

In accordance with the requirements of 92 NAC 51, on August 8th, 2016 at 10:00 a.m., a meeting conducted by Wynot Public Schools will take place at Wynot Public School. The purpose of the meeting will be to provide an opportunity for parents and representatives of non-public schools to participate in the development of a plan for providing special education services to children with disabilities who attend nonpublic schools and home schools which are within the Wynot district for the 2016-2017 school year. Parents of a home-schooled child or a child attending a nonpublic school who has been or may be identified with a disability and attend a non-public school within the boundaries of Wynot Public Schools, are urged to attend. If you have further questions pertaining to this meeting, please contact Jeffrey Messersmith at 402-357-2121.

Jeffrey L. Messersmith


Wynot Public Schools







July 12, 2016

The Cedar County Commissioners met in the Boardroom of the Cedar County Courthouse at 8:30 am and the meeting was called to order as advertised, with Jerry Wiese, David McGregor and Terry Pinkelman answering roll call. Also present County Clerk David Dowling. Chairman McGregor stated the open meetings laws are posted on the wall for public inspection.

Motion was made by Wiese and seconded by Pinkelman to approve the agenda. Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote. Motion was made by Pinkelman and seconded by Wiese to approve the minutes from the last meeting. Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote.

Road Supt., Schmidt presented 2 underground easements for district one approval. Commissioner Pinkelman reviewed and signed the applications. Discussion was held on purchasing a trailer for use to replace signs and be used by the sign technician.

Treasurer, Wiebelhaus presented the semi-annual report for the board to review and stated that she will be publishing the report in the paper. Wiebelhaus also presented information on unpaid taxes for the past three years.

At 10:30 motion was made by Wiese and seconded by Pinkelman to go into board of equalization. Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote. Also present in the meeting were assessor Don Hoesing and clerk David Dowling. First protest reviewed was on parcel 6657.01. The board reviewed the protest with the assessor and discussion was held on the values presented. Motion by Pinkelman seconded by Wiese to direct the assessor to make adjustment to parcel 6657.01. Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote. Next protest was on parcels 3990 and 3941 and the protest was reviewed with the assessor and it was determined that the protest didn’t have a valid reason. Motion was made by McGregor and seconded by Wiese to deny the protest as presented. Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote. Next protest was on parcel 5753.03 and was reviewed with assessor and information presented with the protest was also reviewed. Motion was made by McGregor and seconded by Pinkelman to direct assessor to adjust to purchase price. Motion carried with 3 to 0 vote. Next protest was on parcel 6680 and information was reviewed with assessor as presented. Motion was made by Wiese and seconded by McGregor to direct assessor to adjust to requested amount. Motion carried with 3 to 0 vote. Next protest was on parcel 6358 and information and motion was made by Wiese and seconded by McGregor to direct the assessor to adjust to the requested amount. Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote. Next protest was on parcel 6168 and was reviewed with the assessor. Motion was made by Wiese and seconded by Pinkelman to deny protest as presented. Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote. Next protest was on parcel number143and was represented by the owner presenting information for the board to consider. Motion was made by Pinkelman and seconded by McGregor to direct assessor to make an adjustment to the property valuation. Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote. Next protest was on 1120.01 and the assessor presented information on the property. Motion was made by McGregor and seconded by Wiese to deny the property protest. Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote. Motion was made by McGregor and seconded Pinkelman to accept real property changes on the following parcels: Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote.

Motion was made by Pinkelman and seconded by McGregor to accept personal property on omitted properties on the following properties: Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote. Motion was made by McGregor and seconded by Pinkelman to adjourn board of equalization and to reconvene back into regular session of board of commissioners. Motion carried with a 3 to 0 vote.

Dave Sudbeck then met with board to discuss a couple of zoning issues and then also stated he has been notified on several noxious weed areas in the county.

Liquor license application from the Dam Fish Shack was reviewed and a motion was made by Pinkelman and seconded by McGregor to approve the application as presented. Motion carried with commissioners Wiese, McGregor and Pinkelman voting in favor.

Monthly fee reports from Sheriff and Clerk of District court were presented and reviewed by the commissioners.

With no further business or agenda items the following claims were reviewed and signed for payment and the meeting was declared adjourned.

