Cedar Knox Rural
Water Project
Notice of Meeting
The Cedar Knox Rural Water Project will hold its regular monthly Board of Directors meeting on Thursday, the 8th day of September 2016, at 10:00 a.m. at the Lewis & Clark Natural Resources District office located at 608 N. Robinson Ave., Hartington, NE. A current agenda is on file at the District office. This meeting is open to the public.
The Lewis & Clark Natural Resources District will hold a budget hearing on the 15th day of September, 2015 at 7:30 pm at the Lewis & Clark Natural Resources District Office located at 608 N Robinson Avenue, Hartington, Nebraska. A Special Public Hearing to set the levy at an amount different from the prior year tax request will be held at 7:45 p m. Following this hearing the regular monthly Board of Directors meeting will be held at 8:00 pm at the District Office. Hartington, Nebraska. A current agenda is on file at the District Office. This meeting is open to the public.
Cedar County Board
of Adjustments
Notice is hereby given that the Cedar County Board of Adjustments will meet on September 12, 2016, at 8:00 p.m., in the Cedar County Courthouse Annex Basement. This meeting is open to the Public. Agenda will be at the Cedar County Clerk’s office.
David Sudbeck
Cedar County Zoning Administrator
August 8, 2016
On August 8, 2016 the Hartington City Council met for their regular meeting at the city hall beginning at 7:00 P.M. Notice of time and place of the meeting was given in the advance notice by posting. Notice of time and place of the meeting was communicated in the advance notice to the mayor and council.
Present were Mayor Peitz; Councilpersons Addison, Kruse, Christensen, and Bartling; Legal Adviser Pier, City Clerk – Treasurer Lenzen, and Deputy Clerk Schaecher.
Mayor Peitz called the meeting to order followed by all present reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. He announced that the open meeting poster was on the back wall of the council room and reminded everyone present to silence their cell phones.
A motion was made by Kruse and seconded by Addison to approve the minutes of the July 25, 2016 meeting and the July 2016 treasurers report. A roll call vote was taken. Kruse – yes, Addison – yes, Christensen – yes, and Bartling – yes. Motion carried.
Deputy Schmitz, Cedar County Sheriff Department, gave the following report. There were 445.25 hours patrolled. Calls of service were 4 EMS assists, 1 welfare check, 1 motorist assist, 2 disturbances, 1 theft, 2 suspicious vehicles, 1 driving complaint, 1 noise complaint, 1 dog-at-large complaint, and 1 alarm. Traffic stops were 7 verbal warnings, 7 written warnings, and 1 citation. There were zero arrests.
Resolution 20160808 – Hartington Newcastle Public School – homecoming parade was introduced by Councilman Kruse. A motion to adopt the resolution was made by Addison and seconded by Bartling. A roll call vote was taken. Addison – yes, Bartling – yes, Kruse – yes, and Christensen – yes. Motion carried.
Resolution 20160808 A – Cedar Catholic – homecoming parade was introduced by Councilman Kruse. A motion to adopt the resolution was made by Addison and seconded by Bartling. A roll call vote was taken. Addison – yes, Bartling – yes, Kruse – yes, and Christensen – yes. Motion carried.
A Contract for Deed between the City of Hartington and the Hartington Rural Fire District was the next agenda item and was for the purchase of land to build the new fire hall. The cost for the city share is $28,697.37 and in payment of $9,565.79 over a three year period. Payments are to be made October each year. The council requested the deed be amended for the first payment to be October 2016, second October 2017 and third October 2018. A motion was made by Addison and seconded by Christensen to approve the Contract for Deed with the amended payment dates. A roll call was taken. Addison – yes, Christensen – yes, Kruse – yes, and Bartling – yes. Motion carried.
Department Reports.
PARK/POOL – Councilwoman Addison: None
COMPLEX/AUDITORIUM – Councilman Kruse: The complex rent from the schools was discussed.
For the 2016-2017 year the rent will remain the same as last year. An increase is being considered for next year and letters will be sent to the school prior to their budget meetings.
FIRE/AMBULANCE – Councilman Christensen: None
GENERAL- May Peitz: The next utility billing to include copies of the new garbage ordinance and the tree trimming ordinance.
Clerk Lenzen reminded the council of the budget workshop. A new open meeting law poster has been posted in the council room. The Legislature passed a law that electronic voting devices can be used at a public meeting. The GSI grant for grid water/sewer lines was not approved for this year. Requested the support of the council when city employees are implementing the new garbage ordinance.
