The Cedar County Board of Commissioners will meet at 8:30 a.m., Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2017, in the Commissioners’ Room in the Cedar County Courthouse.
Agenda is available in the County Clerk’s office.
January10, 2017
The Cedar County Commissioners met in the Boardroom of the Cedar County Courthouse at 8:30 am and the meeting was called to order by County Clerk per Statute 23-274 as advertised, with Craig Bartels, David McGregor and Terry Pinkelman answering roll call. Also present County Clerk David Dowling. Statement was made that open meetings laws are posted on the wall for public inspection.
County Clerk asked for a motion for chairman. Motion was made by McGregor and seconded by Bartels to appoint Pinkelman as chairman. Voting Bartels, yes; Pinkelman, yes; McGregor, yes motion carried.
Clerk Dowling then asked for a motion for vice chairman. Motion was made by Pinkelman and seconded by Bartels to appoint McGregor as vice chair. Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote.
Motion was made by Pinkelman and seconded by McGregor to approve the agenda. Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote.
Motion was made by McGregor and seconded by Bartels to approve minutes for the last meeting. Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote.
Board member appointments were discussed and then a motion was made by Pinkelman and seconded by McGregor to make the board appointments as follows; District One has Region IV Northstar Disabilities, Missouri River Advisory Group, National Scenic River and Corps of Discovery Welcome Center; District Two has Region IV Mental Health and Northeast Nebraska Public Health Board; District Three has Landfill and solid waste, Transit Bus, Goldenrod Hills, HUD and Northeast Area on Aging. Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote.
Motion was then made by McGregor and seconded by Pinkelman to retain the following appointments: Carla Schmidt as Road Supt. and also County Road Overseer; David Dowling as General Assistance Manager; Kevin Garvin as Emergency Management and Communications Director; Bob Hamilton as part-time emergency; LaVern Schroeder as County Surveyor; David Sudbeck as part-time Weed Supt. and Zoning Administrator. Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote. Motion was then made by McGregor and seconded by Pinkelman to again appoint Carole Nordby to the Area on Aging Board. Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote.
Motion was made by McGregor and seconded by Bartels to designate the Cedar County News, Laurel Advocate, Randolph Times and Coleridge Blade. Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote.
Motion was made by McGregor and seconded by Bartels to retain current time and days for meeting dates being the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 8:30 AM. Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote.
Motion was made by McGregor and seconded by Bartels to approve the following legal holidays for 2014: January 1, New Years Day; Third Monday in January, Martin Luther King Day; Third Monday in February, Presidents Day; half day for Good Friday; Last Monday in May, Memorial Day; July 4th, Independence Day; First Monday in September, Labor Day; Second Monday in October, Columbus Day; November 11th, Veterans Day; Fourth Thursday and Friday in November, Thanksgiving; December 25th, Christmas. Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote.
Motion was then made by McGregor and seconded by Pinkelman to set the mileage reimbursement rate at 54 cents per mile traveled doing county business. Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote.
Motion was made by Pinkelman and seconded by McGregor to approve the following depositories: Bank of Hartington; Citizens State Bank Belden; First State Bank of Randolph; Security Bank of Laurel, Coleridge, Hartington; Farmers & Merchants State Bank of Hartington; Cedar Security Bank Hartington, Fordyce and Wynot. Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote.
Dave Sudbeck, zoning administrator presented 4 permits for board approval. Sudbeck presented an application from Melvin Kruse for a bin. Motion by McGregor and seconded by Pinkelman to approve the application. Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote. Next Sudbeck presented an application for Heine Farms Feedlot for 3800 feet of fence line feed bunks. Motion was made by Pinkelman and seconded by McGregor to approve the application. Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote. A building permit application from Todd Wiebelhaus for a building was submitted for approval. Motion was made by McGregor and seconded by Bartels to approve the permit as presented. Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote. Then Sudbeck presented an application from Larry Wakely for a 12,000 bushel bin. Motion was made by McGregor and seconded by Bartels to approve the application. Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote. Sudbeck then stated he has a meeting scheduled for January 23 at 8 PM.
Road Supt., Carla Schmidt presented information on county bridge match program and stated Cedar County proposal was approved for a box culvert in Cedar County. Carla then give the board a bridge inspection list and map for the bridges that were inspected in the county. Carla also presented information on doing asphalt overlays on existing blacktop roads and the cost to put 7 inch concrete overlays on the road and the expense.
At 11 hearing was opened for the Murdo’s Aten Resort liquor license application. Motion by Pinkelman and seconded by McGregor to approve the application as presented to the board. Motion carried with commissioners McGregor, Pinkelman and Bartels voting in favor of the motion.
At noon the board recessed for lunch and then reconvened back into regular session at 1PM with all members present. Bids were then opened as advertised for the purchase of a pickup for district three. Bids were received from Peitz GMC and Pearson Motor of Hartington. District Three commissioner stated he would review the specifications and notify the successful bidder by the end of the day.
