope of services desired should be more defined. After further discussion, Council member Bob Redger moved and Council member Holly Aschenbrenner seconded a motion to allow the engineering firms to withdraw their respective proposals and to re-bid the project when the scope of services is clarified. The motion carried 6-0.

Water: Contract

Buck Driggs, Driggs Design Group, presented an agreement for consideration between the City and his firm for professional services in conjunction with the Waterline Improvement Project. City Attorney Olavee Raub has reviewed the Agreement and suggested slight modifications, which have already been made by Mr. Driggs. The project is planned to be let for bids in January 2016. Council member Bob Redger moved and Council member Jolene Niernberger seconded a motion to adopt the Agreement Between Owner and Engineer for Professional Services with Driggs Design Group and to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement. The motion carried 6-0.

General Government: Petitions

Council discussed the petition for annexation from Perry and Robin Henman and Jackie Henman. Council members expressed concerns over the cost of the installation of the infrastructure given the current budget situation. The City’s Policy on Guidelines for Infrastructure states the property owner is responsible for 100% of the costs of installation of sewer and water lines; however, the City Council has the discretion to pay a portion of the costs if they choose. City Attorney Olavee Raub explained to Council the consideration of the annexation and the consideration of cost sharing are two separate issues. Council member Holly Aschenbrenner moved to direct City Attorney Olavee Raub to draft an ordinance allowing for annexation of property. Council member Bob Redger seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0.

General Government: Insurance

Council again discussed possible modifications to the City’s EMC Insurance policy. City Clerk Amy Burton reported the rating on the City’s Inland Marine equipment is $1 per $100. Council member John Walz moved and Council member Bob Redger seconded a motion to approve the EMC Insurance policy as presented and to ratify payment to Romme Agency for the insurance premiums. The motion carried 6-0.

Special Machinery: Acquisition

Public Works Director Alan Scheuerman reported the City was not able to purchase the 1999 GMC C7500 dump truck on the PurpleWave Auction site. The Council had authorized Mr. Scheuerman to bid up to $17,500 and the truck sold for $18,700. Although Mr. Scheuerman presented a 2003 Volvo dump truck located in Indiana for consideration at the last meeting, he would like to pass on that truck and try to find a truck closer to Ellis. Council will table this item until Mr. Scheuerman can research dump trucks in the area.

Water: Committee

Mayor David McDaniel discussed Resolution #492 establishing the Water Advisory Committee. The Resolution references Stage 3, but should the City continue with the Committee during Stage 2 as well? City Attorney Olavee Raub clarified that the Resolution would not need to be changed; the reference to Stage 3 is just the circumstances that caused the need for the Committee. The Committee stays intact until Council disbands it. Council member Jolene Niernberger feels the Committee is important to research water-related topics and to educate Council. Council member Holly Aschenbrenner countered by stating the Committee provided Council with inaccurate information regarding the lawn permits and now that item has to be revisited. The Council took no action.

Water: Permits/Licenses

Council discussed allowing lawn watering permits again for newly seeded warm season grasses. At the July 6th meeting, Council adopted an Ordinance removing the provision for the watering permits. Council discussed modifying the permits to three consecutive 10-day permits versus one 30-day permit, and requiring residents to present a receipt for the type of grass seed purchased to be planted. Council also discussed limiting the number of permits issued at one time, and whether to base that limit off of the number of permits currently issued or the square footage of grass planted. After further discussion, Council member Bob Redger moved to direct City Attorney Olavee Raub to prepare an ordinance reinstating lawn watering permits for newly seeded native grasses. The watering permits shall be 10-day permits, renewable twice consecutively not to exceed 30-days total. Residents must present their receipt showing the type of grass seed purchased. Permits may be issued from June 1st through September 30th and residents may only apply for one “set” of permits per year. Council member Holly Aschenbrenner seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0.

Water: Acquistion

Council revisited the purchase and installation of submersible pressure transducers to accurately measure the water well levels. The transducers would be placed in four representative wells – Wells #1, 4, 12, and 13. Council member Bob Redger moved to accept the quote from Sargent Drilling Co. for the sounder tubes for the representative wells at a cost of $2,207, and to accept the quote from Don’s Electric & Rewind, Inc. to install the transducers and modify the SCADA system to display the readings at a total cost of $7,300. Funds will be taken out of Capital Improvement – Special Projects for the total cost of $9,507. Council member Holly Aschenbrenner seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0.