Patty Guy expressed concerns regarding the sanitation department employees lifting heavy garbage containers. She felt the new garbage city ordinance was needed and the city council should support their employees as they try to carry out the policies of the city.
The following bills were presented for payment.
GENERAL: Aflac 544.68, BC/BS 8,294.20, Arbor Day 15.00, Cedar County Clerk 10.00, Cedar County News 232.12, EMC Insurance 9,851.51, Franklin Templeton 1,395.95, Hartelco 329.05, League of Municipalities 2,976.00, US Cellular 39.57, and Usable 86.00.
STREETS: Appeara 24.22, Bomgaars 139.67, Farmers Union 396.88, Grossenburg 801.71, Kruse 149.94, and NPPD 3,654.01.
WATER: Bomgaars 11.58, Hawkins 784.00, HHSLab 150.00, Hartelco 49.21, Hartington Shopper 29.60, League of Municipalities 603.00, NPPD 33.27, One Call 9.65, Peitz 36.47, P & E 15.00, US Cellular 48.49, and Wiechelman 33.82.
SEWER: Bomgaars 72.54, Hartelco 45.32, Hartington Shopper 29.60, Kruse 37.97, NPPD3,959.05, One Call 9.64, US Cellular 44.27, and USA Blue Book 867.83.
SANITATION: Bomgaars 93.63, and Hartington Shopper 29.60.
FIRE: Dearborn 120.40, Danko 15,457.12, Hartelco 45.61, NPPD 194.55, and US Cellular 42.20.
POLICE: Cedar County Sheriff 12,622.05.
AMBULANCE: Farmers Union 42.42, Hartelco 45.61, Matheson 137.42, NPPD 106.10, and US Cellular 42.20.
CEMETERY: Cedar Knox Rural Water 42.00, Farmers Union 63.52, and Grossenburg 87.17.
RECREATION: Kruse 13.48, and NPPD 44.22.
POOL: Hartelco 85.08, Kruse 20.96, and NPPD 1,216.67.
PARK: Bomgaars 208.75, Carhart 43.90, Farmers Union 91.10, Kruse 117.91, and NPPD 2,408.87.
COMPLEX: Bomgaars 40.32, Farmers Union 110.09, Hartelco 42.54, NPPD 711.82, Tri State 191.80, and X-Pert Lawn 1,375.00.
LIBRARY: D & J 73.14, Dollar General 43.54, Hartelco 150.77, and NPPD 582.87.
CITY HALL: Foodtown 28.11, Patty Guy 90.00, NPPD 196.26, and Security Shredding 35.00.
EC. DEV: Backroad Bar-B-Q 209.95, Carla Becker 235.81, Hartelco 53.47, NE Tech 2,400.00, and US Cellular 75.39.
TRANSFER STATION: Bomgaars 14.16, Deere Credit 521.34, Farmers Union 347.96, Hartelco 54.69, and Hartington Shopper 216.80.
A motion to pay the bills except the Kruse bill was made by Addison and seconded by Christensen. A roll call vote was taken. Addison – yes, Christensen – yes, Kruse – yes, and Bartling – yes. Motion carried. A motion to pay the Kruse bill was made by Addison and seconded by Christensen. A roll call vote was taken. Addison – yes, Christensen – yes, and Bartling – yes. Motion carried. Kruse abstained.
A motion to adjourn was made by Kruse and seconded by Christensen. A roll call vote was taken. Kruse – yes, Christensen – yes, Bartling – yes, and Addison – yes. The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 P.M. The next scheduled meeting is for August 22, 2016.
Respectfully submitted,
Crystal Lenzen
City Clerk ~ Treasurer
LEGAL NOTICEThe Cedar-Knox Public Power District Board of Directors set the following monthly meeting times and dates for 2016. Dates and times are subject to change.
Jan. 13, 2016 10 a.m.
Feb. 10, 2016 10 a.m.
March 9, 2016 10 a.m.
April 13, 2016 10 a.m.
May 11, 2016 8:30 a.m.
June 8, 2016 10 a.m.
July 13, 2016 10 a.m.
Aug. 10, 2016 10 a.m.
Sept. 14, 2016 10 a.m.
Oct. 12, 2016 8:30 a.m.
Nov. 9, 2016 8:30 a.m.
Dec. 14, 2016 10 a.m.
JULY 2016
AUTO: Stop N Go $807.15; Cedar Co Treasurer $485.50; Peitz $141.00; Pomps $18.50; Steffen’s Service $121.59.