With no further business or agenda items the following claims were reviewed and signed for payment and the meeting was declared adjourned by the chairman.
GENERAL FUND: Total Salaries 136,339.69; Aflac 1,142.30; Blue Cross- Blue Shield 42,306.74; IRS 12,777.66; Social Security, 20,403.02; First Concord Benefits Group LLC 1,910.83; Lincoln National Life Ins. 694.67; Mass Mutual 2,190.00; Nationwide Retirement Solutions 50.00; Nebraska Child Support Payment Center 300.00; Nebraska Dept. of Revenue 4,346.44; Retirement Plans Div. of Ameritas 15,302.49; Washington Natl. Insurance Co. 57.75; Art Kathol Appliance 655.00; Bank of Hartington 15.75; Bomgaars 75.04; Cedar County Clerk of Dist. Court 122.00; Cedar County Court 167.00; Cedar-Knox Public Power District 313.98; Charles W. Campbell PC, LLO 1,236.12; City of Hartington 236.66; Claritus 326.04; D & J Variety 5.94; DAS State Accounting-Central Finance 106.00; DAS State Accounting-Central Finance 448.00; Des Moines Stamp Mfg. Co. Inc. 56.00; Digital ally 40.00; Dodge County 3,385.77; Luanne Dooley 92.32; David Dowling 257.60; Eakes Office Solutions 197.77; Faith Regional Health Services 478.00; Family 1st Dental of Hartington 290.00; Farmers Union Gas & Oil 53.52; Fischer Feed & Supply 249.00; Fitzgerald, Vetter & Temple 1,817.24; Floor Maintenance and Supply 105.24; Floral Designs 58.58; Food Town 2,497.03; Gov Connection Inc. 740.39; Joshua Graham 39.96; Great American Leasing Corp 85.45; Hartelco 1,669.04; Hartelco 368.88; Hartington Shopper 164.80; Nebraska Health & Human Services 180.00; Hometown Leasing 567.33; Holiday Inn 1,499.25; Clarice Holm 34.62; Home Depot 318.00; Jim Jansen 178.42; Jueden Lawn Service 700.00; Kaiser Heating and Cooling 767.39; Ken’s Market 533.22; David D. Knoff 3,500.00; Kruse True Value 108.56; Betty Lauer 69.24; Lynn Peavey Company 99.00; Edward H. Matney 1,125.00; Maximus, Inc. 600.00; MIPS Inc 4,758.90; Morland, Easland & Lohrberg, PC 2,384.56; National Sheriff’s Assoc. 190.00; Nebr. Assoc. of Clerks of Dist. Court 50.00; Nebr. Assoc. of County Clerks 50.00; Nebraska Public Power Dist. 2,466.10; Nebr. Assoc. of Emergency Management 50.00; Northeast Medical Imaging 50.00; Northeast Nebr. News Company 525.25; Omaha World-Herald 106.60; Peitz GMC Service Inc. 98.76; Pepsi Cola of Norfolk 56.00; Jerry Pollard 396.25; Pomp’s Tire Service Inc. 521.75; Presto X 47.27; Quality Inn 84.00; Quill Corp 341.80; Region IV Inc. 3,195.50; Region 4 Behavioral Health System 7,010.25; Sarah Reifenrath 66.31; Schroeder Land Surveying 315.00; Roger Schwartz 12.00; Scott Stanton 274.26; Steffen Drug 316.55; Jackie Steffen 84.24; T & R Butcher Block 325.00; US Cellular 217.22; Verizon Wireless 80.02; Voyager Fleet Systems Inc. 2,139.55; Voyager Fleet Systems Inc. 79.54; Western Office 31.67; Jean Wiebelhaus 221.40; Janet Wiechelman 267.36.