Clerk: Policy

City Clerk Amy Burton presented a list of records that have been imaged and are ready to be destroyed. Council member John Walz moved and Council member Gary Luea seconded a motion to approve the Certificate of Destruction of Public Records and to authorize the Mayor to sign the document. The motion carried 6-0.

Sewer: Contracts

Public Works Director Alan Scheuerman presented two bids for the annual sewer cleaning and maintenance services. Although the bids from Mayer Specialty Services and Utility Maintenance Contractors propose varying prices per linear foot and separate prices for manhole inspections, both contracts total the same amount over the span of the 5-year contract. Council member Holly Aschenbrenner moved and Council member Bob Redger seconded a motion to continue the City’s contract with Mayer Specialty Services for the annual sewer cleaning and maintenance services at a total 5-year contract price of $55,350. Funds will be charged annually to the Sewer Utility Fund. The motion carried 6-0.

General Government: Committee

Acting Planning Commission Chairman Glen Keller presented the Comprehensive Plan Goals and Objectives as approved by the Planning Commission at their June 22nd meeting. Council member John Walz moved and Council member Heather Luea seconded a motion to approve the Comprehensive Plan Goals and Objectives as presented. Motion carried 6-0.


Public Works

Public Works Director Alan Scheuerman presented spreadsheets illustrating the City’s water well levels and the average daily water use. It was the consensus of Council to solicit bids to swath 19 acres of grassland area that includes the Police gun range. The bid solicitation will be advertised in the Ellis Review. In the coming weeks, Ellis County will be assisting the Department with the 2015 Street Rehabilitation Project by providing manpower and heavy equipment. Mr. Scheuerman would like to reciprocate by assisting the County with moving the underground electrical lines to facilitate the County’s Old 40 Highway project. Council member Holly Aschenbrenner noted it can be very costly to move underground electric line and requested Mr. Scheuerman contact Midwest Energy for more information.

Special Machinery: Repair/Maintenance

Mr. Scheuerman reported the motor has died in the 1991 Ford tandem truck. It is estimated to cost around $12,000 to replace. Mr. Scheuerman will visit with Ellis County to see when they may be disposing of any of their tandem trucks.

Water: Accounting/Billing

Council discussed the letter from Arnold and Karen Sauer regarding their high water use notice. Mr. Scheuerman reported the City did replace the broken spigots on the sprinkler heads and it could be a possibility the sprinkler line cracked during the valve installation. It was the consensus of Council to write off the excess water use and have the Sauer’s only pay their base water average.


City Clerk

City Clerk Amy Burton presented the May and June Financial Statements consisting of the Statement of Accounts, the Treasurer’s Report, and the Security Deposit worksheet. The June meeting minutes for the Planning Commission and Cemetery Committee are included for review. The next budget work session is scheduled for July 21st at 7:00 p.m. Galen Pfeifer, Adams, Brown, Beran & Ball, Chtd. will be present to explain the proposed budget document. The budget must be published by July 30th in order to hold the budget hearing on August 10th. Corina Cox, Northwest Kansas Planning & Development, has completed the tabulation of the Low-to-Moderate Income surveys needed for the Community Development Block Grant. The tabulation indicates the City is eligible to apply for grant funding. The City thanks those residents who participated in the survey.


City Attorney Olavee Raub discussed the lease agreement between the City and Mark Brack for a parcel of land. Council discussed the maintenance of the land under the conditions of the lease. No action was taken.


Mayor David McDaniel reported several patrons have commented on how clean and organized the Recycling Center is operated. The individuals conducting the study with the weather balloons reportedly have been very impressed with Ellis and appreciate how accommodating the city has been for their research project. Mayor McDaniel reported he may have found a grant writer to help the City explore funding opportunities.


Mayor David McDaniel called for an executive session for personnel matters of non-elected personnel. A 10-minute executive session was proposed starting at 10:22 p.m. Mayor McDaniel asked for a motion to recess. Council member John Walz moved to recess to executive session for personnel matters of non-elected personnel with the City Attorney and City Clerk present. Council member Jolene Niernberger seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0. The Council returned to open session at 10:32 p.m. No action was taken in executive session.

Mayor David McDaniel called for an executive session for personnel matters of non-elected personnel. A 10-minute executive session was proposed starting at 10:33 p.m. Mayor McDaniel asked for a motion to recess. Council member Gary Luea moved to recess to executive session for personnel matters of non-elected personnel with only the Council present. Council member John Walz seconded the motion. The motion carried 6-0. The Council returned to open session at 10:43 p.m. No action was taken in executive session.


Council member Jolene Niernberger moved and Council member Bob Redger seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 6-0. The meeting adjourned at 10:44 p.m.

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