CHEMICALS: Hawkins $9839.50; Aqua Pure, $1452.55; Linweld, $1297.97.
BLDG. MAIN: LCNRD $130.00.
CUSTOMER REFUND: St Helena, $2122.61; Obert $296.54; Kohles Acres, $525.28.
DEPRECIATION & BOND ACCT: Bank of Hartington $5000.00.
EMPLOYEE BENEFITS: LCNRD $549.18; Nathan Fischer $100.00; Cope Clark $100.00 LCNRD $607.98, $607.92 & $579.74; NARD, $9265.57.
OFFICE SUPPLIES: LEAF $84.14; Capital One $15.21; NeRWA $100.00; One Office Solution $327.94; LCNRD $125.00.
OPERATING SUPPLIES: Bomgaars $188.04; USA Blue Book, $357.55; Engineered Systems, $2078.13; Municipal Supply, $1840.53; Fastenal $124.45; Food Town $92.64; Nathan Fischer $95.74; Gary Eckmann $53.42 & $21.00; LCNRD, $70.00.
LEGAL NOTICE: NE Nebr News $33.04; Crofton Journal $4.91.
Bond & Interest: Bank of Hartington, $1243.75.
SYSTEM REPAIRS: One Call Concepts $52.23; Engineered Systems, $2078.13; Mariah Nelson $212.94; Yost Tree $185.00; Plumbing & Electric $3696.27.
TESTING: Capital One $293.75; Siouxland Health $156.00; Peitz GMC $20.50; Midwest Labs $226.06; Steffens $4.50; Dept of Health $300.00 & $336.00.
SALARIES & PERSONNEL EXP: LCNRD $745.00, $10433.91; $10252.15 & $10257.65.
TAXES: Dept. of Revenue: $2792.58; LCNRD, $762.86; $752.39 & $760.89.
UTILITIES: Cedar Knox PPD $5632.71 & $16.96; LCNRD, $100.00; US Cellular $39.31 & $60.60; Hartelco $150.12; Great Plains $200.36.
HOOKUPS: Plumbing & Electric $3300.75; Knox Co Deeds $10.00
Lewis & Clark NRD
July 2016
Auto: Capital 1, 31.86; Pomp’s 555.16; Pearson 361.17; Farmers Union 173.90; Stop N Go 365.77.
Chemigtion: Ken Koch 60.00; Heine Elec 48.50.
Employee Benefits: NARD 13937.21; Mid American 926.25 & 926.25; Aflac 447.00 & 447.00; Nationwide 2172.11, 3954.08 &2849.25; Amanda Schweers 42.77.
Office Sup & Postage: Food Town 46.54; Dollar General 2.65; Kruse’s 112.39; Great Am Lease 401.43; Hartelco 202.50; 1 Office 664.45; Bomgaars 199.46; Norfolk News 43.89; Capital 1 64.68.
Director Per Diem & Expense: Curtis Armstrong, 205.09; Bill Christensen 129.29; Capital 1 28.08; Mark Fehringer 216.88; Jack Fuchtman 322.61; Leroy Hoesing 177.16; Gary Howey 563.17; Dan Kollars 429.76; Marcel Kramer 402.14; Danny Schaefer 82.10; Matt Weinandt 159.21; Jeff Steffen 216.37.
Legal Notices: Monitor 45.31; Crofton Journal 4.91; NE Nebr News, 43.89.
Info & Educ: Cedar Catholic 40.00; NE Nebr News 32.00; Better Ponca Found 250.00; Tom Moser 107.65.
CDWC: Kaiser Heating 239.36; Koch Tramp 184.95; Capital 1 285.20.
Project Costs: Aqua Geo Framework 30600.00; USGS 5175.00; Peitz GMC 19.31; D&D Lawn 330.00; VFW 125.00; Ward Labs 214.66; UENRD 5418.00.
NRD Cost Share: V&G Ltd, 750.00; Terry Carlow, 750.00; Dave Starr, 1798.00.
SWAP: Reynold Tramp, 385.31 Develop District Holdings, Fays 100.00.
SWAP: Raleigh Burbach 962.00.
Utilities: Cedar Knox RWP 72.00; Hartington 174.45; NPPD 153.59; Hartelco 150.12; US Cellular 81.64;
Taxes: Dept of Rev 685.35, 2072.88, 157.22 & 1874.00; IRS 473.58, 4756.18, 8520.34 & 5264.98.