ROAD FUND: Total Salaries 65,575.83; Aflac 678.99; IRS 5,304.13; Social Security 9,910.44; BCBS
31,129.12; First Concord Benefits Group LLC 166.60; Mass Mutual 20.00; Nationwide Retirement Solutions 50.00; Nebraska Dept. of Revenue 1,761.18; Retirement Plans Div. of Ameritas 7,184.19; US Treasury 276.02; Washington Natl Insurance Co 49.40; Appeara 124.75; B’s enterprises Inc. 970.00; Backus Sand & Gravel 1,512.70; Berner’s Service 87.36; Bomgaars 567.12; Cap Gravel 13,092.60; Carhart Lumber Co. 178.23; Cedar County Auto Parts Inc. 160.80; Cedar-Knox Public Power Dist. 128.33; Cedar-Knox Rural Water Project 42.99; Century Link 111.59; City of Hartington 18.33; City of Laurel 104.51; Coleridge Welding Inc. 377.78; D & J Variety 21.97; Dendinger Trucking Inc. 1,718.08; Farmers Pride 1,363.55; Farmers Union Gas & Oil 2,181.89; Fischer Feed & Supply 522.00; Folkers Bros Garage 6,629.92; G&L Trucking 3,400.00; Gill Hauling Inc. 15.50; Great Plains Communications Inc. 169.74; Grossenburg Implement 17,278.58; Hansen Brothers Parts & Service 2,495.23; Hartelco 207.58; Hefner Oil & Feed Co. 7,673.08; Heimes Trucking LLC 2,619.00; Jeffres Products LLC 7,335.68; Jeffres Trucking LLC 803.26; Jerry’s Service Inc. 4,470.11; Kaiser Appliance & Refrigeration 112.84; Kayton International Inc. 929.03; Roman Keiter 34.62; Kessler Repair 114.80; Kirkham Michael 840.00; Jerome Kuehn 11.00; Laurel Welding 79.93; Leiting Auto Supply 773.60; LG Everist Inc. 41,698.53; Mainelli Wagner & Associates 3,568.10; Medical Enterprises Inc. 93.00; Menford Electric LLC 15.54; Menfords Hardware & Farm Store 268.20; Murphy Tractor & Equipment Co. 523.68; Nebraska Public Power Dist. 150.60; NMC Exchange LLC 1,691.36; NMC Exchange LLC 7,732.61; Northeast Nebr Telephone co 52.10; Paul’s Welding 209.21; Peitz GMC Service Inc. 49.18; Pomp’s Tire Service Inc. 71.00; Randolph Farm Supply 1,859.73; Randolph Feed and Grain 26.26; Rath’s Mini Mart 117.51; Santee Sioux Nation 55.31; Carla Schmidt 218.70; Shurco 1,627.49; Spencer Quarries Inc. 15,262.80; St. Helena Store 66.48; Stop N Go 62.10; Jim Suing 57.50; Sweetman Construction 3,953.51; Robert Tanderup 80.00; Kathy Uhl 92.32; US Cellular 226.52; Voyager Fleet Systems Inc. 174.30; Wiechelman Repair Inc. 533.50; Wynot Oil Company 5,839.48; Gerald Zavadil 34.62.
CEDAR COUNTY TRANSIT FUND: Total Salaries 6,572.00; Nebr. Dept. of Revenue 98.10; Retirement Plans Div of Ameritas 739.36; IRS 269.33; Social Security 1,005.54; Carol Bruning 116.64; Cedar County Auto Parts Inc. 143.89; Farmers Union Gas & Oil 539.82; Folkers Bros. Garage 855.04; Karen Lammers 57.78; Stop N Go 96.50; Gerald Uhing 45.79; US Cellular 76.71
E 911 WIRELESS FUND: Century Link 291.88; Hartelco 536.01; Zuercher Technologies LLC 1,345.50.
ENHANCED 911 FUND: Century Link 131.14; Eastern Nebraska Telephone 167.08; Gov. Connection Inc. 722.86; Great Plains Communications Inc. 119.72; Hartelco 2,408.60; Hartelco 630.83; Kruse True Value 210.82; Northeast Nebr. Telephone Co. 377.81; Sabre Industries 920.00; Talley 712.75; Zuercher Technologies LLC 604.50.
Terry Pinkelman,
Board Chairman
David Dowling, Clerk
December 12, 2016
On December 12, 2016 the Hartington City Council met for their regular meeting at the city hall beginning at 7:00 P.M. Notice of time and place of the meeting was given in the advance notice by posting. Notice of time and place of the meeting was communicated in the advance notice to the mayor and council.
Present were Mayor Peitz; Councilpersons Addison, Kruse, Christensen, and Bartling, City Clerk ~ Treasurer Lenzen, and Deputy Clerk Schaecher. Absent was legal adviser Pier.
Mayor Peitz call the meeting to order followed by all present reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. He announced that the open meeting law poster was on the back wall of the council room and reminded all present to silence their cell phones.
A motion was made by Addison and seconded by Kruse to approve the minutes of the November 28, 2016 meeting with the correction that the reimbursement to the Hartington Library Foundation be in the 2017 – 2018 budget not the 2016 – 2017 budget and the November 2016 treasurers report. A roll call vote was taken. Addison – yes, Kruse – yes, Bartling – yes, and Christensen – yes. Motion carried.
Deputy Schmitz representing the Cedar County Sheriff Department gave the following report. There were 419.75 hours patrolled with 7.75 hours of school traffic. Calls of service were 1 accident, 1 traffic control, 2 EMS assists, 2 welfare checks, 1 disturbance, 1 EPC, 1 suspicious activity, 3 thefts, and 1 building check. Traffic stops were 5 verbal warnings, 1 written warning, and 2 citations. There was 2 arrests.
Jason Dendinger, Citizen Advisory Committee for the Economic Development Plan, reported on their meeting of November 30, 2016. They will meet again in May 2017 as it is a requirement to meet twice a year. He also presented a trophy that the 6th grade youth football team had won. Hartington hosted the tournament this year. Participants were from Ponca, Wayne, Laurel, Wisner-Pilger, and Rosalie-Bancroft-Decatur. Mr. Dendinger thanked the council for the use of the complex fields for the youth football program.