GENERAL FUND: Total Salaries 139,443.97; Aflac 1,005.81; Blue Cross-Blue Shield 43,302.40; IRS 13,277.56; Social Security, 20,946.46; First Concord Benefits Group LLC 1,600.01; Lincoln National Life Ins. 715.22; Mass Mutual 1,970.00; Nationwide Retirement Solutions 50.00; Nebraska Child Support Payment Center 300.00; Nebraska Dept. of Revenue 4,585.26; Retirement Plans Div. of Ameritas 15,577.54; Washington Natl. Insurance Co. 57.75; Art Kathol Appliance 376.34; Arts Garbage Service 152.00; Bomgaars 49.99; Butler County Landfill Inc. 23,613.30; Carhart Lumber Co. 81.65; Cedar County Clerk of Dist. Court 104.12; Cedar County Court 219.00; Cedar-Knox Public Power District 228.48; Central Valley Ag 34.87; Charles W. Campbell PC 306.56; City of Hartington 487.72; Claritus 231.21; Climate Systems Inc. 807.47; Colonial Research Chemical Corp 207.20; Consolitated Management 326.18; Cummins Central Power 2,669.97; D & J Variety 49.26; DAS State Accountying 448.00; Des Moines Stamp MFG Co 56.00; Dodge County 3,384.14; Eakes Office Solutions 3,061.92; Farmers Union Gas 37.23; Feilmeier Electric 63.46; Floor Maintenance & Supply 122.16; Food Town 657.45; Gov Connection Inc. 181.86; Great American Leasing 77.00; Hampton Inn 178.00; Hartelco 2,300.86; Hartelco 139.99; Hartington Shopper 621.40; Hometown Leasing 567.33; Jim Jansen 17.94; Kathleen M. Jorgensen 397.44; Kardell’s Auto 242.90; Kevin Loftus 1,164.88; David D Knoff 3,500.00; Larry Koranda 148.32; Kruse True Value 131.91; MIPS Inc 3,279.21; Nebr. Law Enforcement Train Center 95.00; Nebr. Public Power Dist. 2,004.12; Northeast Nebr. Juvenile Services 131.25; Northeast Nebr. News Co 959.81; Omaha World Herald 96.20; Pepsi Cola of Norfolk 31.25; Pierce County Sheriff Dept 32.25; McKae Pinkelman 974.50; Presto X 47.27; Quill Corp 82.76; Region IV Inc 3,195.50; Roger Schwartz 12.00; Joseph M. Smith 513.75; Source Gas 101.92; Steffen Drug 56.98; Jackie Steffen 270.17; John Thomas 1,541.88; Thomson West 246.00; University of Nebr-Lincoln 45.00; US Cellular 219.52; Verizon Wireless 80.02; Veterans Information Service 55.00; Voyager Fleet Systems Inc. 2,202.87; Voyager Fleet Systems Inc 212.60; Western Office 175.25; Janet Wiechelman 248.24; Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan 139.14

ROAD FUND: Total Salaries 89,436.19; Aflac 519.22; IRS 8,802.45; Social Security 13,599.54; BCBS

32,540.72; First Concord Benefits Group LLC 75.00; Mass Mutual 20.00; Nationwide Retirement Solutions 50.00; Nebraska Dept. of Revenue 3,066.31; Retirement Plans Div. of Ameritas 9,949.07; Washington Natl Insurance Co 49.40; Appeara 126.69; B’s Enterprises Inc. 1,464.50; Backus Sand & Gravel 22,065.96; Berner’s Service 1,119.40; Bomgaars 537.94; Carhart Lumber Co. 128.71; Cedar County Auto Parts Inc. 115.69; Cedar-Knox Public Power District 175.49; Cedar-Knox Rural Water Project 36.40; Central Valley Ag 103.30; Century Link 113.52; City of Hartington 50.00; City of Laurel 85.65; Coleridge Welding Inc. 117.75; Crop Production Services 139.98; Crossroads Catering 400.00; Dendinger Trucking Inc. 12,499.76; Dinkels 158.64; Farmers Pride 2,029.16; Farmers Union Gas & Oil 576.57; Filter Care of Nebr 250.30; Folkers Bros Garage 12,688.25; Gamma Scientific 325.00; Gill Hauling Inc. 15.50; Great Plains Communications Inc. 178.82; Grossenburg Imp 3,769.99; Hansen Brothers Parts & Service 266.98; Hartelco 213.06; Hefner Oil & Feed Co. 4,187.11; Heimes Trucking LLC 8,948.00; Hotel Grand 189.90; Jeffres Trucking LLC 8,789.62; Jerry’s Service Inc. 1,821.72; Kardell’s Auto 15.00; Karl Koch 487.50; Kayton Int. Inc 515.71; Kellen & Streit Inc. 9,388.45; Kimball Midwest 162.20; Kody Knudsen 320.31; Jerome Kuehn 11.00; Leiting Auto Supply 48.72; LG Everist Inc. 26,627.16; Mainelli Wagner & Assoc. 4,662.69; Mark’s Machinery 265.80; Master Tech Auto Clinic 129.52; Medical Ent. Inc. 93.00; Midwest Service & Sales 43,280.20; Nebraska Public Power Dist. 127.83; NMC Exchange LLC 1,414.38; NMC Exchange LLC 5,430.23; NMC Exchange LLC 790.98; Northeast Nebr. Telephone 51.64; Peitz GMC Service 83.63; Plumbing & Elec. 3,637.50; Pomp’s Tire Serv. 151.50; Randolph Farm Supply 2,032.98; RDO Truck Center 4,440.95; Riverview Sand and Gravel 2,442.60; Ron’s Auto Glass 250.00; S & S Willers Inc. 6,528.24; Carla Schmidt 189.00; Source Gas 105.79; Spencer Quarries Inc. 4,226.67; Stop N Go 88.28; Sudbeck Heating & Cooling 5,780.00; Sweetman Construction 19,873.82; TJ’s Repair 56.64; US Cellular 226.65; Village of Wynot 86.20; Voyager Fleet Systems 321.61; Wattier True Value 5.29; Wiebelhaus Serv. 20.00; Wiechelman Repair 172.82; Wynot Oil Co 6,620.98.

