
Adds a sidebar widget to display your Twitter Friends Timeline using Twitter’s flash scripts….


Version – 1.0

Description :

Twitgets takes the Twitter Badges code and wraps them in WordPress plugin so you can just “plug them in”. No More editing of PHP or HTML files.

There are four Twitgets currently available. Download and save to your wordpress/wp-content/plugins/widgets directory.

Twitter Flash – uses the flash badge code from Twitter which displays your last Twitter post.

Twitter Friends – which shows your friends Twitter Images with links to their posts using Twitter’s friends badge.

Twitter Party – shows your friends postings using Twitter’s party flash badge code.

Twitter JavaScript – a non-flash version of Twitter Flash using Twitter’s JavaScript badge.

Installation :

– Requirements –

I used the Sidebar Widgets plugin developed by the folks at Automattic.com. It adds a nice “Sidebar Widgets” menu in the WordPress Presentation menu for easy management of your sidebar widgets. Please follow the download and installation instructions at their site to install and activate their plugin. After you have it activated, you will be able to install and configure these Twitgets.

You can get the Sidebar Widgets plugin at http://svn.wp-plugins.org/widgets/trunk/

– Twitgets Plugin Installation Instructions –

Download and save the Twitget files to your wordpress/wp-content/plugins/widgets directory.

the documentation. They were bundled into the ZIP file when uploaded to the WordPress repository. You don’t need them, sorry for any confusion.

Login to your WordPress administration page and click on the “Plugins” link to get to the plugin activation page. You should see the new plugins listed. Click on the “Activate” link next to each one you wish to use.

Click on the “Presentation” link of your WordPress administration page menu, then click on the “Sidebar Widgets” menu link to get to the Sidebar Widgets administration page. You should see the available widgets at the bottom.

Drag and drop the widgets you choose to use from the “Available Widgets” pane to the “Sidebar1? pane.

Now all we need do is configure each widget with your personalized settings. Click on the configuration pane link to open the configuration window. Below are the configuration details for each Twitget I have made. You will of course require your Twitter user name and Twitter id. To get your Twitter id, go to your twitter page (for example mine would be http://twitter.com/RCOZ). At the bottom of your twitter messages you will see a link for “RSS Feed”. Pass your mouse over it or click on it to see the URL it takes you to. It should end with #######.rss. That ######## is your Twitter id. (For example mine is 2898541).

Follow the configuration directions in the configuration instructions (Other Commnents) for the Twitgets plugins you wish to use. The link to the Installation doc with images is http://www.dhtechventures.com/blog1/?page_id=10

Other Notes :

Twitter Flash Configuration

Twitter Flash requires you enter your Twitter login name and id. The title is optional. (See Figure 5). Once you’ve entered the information click the “x” to close the window then click on “Save Changes” to store them to your WordPress database.

Twitter Friends Configuration

The Twitter Friends twitget only requires your Twitter Username. The title is optional. Once you entered the information click the “x” to close the window then click “Save Changes” to store the information to your Twitter database.

Twitter Party Configuration

The Twitter Party twitget requires your Twitter Username, your Fullname, and your Twitter id. The title is optional. Once you entered the information click the “x” to close the window then click “Save Changes” to store the information to your Twitter database.

Twitter JavaScript Configuration

Twitter JavaScript requires you enter your Twitter login name and id. The title is optional. Once you’ve entered the information click the “x” to close the window then click on “Save Changes” to store them to your WordPress database.

Detail Here: – http://wordpress.org/plugins/twitgets/

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