The following annual appointments were made by Mayor Peitz.
Ambulance: Eric Becker, Troy Bottolfsen, Donna Davey, Dixie Kay Fischer, Carol Hamilton, Anthony Hoesing, Jeff Jones, Clay Kleinschmit, Tim Kuchta, Steve Leise, Tami Leise, Charles Meirose, Karen Newton, Tami Pedersen, Gene Pfanstiel, Steve M. Rokusek, Patty Schieffer, Marilyn Thoene, and Sara Wilde.
Firemen: Randy Kathol, Chief, Mike Jueden, Assistant Chief, Chris Bartling, Doug Becker, Dan Carl, Jimmy Christensen, Dirk Dailey, Dave Feilmeier, Brandon Fischer, Rod Fischer, Brian Gall, Pat Guy, Robert Hamilton, Mark Heimes, Sam Hochstein, Michael Hoeppner, Tyler Kathol, Ron Lammers, Tucker Lammers, Ryan March, Dustin Neuhalfen, Corey Pearson, Brad Peitz, Darin Pick, Thomas Potts, Nathaniel Rutar, Adam Schapman, Jerrold Schulte, Chris Steffen, Mike Steffen, Dan Steiner, Bill Thoene, and Jon Wiechelman.
Official Bank: Bank of Hartington. City Attorney: Kennedy, Pier, Knoff and Loftis. City Engineer: JEO and Terry Mead, Street Superintendent. Zoning Administrator: Leroy Hansen. City Clerk ~ Treasurer: Crystal Lenzen. Deputy Clerk: Natalie Schaecher. Utility Superintendent: Pay Guy. Official Newspaper: Cedar County News. Tree Board: Dan Kathol, Randel E. Anderson, and Leander Lammers. Health Care Provider: Connie Micek, M.D. Citizen Advisory Committee for the Economic Development Plan: Jason Dendinger, Lee Carl, Donna Fischer, Burnell Herbolsheimer, and John Kramer.
A motion was made by Addison and seconded by Kruse to approve the appointments. A roll call vote was taken. Addison – yes, Kruse – yes, Christensen – yes, and Bartling – yes. Motion carried.
The Oath of Office for the City of Hartington City Council for Deb Addison and Chris Bartling was the next agenda item. Notary Public, Tom Grube, witnessed the oath.
There were no department reports.
There were no public comments.
The following bills were presented for payment.
GENERAL: Blue Cross/Blue Shield 8,071.91, Foodtown 550.00, Cedar County Clerk 119.65, Cedar County News 201.42, Department of Labor 655.75, Franklin Templeton 1,426.84, Great American Financial 105.00, Hartelco 325.24, Kennedy, Pier, Knoff & Loftis 400.00, NE. Dept. of Environmental Quality 27,242.69, NE Municipal Power Pool 4,934.00, and US Cellular 39.54.
STREETS: Appeara 24.22, Carhart lumber 295.72, D & J 9.98, Farmers Union 560.73, Grossenburg 730.66, Hartelco 120.00, NPPD 3,551.44, Pomps 11.00, Peitz 460.53, Stop N Go 125.36, US Cellular 54.57.
WATER: Cedar County Auto Parts 11.70, Hawkins 784.00, Hartelo 45.25, Hartington Shopper 63.27, J. Reynolds – refund deposit 100.00, NE. Dept of Environmental Quality 3,147.46, NPPD 28.09, One Call 8.13, Peitz 31.62, and US Cellular 47.92.
SEWER: Foodtown 1.37, Carhart 33.98, Hartelco 45.25, Hartington Shopper 63.27, Koch-Tramp 60.00, Kruse 10.00, NE Dept. of Environmental Quality 2,826.20, NPPD 2,658.37, One Call 8.13.
SANITATION: Hartington Shopper 63.26, L.P. Gill 3,042.26, Peitz 141.57, and Stop N Go 262.03.
FIRE: Farmers Union 64.93, Hartelco 45.03, Jerry’s 61.95, US Cellular 42.13, and NPPD 170.86.
POLICE: Cedar County Sheriff 12,748.27.
AMBULANCE: Avera 12.15, Foodtown 7.15, EMP 14.78, Farmers Union 165.21, Hartelco 45.02, NPPD 82.42, Matheson 98.63, and US Cellular 42.13.
CEMETERY: Cedar Knox Rural Water 42.00.
POOL: NPPD 27.37.
PARKS: Central Valley Ag 233.38, Farmers Union 19.70, Hartington Tree 350.00, Dan Kathol 1,640.94, NPPD 809.61, and Wiechelman 30.28.
COMPLEX: Carhart 3.18, Farmers Union 21.45, Grossenburg 9.81, Hartelco 42.50, Kruse 50.00, And NPPD 522.29.