CEDAR COUNTY TRANSIT FUND: Avera Medical Group 25.00; Carol Bruning 937.56; City of Hartington 200.00; Farmers Union Gas & Oil 611.80; Mary Rose Pinkelman 2,000.00; Stop N Go 142.79; Garald Uhing 590.00; US Cellular 46.46; Claudet Wege 1,362.06.

HOMELAND SECURITY FUND: Bucks Big Storage LLC 400.00; Dell Marketing LP 1,889.60; Gov Connection Inc. 48.70; ID Wholesaler 20,695.35 JEO Consulting Group Inc. 1,581.00; Midwest Card & ID Solutions 15,669.48.

E 911 WIRELESS FUND: Century Link 297.89; Hartelco 539.82.

ENHANCED 911 FUND: Century Link 133.84; Eastern Nebr. Telephone 167.08; Great Plains Communications Inc. 123.72; Hartelco 470.99; MAG Instrument Inc. 130.00; Northeast Nebr Tele. 377.81; Provantage LLC 690.75; Terracon Consultants Inc 3,300.00.


Board Chairman,

David McGregor


County Clerk, David Dowling






WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of Hartington, Nebraska, pursuant to the power and authority contained in Neb.Rev.Stat 17-405.01, have determined that it is proper to include within the corporate limits the hereinafter described lands which are contiguous to the corporate limits as defined in Neb.Rev.Stat. 17-405.02; and

WHEREAS, said land is currently owned by the Hartington Community Development Corporation for the purpose of expansion of Hartington’s business/industrial district making it urban in character.


Section 1. The corporate limits of the City of Hartington, Nebraska are extended to include the following described real property:

1. Lot 4 of Outlot 1, Peitz Subdivision, in the S½ of the SE¼ of Section 35, Township 31 North, Range 1 East, of the 6th P.M., Cedar County, Nebraska

Section 2. A copy of the Plat Map filed with the Office of the City Clerk of Hartington, Nebraska shall be filed and recorded in the office of the Cedar County Clerk and Register of Deeds and the Cedar County Assessor together with a certified copy of this ORDINANCE declaring such annexation, under the seal of the City of Hartington.

Section 3. Thereupon the annexation of the afore-described properties shall be complete and it shall be deemed and held to be a part of the original corporate city, and the inhabitants thereof shall thereafter enjoy the privileges and benefits of such annexation, and be subject to the ordinances and regulations of the City of Hartington, Nebraska.

Section 4. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and approval and publication as required by law.

PASSED and APPROVED this 11th day of July, 2016.










Regular Meeting

July 18, 2016

7:30 p.m.

Dan Thoene called the meeting to order. Present were board members, Charles Kramer, Tom Pinkelman, Doug Stevens and Roger Becker. Also present were Jerry Pollard, Village Attorney, and Diane Limoges, Village Clerk.

