
Visit Counter, shows reads and visitors per page, visitors today, yesterday, last week, last months and other statistics….


Version – 3.2.7

Description :

count reads and visitors

shows reads per page

shows visitors today, yesterday, last week, last months and other statistics on dashboard

shows country of your visitors

you can show these statistics on frontend per widget or shortcodes too

Plugin: http://www.tomsdimension.de/wp-plugins/count-per-day

Donate: http://www.tomsdimension.de/postcards

“Count per Day” counts 1 visit per IP per day. So any reload of the page do not increment the counter.

Languages, Translators

up to date translations:

Bulgarian – joro – http://www.joro711.com

German – Tom – http://www.tomsdimension.de

Japanese – Juno Hayami – http://juno.main.jp/blog/

Portuguese – Beto Ribeiro – http://www.sevenarts.com.br

Russian – Ilya Pshenichny – http://iluhis.com

Serbian – Diana – http://wpdiscounts.com

older, incomplete translations:

Azerbaijani – Bohdan Zograf – http://wwww.webhostingrating.com

Belarusian – Alexander Alexandrov – http://www.designcontest.com

Dansk – Jonas Thomsen – http://jonasthomsen.com

Dutch NL – Rene – http://wpwebshop.com

Espanol – Juan Carlos del Río -

Finnish – Jani Alha – http://www.wysiwyg.fi

France – Bjork – http://www.habbzone.fr

Greek – Essetai_Imar – http://www.elliniki-grothia.com

Hindi – Love Chandel – http://outshinesolutions.com

Italian – Gianni Diurno – http://gidibao.net

Lithuanian – Nata Strazda – http://www.webhostinghub.com

Norwegian – Stein Ivar Johnsen – http://iDyrøy.no

Polish – LeXuS – http://intrakardial.de

Romanian – Alexander Ovsov – http://webhostinggeeks.com

Swedish – Magnus Suther – http://www.magnussuther.se

Turkish – Emrullah Tahir Ekmekçi – http://emrullahekmekci.com.tr

Ukrainian – Iflexion design – http://iflexion.com

Installation :

unzip plugin directory into the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory

activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

on every update you have to deactivate and reactivate the plugin to update some settings!

The activation will create or update a table wp_cpd_counter.

The Visitors-per-Day function use 7 days as default. So don’t surprise about a wrong value in the first week.


See the Options Page and check the default values.

Screenshots :

Statistics on Count-per-Day Dashboard


Widget sample

Other Notes :

Arbitrary section


You can use these shortcodes in the content of your posts to show a number or list or in your theme files while adding e.g. ‘<?php echo do_shortcode(“[THE_SHORTCODE]“); ?>’. To use the shortcodes within a text widget you have to add ‘add_filter(“widget_text”, “do_shortcode”);’ to the ‘functions.php’ of your theme.

[CPD_READS_THIS] [CPD_READS_TOTAL] [CPD_READS_TODAY] [CPD_READS_YESTERDAY] [CPD_READS_LAST_WEEK] [CPD_READS_THIS_MONTH] [CPD_READS_PER_MONTH] [CPD_VISITORS_TOTAL] [CPD_VISITORS_ONLINE] [CPD_VISITORS_TODAY] [CPD_VISITORS_YESTERDAY] [CPD_VISITORS_LAST_WEEK] [CPD_VISITORS_THIS_MONTH] [CPD_VISITORS_PER_MONTH] [CPD_VISITORS_PER_DAY] [CPD_VISITORS_PER_POST] [CPD_FIRST_COUNT] [CPD_POSTS_ON_DAY] [CPD_CLIENTS] [CPD_COUNTRIES] [CPD_COUNTRIES_USERS] [CPD_REFERERS] [CPD_MOST_VISITED_POSTS limit="5" days="30" postsonly="1" posttypes="posts,pages"] – limit (optional): max records to show, default = all – days (optional), show last x days – postsonly (optional), 1 = don’t show index pages – posttypes (optional), show this posttypes only, sets postsonly to 1 [CPD_POSTS_ON_DAY date="2010-10-06" limit="3"] – date (optional), format: year-month-day, default = today – limit (optional): max records to show, default = all [CPD_MAP width="500" height="340" what="reads" min=1] – width and height: size, default 500×340 px – what: map content – reads|visitors|online, default reads – min: 1 (disable title, legend and zoombar), default 0 [CPD_SEARCHES days="14" limit="20"] – days (optional), show last x days – limit (optional): show x most searched strings


You can place these functions in your template. Use

to check if plugin is activated.

show( $before, $after, $show, $count, $page )’

$before = text before number e.g. ‘<p>’ (default “”)