LIBRARY: Foodtown 81.48, D & J 110.16, Kruse 8.99, and NPPD 264.58.
CITY HALL: Foodtown 12.88, D & J 3.98, Eakes 209.21, Floor Maintenance 23.71, Kruse 5.49, NPPD 169.84, and One Office Solutions 98.00.
AUDITORIUM: Kruse 8.99, and NPPD 137.89.
ECONOMIC DEV.: Hartelco 204.96, and US Cellular 75.33.
TRANSFER STATION: Carhart 32.32, Deere Credit 521.34, Farmers Union 312.57, Gill Hauling 585.05, Kruse 59.95, and Hartelco 50.25.
A motion to pay the bills except the Kruse bill was made by Addison and seconded by Kruse. A roll call voe was taken. Addison – yes, Kruse – yes, Bartling – yes, and Christensen – yes. Motion carried.
A motion to pay the Kruse bill was made by Addison and seconded by Christensen. A roll call vote was taken. Addison – yes, Christensen – yes, Bartling – yes. Motion carried. Kruse abstained.
A motion to adjourn was made by Bartling and seconded by Christensen. A roll call vote was taken. Bartling – yes, Christensen – yes, Kruse – yes, and Addison – yes. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at &:26 P.M. The next meeting is scheduled for January 9, 2017.
Respectfully submitted,
December 12, 2016
The Regular Meeting of the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of St. Helena, Nebraska was held on December 12, 2016 at 6:30 P.M. at the St. Helena Village Hall. Notice of the meeting was given in advance by posting in three public places within the Village of St. Helena.
Present were Chairman Victor Paltz, Trustees Jody Albrecht and Loren Bender. Clerk Paula Pinkelman. Clair Wieseler and Audrey Pinkelman were absent.
Minutes of the November 14, 2016 meeting were read and approved with a motion by Jody Albrecht and seconded by Loren Bender with all in favor.
A motion was made by Victor Paltz and seconded by Loren Bender to approve the financial report as read with all in favor.
The following claims were submitted for payment for the month of December 2016: General Fund: St. Helena Store $18.12, Cedar-Knox PPD $262.19, Northeast NE News Co. $30.26, Hartington Tree $1,350.00, Cedar County Clerk $100.00, Victor Paltz $125.99, Jody Albrecht $124.67, Audrey Pinkelman $62.33, Clair Wieseler $20.77, Loren Bender $124.67, Paula Pinkelman $398.22. Water Fund: Cedar-Knox PPD $110.04, NDEQ $8,299.96, Victor Paltz $182.54. Sewer Fund: Village of Wynot $780.00, Cedar-Knox PPD $16.50, Victor Paltz $42.83.
A motion was made by Jody Albrecht and seconded by Loren Bender to pay the bills for this month with all in favor.
Victor Paltz has made repairs to the roof on the shed at the water tower.
Victor Paltz has been in contact with Keith Gilmore, the Village of St. Helena’s engineer, in regards to the resurfacing of the streets within the Village of St. Helena. The street repairs were discussed as to the different options and solutions available to the village to make the street repairs that are needed. There will be more discussion at the next meeting.
The clerk will get in contact with a member of the Wynot Volunteer Fire Department in regards to being notified each month with the current water meter reading and any gallons of water used to fight fires. The clerk will submit the gallons used to fight fires to Cedar Knox Rural Water for reimbursement.
The next meeting will be January 9, 2017 at 6:30 P.M. With no further business to discuss Loren Bender made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:45 P.M. and Jody Albrecht seconded the motion with all in favor.
Board Meeting
January 9, 2017
Motion by Steiner, seconded by Rosener, for the Board of Education to legally convene for the regular January 9, 2017 board meeting at 6:00 p.m. Members present: Jason Dendinger, Dana Rosener, Brenda Steiner, Aaron Fuelberth, Jason Heikes, Colin Kathol. Others present: Supt. A.J. Johnson, High School Principal Corey Uldrich, Elementary Principal Sarah Edwards, Business Manager Tina Opfer. Members voting aye: Kathol, Rosener, Steiner, Dendinger. Carried: 4-0.
Notice of meeting was given by publication in the Cedar County News on January 4, 2017, and the Board of Education acknowledged by receipt and agenda. Publication and notice indicated the meeting place, date and time.
President Dendinger called the regular January 9, 2017 Board Meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
President Dendinger informed all present of the Open Meetings Law and pointed out the copy of the Open Meetings Law Chapter 84 Article 14 poster on the Board Room wall.
President Dendinger administered the oath of office to the new board members.
Motion by Steiner, seconded by Kathol, to nominate Jason Dendinger as president.
Members voting aye: Heikes, Fuelberth, Rosener, Kathol, Steiner. Members voting nay: none. Abstain: Dendinger. Carried: 5-0-1 abstaining.