Doug Stevens made a motion to accept the minutes of the June 20 Regular Meeting. Tom Pinkelman seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Roger Becker made a motion to accept the Treasures Report. Tom Pinkelman seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The following claims were submitted for payment: Arts Garbage Service, $1203.40, Becker, Roger, $120.00, Cedar County News, $31.96, Cedar Knox Public Power District, $679.22, Cedar Knox Rural Water Project, $2016.50, Great Plains Comm., $76.92, Internal Revenue Service, $855.68, Kramer, Charles, $160.00, NE Department of Revenue, $186.94, Nebraska Department of Revenue, $95.00, Nebraska Rural Water Association, $100.00, Peitz GMC Inc., $10.29, Pinkelman, Tom, $140.00, Pollard, Jerry Atty., $75.00, Stevens, Doug, $300.00, Thoene, Dan, $365.47, US Postal Service, $47.00, Wiebelhaus Service, $95.31, Limoges, Diane, $602.65, Wubben, David, $418.22. Tom Pinkelman made a motion to accept the claims as submitted. Roger Becker seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Doug Stevens made a motion to pass Ordinance 6-109A setting water rates at $24.00 per month, plus $5.25 per thousand gallons of water. Tom Pinkelman seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Construction of a Maintenance Building was once again discussed. The board members authorized approaching landowners of potential sites enquiring of the cost of the land. The building itself was tabled until the actual site has been determined and the land purchased.

Charles Kramer made a motion to adjourn. Doug Stevens second the motion. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned @ 8:45

Diane Limoges/

Village Clerk






June 13, 2016

The Regular Meeting of the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of St. Helena, Nebraska was held on June 13, 2016 at 6:30 P.M. at the St. Helena Village Hall. Notice of the meeting was given in advance by posting in three public places within the Village of St. Helena.

Present were Chairman Victor Paltz, Trustees Jody Albrecht, Loren Bender, Audrey Pinkelman and Clerk Paula Pinkelman. Clair Wieseler was absent.

Minutes of the May 9, 2016 meeting were read and approved with a motion by Victor Paltz and seconded by Jody Albrecht with all in favor.

A motion was made by Loren Bender and seconded by Audrey Pinkelman to approve the financial report as read with all in favor.

The following claims were submitted for payment for the month of June 2016: General Fund: St. Helena Store $52.99, Cedar-Knox PPD $272.18, Northeast NE News Co. $27.54, EMC Insurance Co. $2,938.55, Concrete Materials $2,588.24, Victor Paltz $279.78, Jody Albrecht $124.67, Audrey Pinkelman $103.89, Clair Wieseler $41.56, Loren Bender $124.67, Paula Pinkelman $323.22, Nicholas Paltz $111.47, Zachary Paltz $91.84. Water Fund: Cedar-Knox PPD $103.91, NDEQ $8,325.58, Victor Paltz $17.75. Sewer Fund: Village of Wynot $760.00, Cedar-Knox PPD $16.50, Victor Paltz $31.00.

A motion was made by Loren Bender and seconded by Jody Albrecht to pay the bills for this month with all in favor.

The water tower was inspected and is reported to be in good shape on all the but the interior which is rated “like new”.

Concrete Materials has delivered several loads of course gravel. We will need a few additional loads for spots that were not completed and to have some on hand for future use.

The culvert on 6th and Nette has been replaced.

There have been a couple of issues brought to the board members attention. The first issue involves a resident’s dog being off premises and not on a leash. The second issue involves a resident’s garbage blowing onto other resident’s property. The clerk will send a letter to the residents that are of concern.

Resolution #111 regarding the final version of the Hazard Mitigation Plan was presented to the board members. Jody Albrecht made a motion to approve Resolution #111 and Audrey Pinkelman seconded the motion with all in favor. Vote take 4 YAY 0 NAY 1 Absent.

Resolution #112 regarding the Local Emergency Operations Plan was presented to the board members. Jody Albrecht made a motion to approve Resolution #112 and Audrey Pinkelman seconded the motion with all in favor. Vote taken 4 YAY 0 NAY 1 Absent.


An Ordinance Setting Water Rates

Be it Ordained by the Chairman and Board of Trustees of the Village of Fordyce Nebraska as follows:

All consumers of water connected to the Village of Fordyce water systems shall pay for water received through the system at the rate of $24.00 per month, plus $5.25 per thousand gallons of water, commencing August 1, 2016 and payable commencing September 1, 2016.

Dated: 7-18-16

Dan Thoene,

Board Chairman

ATTEST: Diane Limoges,

Village Clerk

The next meeting will be July 11, 2016 at 6:30 P.M. at the St. Helena Village Hall. With no further business to discuss Loren Bender made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 P.M. and Jody Albrecht seconded the motion with all in favor.