$after = text after number e.g. ‘reads</p>’ (default ” reads”)

$show = true/false, “echo” complete string or “return” number only (default true)

$count = true/false, false will not count the reads (default true)

$page (optional) PostID


only count reads, without any output

‘show’ call it

‘getFirstCount( $return )’

shows date of first count

$return: 0 echo, 1 return output

‘getUserPerDay( $days, $return )’

shows average number of visitors per day of the last $days days

default on dashboard (see it with mouse over number) = “Latest Counts – Days” in options

$return: 0 echo, 1 return output

‘getReadsAll( $return )’

shows number of total reads

$return: 0 echo, 1 return output

‘getReadsToday( $return )’

shows number of reads today

$return: 0 echo, 1 return output

‘getReadsYesterday( $return )’

shows number of reads yesterday

$return: 0 echo, 1 return output

‘getReadsLastWeek( $return )’

shows number of reads last week (7 days)

$return: 0 echo, 1 return output

‘getReadsThisMonth( $return )’

shows number of reads current month

$return: 0 echo, 1 return output

‘getReadsPerMonth( $return )’

lists number of reads per month

$return: 0 echo, 1 return output

‘getUserAll( $return )’

shows number of total visitors

$return: 0 echo, 1 return output

‘getUserOnline( $frontend, $country, $return )’

shows number of visitors just online

$frontend: 1 no link to map

$country: 0 number, 1 country list

$return: 0 echo, 1 return output

‘getUserToday( $return )’

shows number of visitors today

$return: 0 echo, 1 return output

‘getUserYesterday( $return )’

shows number of visitors yesterday

$return: 0 echo, 1 return output

‘getUserLastWeek( $return )’

shows number of visitors last week (7 days)

$return: 0 echo, 1 return output

‘getUserThisMonth( $return )’

shows number of visitors current month

$return: 0 echo, 1 return output

‘getUserPerMonth( $frontend, $return )’

lists number of visitors per month

$frontend: 1 no links

$return: 0 echo, 1 return output

‘getUserPerPost( $limit, $frontend, $return )’

lists $limit number of posts, -1: all, 0: get option from DB, x: number

$frontend: 1 no links

$return: 0 echo, 1 return output

‘getMostVisitedPosts( $days, $limits, $frontend, $postsonly, $return, $posttypes )’

shows a list with the most visited posts in the last days

$days = days to calc (last days), 0: get option from DB

$limit = count of posts (last posts), 0: get option from DB

$frontend: 1 no links

$postsonly: 0 show, 1 don’t show categories and taxonomies

$return: 0 echo, 1 return output

$posttypes: comma separated list of post types, default: empty to show all

‘getVisitedPostsOnDay( $date, $limit, $show_form, $show_notes, $frontend, $return )’

shows visited pages at given day

$date day in MySQL date format yyyy-mm-dd, 0 today

$limit count of posts

$show_form show form for date selection, default on, in frontend set it to 0

$show_notes show button to add notes in form, default on, in frontend set it to 0

$frontend: 1 no links

$return: 0 echo, 1 return output

‘getClients( $return )’

shows visits per client/browser in percent

$return: 0 echo, 1 return output

‘getReferers( $limit, $return, $days )’

lists top $limit referrers of the last $days days, 0: get option from DB, x: number

$return: 0 echo, 1 return output

‘getMostVisitedPostIDs( $days, $limit, $cats, $return_array )’

$days last x days, default = 365

$limit return max. x posts, default = 10

$cats IDs of categories to filter, array or number

$return_array true returns an array with Post-ID, title and count, false returns comma separated list of Post-IDs

‘function getMap( $what, $width, $height, $min )’

gets a world map

$what visitors|reads|online

$width size in px

$height size in px

$min : 1 disable title, legend and zoombar

‘getDayWithMostReads( $return )’

shows day with most Reads

$return: 0 echo, 1 return output

‘getDayWithMostVisitors( $return )’

shows day with most Visitors

$return: 0 echo, 1 return output


With GeoIP you can associate your visitors to an country using the ip address.

In the database a new column ‘country’ will be insert on plugin activation.

On options page you can update you current visits. This take a while! The Script checks 100 IP addresses at once an reload itself until less then 100 addresses left. Click the update button to check the rest.

If the rest remains greater than 0 the IP address is not in GeoIP database (accuracy 99.5%).

You can update the GeoIP database from time to time to get new IP data. This necessitates write rights to geoip directory (e.g. chmod 777).

If the automatically update don’t work download GeoIPv6.dat.gz, extract and rename it to GeoIP.dat and load it to the “geoip” directory.

More information about GeoIP on https://www.maxmind.com

Detail Here: – http://wordpress.org/plugins/count-per-day/

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