Motion by Kathol, seconded by Jason Dendinger, to nominate Dana Rosener as vice-president. Members voting aye: Steiner, Kathol, Heikes, Fuelberth, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Abstain: Rosener. Carried: 5-0-1 abstaining.
Motion by Kathol, seconded by Rosener, to nominate Brenda Steiner as secretary. Members voting aye: Fuelberth, Kathol, Heikes, Rosener, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Abstain: Steiner. Carried: 5-0-1 abstaining.
Motion by Steiner, seconded by Rosener, to approve the appointments, elections, and designations:
Appoint Mr. Johnson as official attendance officer for District #8, Hartington, Nebraska
Business Manager – Treasurer (Tina Opfer)
District Counsel – to be left to the discretion of Superintendent with approval of Board, (Attorneys approved: Perry, Guthery, Haase, Gessford, Schultze, Baker, Higgins, Boyd, Olds, Stevens, KSB Law Firm)
Official School Depository – (Bank of Hartington, Cedar Security Bank of Fordyce, Farmers and Merchants Bank of Hartington, and Security National Bank of Hartington)
Official Newspaper – Cedar County News
Mr. Johnson as Federal Programs Director
Members voting aye: Heikes, Steiner, Rosener, Fuelberth, Kathol, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Carried: 6-0.
Motion by Kathol, seconded by Steiner, to approve the consent agenda that includes items #2 December 19, 2016 Minutes, #3 Report on School Finances, #4 Approval of Bills (including those covered by the provisions of LB 734), and #5 Recognition of Visitors. Members voting aye: Kathol, Fuelberth, Rosener, Heikes, Steiner, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Carried: 6-0.
Appeara, 255.87; Art Kathol Appliance, 140; Auto Hospital, 30; Avera Sacred Heart Medical Clinic, 125; Black Hills Energy, 1897.23; Bomgaars Supply, Inc., 60.78; Barbara Bowers, 145.8; Burnell’s Foodtown, 152.32; Butch’s Propane, Inc., 285.74; Cardmember Service, 318.31; Carhart Lumber Co., 290.02; Century Business Products, 3345.85; Chase Pest Service, 35; City of Hartington, 432.01; Dixon County Clerk, 296.23; ESU #1, 15; ESU #7, 1600; Fairfield Inn & Suites, 270.9; Farmers Union Co-op Gas & Oil, 548.59; Feilmeier Electric, 225.07; Folkers Brothers Garage Inc, 2175.49; Kristi L. Folkers, 1526.58; Gill Hauling, Inc., 65; The Glass Edge, Inc., 373; Jessica Gotch, 41.03; Hartelco, 545.41; Hartington Gravel, 510; Hartington Shopper, 99.6; Hefner Oil & Feed Co., 32.4; HNPS Activity Fund, 830.81; Jerrys Service, 917.26; Keith’s Package Liquor, 347.62; Kruse True Value, 333.07; Sharon Lammers, 16.74; Laurel-Concord-Colerige Public Schools, 24419.37; Marron Service, 1565.3; McGraw-Hill Education, 2570.9; Metro Electric, 2971.64; NASB, 285; NCSA, 335; Nebraska Journal- Leader, 26.5; Nebraska Link, 6504.76; Northeast Nebraska News Company, 61.61; Northeast Nebraska Telephone Company, 231.73; Northeast Nebraska Public Power District, 5131.76; NPPD, 4782.28; Olson’s Pest Technicians, 80; Overhead Door Company of Sioux City, 228.55; Renee Pfister, 288.72; Michael J. Pommer, 5700; Pomp’s Tire Service, Inc., 704.89; Quill Corporation, 131.46; SimplexGrinnell, 1624.22; Stop-N-Go, 1479.21; Wendy Sudbeck, 344.68; Supplyworks, 926.48; Tri-State Communications, Inc., 1765.8; U.S. Cellular, 71.46; Vermillion Ace Hardware, 71.51; Kevin Whelchel, 13.83;
Board Committee Assignments were tabled until the February board meeting.
Motion by Steiner, seconded by Rosener, to approve the absentee considerations. Members voting aye: Rosener, Fuelberth, Kathol, Heikes, Steiner, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Carried: 6-0.
Buildings and Ground Committee will meet and discuss the controlled access front entry.
Motion by Kathol, seconded by Steiner, to approve the retirement application for Sue Brodersen, Jerry Bult, Kristi Bult, and Dave Rehnstrom. Members voting aye: Heikes, Kathol, Fuelberth, Rosener, Steiner, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Carried:
Motion by Rosener, seconded by Dendinger, to move to closed session to discuss superintendent’s contract at 6:49 p.m. Members voting aye: Rosener, Fuelberth, Kathol, Heikes, Steiner, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Carried: 6-0.
Motion by Kathol, seconded by Rosener, to reconvene at 7:16 p.m. where superintendent’s contract was discussed. Members voting aye: Heikes, Kathol, Fuelberth, Rosener, Steiner, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Carried: 6-0.