Student Fee Policy

Public Notice is hereby given, in compliance with the provisions of Nebraska State Statutes 79-2134 that the governing body of Educational Service Unit #1 will meet on the 9th day of August 2016, at 5:25 p.m. at the Central office located at 211 Tenth Street, Wakefield, NE (Conference Room B). Said special public hearing will include a review of the current Student Fee Policy and the application of said policy by ESU #1 for the 2016-17 school year.

The purpose of the special public hearing is to discuss, consider, and receive input and suggested modifications to the Student Fee Policy.








Department of

Environmental Quality

Water Quality Division

Lincoln, Nebraska

Pursuant to the Neb. Rev. Stat. 54-2425 (4) as amended, the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (Department) is issuing notice to provide an opportunity for any interested person to submit written comments on the proposed decision for the following animal feeding operation.

This Public Notice will have a comment period beginning July 27, 2016, through August 29, 2016. Comments made should pertain to issues for which the Department has authority under the Livestock Waste Management Act (Neb. Rev. Stat. Section 54-2416 through 54-2438).

Austen Stewart

Kelbert Farms, LLC

57424 887th Rd

Newcastle, NE 68757

The proposed livestock waste control facility (LWCF) is located in the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 11, Township 31 North, Range 03 East, Cedar County, Nebraska. The application as submitted is for a proposed maximum of 2,499 head of swine over 55 pounds or 6,000 head of swine under 55 pounds.

The applicant proposes to construct one building with an underfloor deep pit.

The Department has reviewed the application to ensure compliance with the Livestock Waste Management Act and Title 130–Livestock Waste Control Regulations. Currently, the Department intends to issue a Construction and Operating Permit for the proposed LWCF. Upon completing a review of any written comments received, NDEQ will make a final decision on the permit application and respond to any comments.

The application and other public information is available for review and copying between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (CT), weekdays at the Department’s Office, Suite 400, The Atrium, 1200 N Street, Lincoln, Nebraska, telephone (402) 471-2186. Individuals requiring special accommodations or alternate formats of materials should notify the Department by calling (402) 471-2186. TDD users should call (800) 833-7352 and ask the relay operator to call the Department at (402) 471-2186. Please include the above name and legal description of the animal feeding operation.

All comments should be sent to: Agriculture Section, Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality, P.O. Box 98922, Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-8922.








Case No. 16-26


Notice is hereby given that on the 9th day of May, 2016, a petition was filed in the District Court of Cedar County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is for the change of the petitioner’s name from Alice M. Jaeger to Alice M. Klug.

A hearing will be had on said petition before the Honorable Paul J. Vaughn, Cedar County District Court Judge, in the Courtroom of the Cedar County Courthouse, thereafter as will be convenient for the Court and that unless sufficient cause is shown to the contrary, the petitioner’s name will be changed from that of Alice M. Jaeger to Alice M. Klug.

Dated this 29th day of June, 2016

Archbold Law office, LLP

Amy M. Eisenhauer, #23605

201 N. Broadway — P.O Box 707

Bloomfield, NE 68718

Phone: (402) 373-4240

/fax (402) 373-2890


Attorney for the Petitioner






Estate of Laura M. Martindale

Estate No. PR15-2

Notice is hereby given that a final account and report of administration and a Petition for complete settlement, probate of Will, and determination of heirs, and determination of inheritance tax have been filed and are set for hearing in the County Court of Cedar County, Nebraska, located at Hartington, Nebraska, on Aug. 17th, 2016, at or after 8:30 o’clock a.m.

Jill K. Martindale

4710 N. Paseo Aquimuri

Tucson, AZ 85750


Lance C. Carlson, #20674

Carlson Law Office

P.O. Box 458

Randolph, NE 68771


Attorney for Personal






Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Commissioners of Cedar County, Nebraska, at the office of the County Clerk at Hartington, Nebraska, until 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, August 9, 2016, at which time they will be publicly opened in the County Board of Commissioners Room for furnishing:

One New Truck Tractor/

Day Cab

Specifications and bid forms may be obtained at the office of the County Highway Superintendent, Hartington, Nebraska.

Bidders are to submit descriptive literature and detailed specifications for each unit bid. Separate bids are requested for each unit.

The Board of Commissioner of Cedar County, Nebraska, reserves the right to reject any and all bids.

Published by Order of the Board of Commissioners of Cedar County, Nebraska.

Cedar County Board –

District One



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