
If you follow my blog you'd remember I mentioned that Aden turned 2 about 2 weeks ago. And he is now officially in terrible two stage :(

1. Kids love to be praised and so as my son, whenever we praised him on doing something smart and clever, he'll give us the big grin smile and clap his hands *syok sendiri*

(He turned that wooden reindeer side way and sit like that =_=)

2. I believe every children can master the pouting lips expression easily, and my son is no exception :p

3. Still enjoying TV time, his favorite is still Hi 5. And HK dramas on AOD, I guess that's because his daddy and mummy are chasing those dramas every night, so it has also become his habit. Our latest favorite is of course the latest Never Dance Alone (女人俱乐部).

He loves dancing too!

4. Erm nothing much to say here, just to show his fat body, haha! Seriously he is so heavy now that nobody wants to carry him already...... But poor mummy is still the victim as he sticks to mummy like UHU glue =( And thanks to his weight, I have very strong and big arms now!! :(

5. Loves water like he used to! It's been months since I last bring him to the swimming pool since it's raining everyday. Anyway managed to bring him for a quick swim last week, see how he enjoys the sun bathing session? :p

Time to shop for a new swimming suit now! 

6. That's him doing the downward-facing-dog Yoga pose, the unprofessional one though xD

Okay boy, it's time for mummy to teach you some proper Yoga poses! :p

7. This was taken last month before we headed to a battle at the hair saloon. He looks like a girl, agree? :p

8. And this is the result of a 20-minutes non stop crying and screaming at the saloon. Hair got shorter obviously and I love it! But.... his hair is getting longer again, I am worry again thinking of bringing him to the saloon :( I wonder when will his fear of haircuts fade off?

9. This budak memang pattern banyak one.... When we introduced him to a new trick, he'll keep asking for it. 

His vocabs widen a lot too, and by 20 months old, he can already point out body parts, and recognize all family members (the closer ones). Now, he knows his daddy's and his own name, but not his mummy, sob sob~

10. See, this is what I mean by pattern banyak! Don't ask me why he bite his own feet... I guess he is just curious and finds it fun to do so~

He hardly bites now, but he still loves to throw things, and sometimes even hit people! I have told him umpteen times that he is not suppose to do so but he just keep repeating!

And of late, he loves to spit water! Arggg...

I know it's a phase every toddler will go through but seriously I am so sick of it!! I pray for this phase to be over SOON!

11. My old-fashioned boy, got handsome or not? :p

Aden can now understand more words and instructions, so when he is behaving, he'll follow instructions and that means he's a good little helper at home. But guess what happen when he turns evil? He creates more mess for me to clean up la!

12. It was 20.05.2014 yesterday, when the Chinese says it's the 'I love you' day (520, 我爱你). Of course we don't celebrate la, but thought of taking a picture with my 2 favorite boys.

Aden loves to be photographed these days, and will request to check look at the photo after that.

That's all I can think of now.

I think I won't be blogging about his progress on a monthly basis anymore, starting from now on, it'd be on a random mode. Don't ask why, I just don't have the time~

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