Next meeting is Monday, February 13, 2017 at 5:30 p.m.
Motion by Steiner, seconded by Fuelberth, to adjourn at 7:20 p.m. Members voting aye: Rosener, Fuelberth, Kathol, Steiner, Heikes, Dendinger. Members voting nay: none. Carried: 6-0.
Brenda Steiner, Secretary
January 12, 2017
A regular meeting of the Board of Education, Wynot Public Schools, Dist. 101, was called to order by the President, Neal Hochstein, on January 12, 2017 at 6:34 p.m. The public was advised a copy of the Open Meetings Act was available on the table in the Board Room at Wynot Public Schools and that the meeting was properly posted at the following places; Cedar Security Bank lobby in Wynot, Wynot Public School front entrance, and United State Post Office in Wynot. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call showed the following board members present: Neal Hochstein, Alison Lange, Laurie Schulte, Dean Heine, Kenny Wieseler and Danny Wieseler. Also present were Superintendent Jeffrey Messersmith, Principal Richard Higgins, Business Manager Nancy Sydow and board members elect Aaron Burbach and Greg Hite.
Motion by N. Hochstein and seconded by L. Schulte to nominate Alison Lange as Board President. Motion was made by N. Hochstein and seconded by L. Schulte to cease nominations.
Alison Lange was elected President. MCU 6-0
Motion by N. Hochstein and seconded K. Wieseler to nominate L. Schulte as Vice President.
Motion by N. Hochstein seconded by G. Hite to cease nominations.
Laurie Schulte was elected Vice President. MCU 6-0
Motion by L. Schulte and seconded by G. Hite to nominate Kenny Wieseler as Secretary.
Motion by N. Hochstein and seconded by G. Hite to cease nominations.
Kenny Wieseler was elected Secretary. MCU 6-0
Motion by K. Wieseler and seconded by N. Hochstein to appoint Nancy Sydow as Treasurer and recording secretary. Motion by K. Wieseler and seconded by L. Schulte to cease nominations.
Nancy Sydow was appointed Treasurer and recording Secretary. MCU 6-0
Board Committees:
Finance: A. Lange, A. Burbach, K. Wieseler
Americanism: L. Schulte, A. Lange, N. Hochstein
Curriculum/Instruction: A. Lange, G. Hite, K. Wieseler
Building/Grounds/Transportation: N. Hochstein, K. Wieseler, A. Burbach
Negotiations: G. Hite, N. Hochstein, L. Schulte
Legislative Relations Network Member: L. Schulte
Motion by N. Hochstein and seconded by K. Wieseler to certify the meeting was properly advertised and adopt the agenda. MCU 6-0
Carissa Kuchta and Cole Schumacher presented the Senior Class Trip planned for April 2017.
There was no public comment.
The Superintendent’s, Principal’s and Board Committee reports were presented.
Motion by K. Wieseler and seconded by A. Burbach to approve the Consent Agenda, items including minutes of the December 15, 2016 regular school board meeting; the Treasurer’s Report; the General Fund bills in the amount of $208,999.01 which includes payroll, the School Food Fund bills in the amount of $13,284.24 which includes payroll, the Bond Fund in the amount of $284,322.22, the Special Building Fund in the amount of $1,930.65, the Employee Benefit Fund in the amount of $19,473.85 and the Student Fee Fund in the amount of $2,664.64. MCU 6-0
GENERAL FUND: 20/20 Technologies $5,759.92; Airgas $28.76; Appeara $251.50; Art Kathol Appliance $1,145.90; Barone Systems $387.14; Butch’s Propane $1,685.97; CCNews $45.56; Chase $1,184.99; Chesterman’s $70.00; CKPPD $4,032.59; ESU#1 $19,488.12; Feilmeier Electric $996.39; Fordyce Coop $221.00; Hy-Vee $53.25; J.W. Pepper $44.74; Deb Kruse $61.93; Leaf $279.58; Menford Hardware $80.57; Jeff Messersmith $182.52; NASB $95.00;
NE Safety Center $75.00; Olsen Pest Control $72.75; One Office Solution $85.20; Pearson Motor $442.00; Quill $114.13; SupplyWorks $1,319.77; U.S. Post Office $188.00; Village of Wynot $462.04; Walmart $18.46; WPS $40.00; Wynot Oil $1,605.45; MARCO Inc. $358.36; PayFlex $150.00; WPS-Petty Cash $70.00; WPS-School Food $309.60; BOND FUND $284,322.22; SPECIAL BUILDING FUND $1,930.65; EMPLOYEE BENEFIT FUND: HSA Accounts $19,473.85; STUDENT FEE FUND $2,664.64.