Building Main: Marylou Steffen 73.42,73.42 & 79.54; D&D Lawn Care 290.00.
Salaries & Personnel Exp: Airport Motel 53.00; NARD 220.50; Gisedge 1750.00; Amanda Schweers 711.57, 342.38, 342.38; Annette Sudbeck 1212.63, 1328.80; 1207.08; Capital One 157.49; Chad Reifenrath 1493.69; 1729.00 & 1437.07; Cope Clark 1530.39, 1420.83 & 1404.42; Diane Wieseler 858.11, 858.10 & 858.10; Gary Eckmann 2177.05, 2158.18 & 2098.29; Jeanne Rosen 863.38, 815.85 & 815.85; Marilyn Schumacher 1308.19, 1315.71 & 1283.32; Marla Wortmann 870.51, 886.37 & 870.51; Megan Wolfe 955.54; Myles Lammers 1034.05, 1004.58 & 1313.24; Nate Fischer 1213.42, 1326.04, & 1213.42, Tom Moser 2177.03, 6017.37 & 2177.02; Tom Olander 200.25 & 226.40.
2. Registered Office: 88653 Hwy. 81, Fordyce, NE 68736
3. General nature of the business to be transacted is to engage in any and all lawful business for which a limited liability company may be organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska.
4. Time of commencement and termination: February 25, 2016, and has a perpetual existence.
5. The affairs of the Limited Liability Company are to be conducted by the members.
Amy M. Eisenhauer
Attorney for Center Point Crop Insurance, LLC
P.O. Box 707, 201 North Broadway
Bloomfield, NE 68718
Bar I.D. # 23605
Notice is hereby given that Xpert Lawn & Landscaping, LLC, a Nebraska Limited Liability Company, is organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, with its initial designated agent Sean D. Moylan and designated office at 1010 South 120th Street, Suite 320, Omaha, Nebraska 68154. The purpose for which Xpert Lawn & Landscaping, LLC has been established is lawn and landscaping services, and any and all lawful businesses for which a limited liability company may be organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska. Perpetual existence commenced on August 25, 2016. Management of the company shall be vested in its Members.
1010 South 120th Street, Suite 320
Omaha, Nebraska 68154
The following described property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder at the west door of the Cedar County Courthouse, Hartington, Nebraska, on October 18, 2016 at 10:00 a.m.
A parcel of real estate located in the Northwest Quarter (NW¼) of Section Three (3), Township Thirty (30) North, Range One (1) East of the 6th P.M., Cedar County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: From the NW corner of the Northwest Quarter (NW¼) of Section Three (3), Township Thirty (30) North, Range One (1) East of the 6th P.M., Cedar County, Nebraska, thence East along Nebraska State Highway 84 R.O.W approximately 1557 feet to the point of beginning, thence due South 460 feet; thence due West 475 feet; thence due North approximately 460 feet to Highway 84 R.O.W.; thence East along said R.O.W. to the point of beginning, containing 5.01 acres, more or less; and
Part of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (S½SE¼SW¼) of Section Thirty-five (35), Township Thirty-one (31) North, Range One (1) East of the 6th P.M., Cedar County, Nebraska, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast Corner of said Southwest ¼, thence N01°54’34″W along the East line of said Southeast ¼ of the Southwest ¼ a distance of 69.60 feet to a point on the North R.O.W line of Nebraska State Highway 84, thence S88°12’32″W along the North R.O.W. line of said State Highway 84, a distance of 146.00 feet to a point of beginning, thence continuing S88°12’32″W along the North R.O.W. line of said State Highway 84, a distance of 567.73 feet, thence N01°08’45″W a distance of 531.10 feet, thence S89°09’17″E a distance 146.11 feet, thence N88°12’31″E a distance of 527.72 feet to a point on the West R.O.W. of Cedar County Roadway, thence S01°54’34″E along the said R.O.W. a distance of 297.70 feet, thence continuing along said R.O.W. on a curve to the right with a radius of 75.00 feet, curve length of 81.04 feet, chord bearing of S29°02’43″W and a chord length of 77.15 feet, thence continuing along said R.O.W. S60°00’00″W a distance of 83.11 feet, thence continuing along said R.O.W. S01°54’34″E a distance of 121.12 feet to the point of beginning, containing 7.76 acres, more or less.
David D. Knoff #21392
Kennedy Pier Knoff Loftus, LLP
410 N Broadway –
PO Box 867
Hartington, NE 68739
(402) 254-6600
Attorneys for Trustee,
Cedar Security Bank