MCU 6-0
Agenda items discussed with no official action taken were:
Update on Sprinkler System
Tennis Courts
Motion by K. Wieseler and seconded by N. Hochstein to approve the 2015-16 District Financial Audit by Dana F. Cole & Company. MCU 6-0
Motion by K. Wieseler and seconded by N. Hochstein to approve the Superintendents 1st Semester Evaluation. MCU 6-0
Motion by L.Schulte and seconded by A. Burbach to approve the Certificated Staff Master Agreement for 2017-18 as presented. MCU 6-0
Motion by L. Schulte and seconded by K. Wieseler to affirm Cedar Security Bank as primary custodian of funds for 2017. MCU 6-0
Motion by N. Hochstein and seconded by K. Wieseler to affirm Cedar County News as the official district newspaper for 2017. MCU 6-0
Motion by A. Burbach and seconded by G. Hite to approve attendance/credit recommendations for the 2016-17 fall semester. MCU 6-0
Motion by K. Wieseler and seconded by N. Hochstein to appoint Superintendent Jeffrey Messersmith as district Non-discrimination Compliance Coordinator. MCU 6-0
Motion by K. Wieseler and seconded by G. Hite to approve the Senior Class Trip as presented. MCU 6-0
President, Alison Lange, adjourned the meeting at 8:02 p.m.
The next regular board meeting has been set for February 16, 2017 at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Kenny Wieseler, Secretary
Notice is hereby given that Hartington Hotel Group LLC, (Cobblestone Inn & Suites), 405 Arens Drive, Hartington, Cedar County, NE 68739 has filed in due form for a Class I Liquor License. Said applicant proposed that the place of business is 405 Arens Drive, Hartington, Nebraska.
Notice is hereby given that written protests to the issuance of said license may be filed by any resident of the City of Hartington, Nebraska on or before 7:00 P.M., February 13, 2017 when a public hearing will be held at the City Hall, Hartington, NEbraska, to determine whether said license should be allowed.
Crystal Lenzen
City Clerk
Notice is hereby given that Casey’s General Store 1173, 308 S. Robinson, Hartington, Cedar County, NE 68739 has filed in due form for a Class B Liquor License. Said applicant proposed that the place of business is 308 S. Robinson, Hartington, Nebraska.
Notice is hereby given that written protests to the issuance of said license may be filed by any resident of the City of Hartington, Nebraska on or before 7:00 P.M., February 13, 2017 when a public hearing will be held at the City Hall, Hartington, NEbraska, to determine whether said license should be allowed.
Crystal Lenzen
City Clerk
Notice is hereby given that Skylon Ballroom, 320 S. Robinson, Hartington, Cedar County, NE 68739 has filed in due form for a Class I Liquor License. Said applicant proposed that the place of business is 320 S. Robinson, Hartington, Nebraska.
Notice is hereby given that written protests to the issuance of said license may be filed by any resident of the City of Hartington, Nebraska on or before 7:00 P.M., February 13, 2017 when a public hearing will be held at the City Hall, Hartington, NEbraska, to determine whether said license should be allowed.
Crystal Lenzen
City Clerk
The Nebraska Department of Roads will receive sealed bids in Room 104 of the Central Office Building at 1500 Hwy. 2 in Lincoln, until 1:30 PM on January 26, 2017. At that time the bids will be opened and read.
START DATE: 03/27/2017
PRICE RANGE: $10,000,000.00 to $20,000,000.00
Plans and specifications may be seen beginning January 03, 2017 at the Lincoln Central Office and January 09, 2017 at the District Engineer’s Office at NORFOLK.
Additional letting information may be found at the Nebraska Department of Roads Web Site at
This project is funded under the Federal-Aid Highway Act, all appropriate Federal requirements will apply.
Notice is hereby given that a final account and report of administration and a Petition for complete settlement, probate of Will and determination of heirs, have been filed and are set for hearing in the County Court of Cedar County, Nebraska, located at 101 S. Broadway, Hartington, NE on February 1, 2017 at 8:30 o’clock a.m.
Kevin Keiser Estate,
Sharlene Guenther and
Donovan Keiser, Personal Representatives
by Jerry L. Pollard #16917
Attorney for the Estate
P.O. Box 837
505 Broadway Ave
Yankton, SD 57078
(605) 665-5222
In the County Court of Cedar County, Nebraska
Estate No. PR17-5.
Notice is hereby given that on Jan. 13, 2017, in the County Court of Cedar County, Nebraska, the Registrar issued a written statement of Informal Probate of the Will of said Decedent and that DANIEL JOSEPH BRADY of 4021 Yucca Dr., Apt. 10, Rapid City, SD 57702 was informally appointed by the Registrar as Personal Representative of the Estate.
Creditors of this Estate must file their claims with this Court on or before Mar. 20, 2017, or be forever barred.
Diane L. Sudbeck
Clerk of the County Court
Address of County Court:
PO Box 695
Hartington, NE 68739
Steven L. Archbold (Bar I.D. # 15007)
Archbold Law Office, LLO
201 N. Broadway
PO Box 707
Bloomfield, NE 68718
Tel: (402) 373-4240
Fax: (402) 373-2890